Chaos' Heir

Chapter 703 Reporters

Chapter 703 Reporters

The scientists couldn't deny that the array of spells above their heads had filled them with fear. Even the three fourth-level warriors knew they were outclassed, and that feeling didn't disappear after the various spears and needles vanished.

Every eye in the classroom fell back on Khan, and realizations unfolded. The experts were rational and perceptive people. They could see right through Khan, and terror spread.

Khan didn't move. He didn't focus or sweat. Everyone understood that he wasn't even trying, but the outcome had been overwhelming nonetheless. Those techniques were as easy as breathing for him but could still produce outstanding effects.

The scientists weren't seasoned warriors but had seen many geniuses in real life and through recordings. Yet, that simple demonstration filled them with a firm certainty. Khan was a true and unparalleled monster.

Of course, the network was already flooded with similar rumors and official reports, but seeing Khan's power first-hand left a deeper impression on the scientists. Many actually started wondering whether the news was watered down to hide how strong he truly was.

Usually, high-status figures would be happy to have such an incredible soldier fighting for them. However, the situation was complicated due to the political and scientific implications. Unparalleled strength often prevented any chance of control, and some experts wanted to have leverage over Khan.

Khan let the silence stretch to inspect the scientists' reactions. He didn't expect the general awe since it was too pure for figures who wanted to exploit him, but everything else felt normal.

'Maybe they are more upright than I thought,' Khan considered.

Eventually, Abraham lifted his hand, and Khan allowed him to break the silence by nodding. "Major, I'm afraid I don't understand. You clearly have mastered both theories to invent a new field. How can't you directly translate such a new field?"

The question was almost inevitable, and Abraham had worded it far better than the tanned woman. Khan even had to hold back a sigh. Abraham's doubt was on point, but Khan couldn't let him believe that. Luckily, he had prepared a suitable justification.

"Humans don't explore this too much," Khan announced, "But the mana has wildly different properties, especially in my case."

Even without mentioning the mana anomaly, the experts agreed with Khan. His element was too unique and wild to fit with the rest of the field.

"I can't create a general method because I never mastered it," Khan continued. "I always adapted every technique to my unique situation. What I know works because I'm the one using it."

The explanation solved some doubts but gave birth to new ones. After all, Khan could do the opposite since he had already adapted general techniques to his situation. He could even reach similar results by working on individual cases.

Still, Khan didn't want the Global Army to force him to create individual techniques for every promising individual. He would waste years of his life on a task that was potentially endless otherwise, so he continued to address the topic.

"The Global Army probably wants to recreate my techniques through synthetic mana," Khan added. "I wouldn't even know where to begin there. That's why I'll leave that part to you, esteemed experts."

Khan's tone had felt slightly sarcastic near the end of his speech, but the scientists swallowed their pride. It didn't matter how disrespectful Khan was. The power he held was real, and the potential applications made the audience's eyes shine with interest.

A few scientists understood that Khan was exaggerating to save himself from additional tasks. Still, that was only the first lesson, and they had seen enough to know the value of those techniques. Everyone silently agreed to keep their mouths shut, for now, at least.

Since everyone looked content with the latest explanation, Khan finally began his lesson, starting from the theory behind the Nele's techniques.

That was another planned move due to the difficulty of the task. Khan hoped to delay the scientists' learning process as long as possible to protect himself. The Niqols' basic techniques were too close to his core abilities, so teaching them might put him at risk.

Besides, Khan knew the Global Army must have learned something about the foundation of the Niqols' techniques. After all, he wasn't the only survivor of Nitis' outbreak. George probably didn't say anything, but Kelly was a completely different story, and a proper lesson might enlighten the experts in that field.

Revealing Jenna's teachings didn't feel good either, but Khan knew how she would respond. She would say that those were Khan's techniques now, for him to use as he wished. That was the kind of woman she was.

Obviously, the scientists had no idea how even to begin to approach the Nele's basics. They lacked the senses, understanding, and broad minds to accept such drastically different methods, but Khan knew that. People who had seen mana as nothing more than fuel their whole lives would consider it absurd to try to talk to it.

Still, Khan remained surprised and partially worried about the experts' dedication. No one complained. No one gave up. Everyone tried their best to follow Khan's instructions and learn that new field. As for their reasons, Khan had no way of knowing.

In a different situation, Khan would have loved to have such enthusiastic students, but the reality was different. He was giving away personal secrets to potential enemies, proving once again how serious the Global Army was about the matter.

Luckily for Khan, Major General Arngan had worked out favorable terms for his promotion. The lessons barely lasted two hours, so Khan had every right to send the scientists away once the appointed time arrived.

Sadly, Khan had no power over the actual scientists or their influence. Even the Headmistress couldn't help, and the reporters knew it. Hordes of bystanders were waiting in appointed areas outside the embassy, and the experts didn't hesitate to share their impressions.

Khan didn't head out right away but watched the crowds of reporters gathering around the scientists from one of the embassy's roofs. His phone was in his hand as he waited for updates on the network. He didn't care about the audience's feedback, but those experts held enough influence to force him to change his teaching pace.

Of course, the actual progress depended on the scientists' learning pace, but their complaints could still hurt Khan, and he didn't want his first assignment as a Major to appear as a failure.

While peeking from the embassy's roof, a luxurious ride approached, and Khan only had to glance at it to understand what was happening. The cab landed a few meters from him, forcing the escorting soldiers to step aside, and Monica soon came out of it.

"You know they'll want your take," Monica announced, walking toward Khan. "As beautiful as I am, the reporters are getting tired of me."

"You are indeed beautiful," Khan replied, letting Monica take his hand and kiss him.

"How did it go, dear?" Monica asked, caressing Khan's uniform to remove any crease.

Khan peeked past his shoulder to glare at the escorting soldiers, who understood the silent order. They left the roof, stepping back inside the embassy to give the couple privacy.

"They are more serious than I expected," Khan stated, turning his head to look at the crowd downstairs again. "They aren't even questioning the validity of my explanations."

"I'm not surprised," Monica admitted. "You are the best the new generation has to offer. Many think you'll change all those old geezers are currently teaching."

"They weren't all old," Khan pointed out, "And has my lovely fiancée anything to do with those beliefs?"

"It's not my fault if they keep asking for my honest opinion," Monica said, feigning innocence. "I'm already refraining from saying I like your ring better."

Khan couldn't help but glance at Monica's left hand. She wore both rings, but the luxurious one came from her family. As much as she liked its meaning, she still preferred the simple one bought by Khan.

"I should be lucky they aren't asking about our personal life," Khan chuckled.

"Oh, they are," Monica nodded, "But I don't give them any details. You have enough sluts chasing you as it is."

"We are literally engaged," Khan commented.

"We don't want anyone thinking you might accept a mistress," Monica said.

"Is it common among married descendants?" Khan wondered. "You know, today's lesson made me think about Jenna."

"You keep that witch and any other slut out of your mind," Monica warned, glaring at Khan, "Or I'll take things into my own hands."

"Like you did last night?" Khan teased.

"And this morning," Monica snorted.

"I'm pretty sure this morning was all me," Khan responded.

"You ruined my favorite lingerie again," Monica snorted again, "So it was all me."

"It was worth it," Khan smirked, and Monica tried to pout, but her mouth broke into a smile when he kissed her.

"Come on, dear," Monica called, wrapping her arms around Khan's neck. "Deal with the interviews and take me home. I miss you."

"We should hurry then," Khan stated, taking Monica's waist into his hands.

"I instructed the driv-," Monica tried to say, but a short scream interrupted her line. Khan had jumped off the roof, taking her with him.

"You scoundrel!" Monica shouted, but her scream soon turned into a laugh. Her tension vanished as she let Khan handle every aspect of the flight. Her sole interest became holding tight and kissing him, which was exactly what she did as Khan descended toward the crowd of reporters.

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