Chaos' Heir

Chapter 672 Handsome

Chapter 672  Handsome

The noble guard caught Prince Samuel by the collar before he could hit the floor. Still, he didn't lift him up and carefully lay him down.

The guard peeked at the couple afterward, and their faces told him everything he needed to know. Khan and Monica deciphered the Prince's last line, showing calm awareness at his worried expression.

The secret wasn't news to Khan and Monica. Anastasia, Wayne, and other peculiar situations had long since hinted at Khan's special background. That hypothesis was almost certain by then, and more clues appeared as Khan climbed the political ladder.

Now, a person who could clear doubts about Khan's background was lying right before him. The previous insult also gave him an edge to exploit in an eventual interrogation. Still, Khan knew that silence was the best option.

Khan couldn't really suppress his urges anymore. His curiosity had skyrocketed, and the guard's expression continued fueling it. Yet, the political environment was more dangerous than most battlefields, and he wasn't treading it alone.

It stood to reason that many parties interested in Khan knew he had uncovered his past. However, the matter could be ignored as long as he feigned ignorance and avoided doing anything with that intel.

It was unclear what would happen if Khan started actively looking for answers or exploiting benefits. Enemies that no one could stop or even see coming might intervene, destroying every aspect of his life.

Khan was ready to face anything, but his love for Monica trampled his irrational urges. He still didn't know what the political world would unleash to protect that secret, and his personal power wasn't enough to shield her from those threats.

Besides, Khan was getting there. The Prince's slip-up proved that. Khan was steadily approaching the place containing the answers he sought, and things were bound to pick up the pace in the next period.

The noble guard straightened his position and ran his eyes through the ballroom. The attendants were the most shocked in the area but couldn't utter anything against him. His actions would go unnoticed if he reported them to the right people, leaving only one issue.

"Apologies, Captain Khan, Miss Solodrey," The noble guard announced, politely bowing toward the couple. "The Prince wasn't himself today."

Khan and Monica were the only party outside the guard's control, so he had to perform that gesture to close the matter. The man spoke for the Prince, so his action's relevance was immense. Even the wealthiest families would accept them and forget the issue, at least publicly.

Monica was also ready to forget about the matter and let her family handle it. She would gain much more by sending higher-ups against fellow higher-ups, reinforcing her position and relationship.

Nevertheless, Monica wasn't alone. Khan could choose to be patient toward the secrets about his background, but the Prince had insulted his girlfriend and had tried to take advantage of her through his status. He had killed for far less.

"Denied," Khan said before Monica could do anything.

"What?" The noble guard gasped, lifting his head, and the attendants showed similar reactions. Monica was also surprised, but one look at her man shattered years of political education. That was the only stance she couldn't even try to resist.

"I didn't come here to see my future fiancée get insulted," Khan declared. "If this is the Rassec family's hospitality, I must decline my duties. I'll convey my decision to Prince Rick personally."

"Captain!" The noble guard called as soon as Khan started to turn. "Please, be reasonable."

Few words in the world could make Khan snap, and the guard had just uttered them. Khan turned, and the man's eyes went wide. He instinctively stepped back to stand before the fainted Prince, and his knees relaxed to prepare for a fight.

Khan didn't do anything special, but the guard could see the mood behind his cold face. Khan's eyes were on fire and magnetic. The man could only look into them and know how much he cared about the matter.

"Miss Solodrey," The noble guard called, mustering the entirety of his strength to look at Monica. He hoped she would realize how tied his hands were, but disappointment awaited him.

"Khan is defending my honor," Monica stated. "You won't blame me if it turns me on. After all, the entire Global Army knows how much of a whore I am."

The matter could have been dropped before, but things had just changed. People could have feigned ignorance since Khan had interrupted the Prince, but Monica had turned it into a real problem by completing that line.

The noble guard held back a curse and watched as Khan pulled Monica closer. She showed him a playful pout while letting her back adhere to his right side, but coldness returned when she looked at the man again.

Khan also focused on the guard again while his hand remained sealed on Monica's side. He stayed silent, but his face revealed that things weren't over. Still, he needed the man to beg a bit more before offering a way out.

"I apologize again," The noble guard uttered, straightening his position to perform another bow. "Please, how can I make this right? If it's within my power, I'll comply."

"You can't do anything," Khan explained, nodding at the young man lying behind the guard. "I must hear formal apologies from Prince Samuel."

A wave of surprise swept the room, and Monica was no stranger to it. She knew Khan had something in mind, but that exceeded what was allowed. Even her mother couldn't request public apologies from a noble. That stuff had to be handled privately.

Of course, Monica didn't let any of her surprise appear in the open, but her mana was bound to tell Khan how she felt. Still, the hand on her side remained firm. Khan was unwavering, and his stance filled Monica with cozy warmth.

The noble guard pondered about the request for a few seconds before coming up with a compromise. A public apology from the Prince was simply impossible, but he could still hope to push the problem into more private settings. Yet, the universe seemed to be against him that day.

One of the ballroom's doors suddenly opened, and three figures strode inside. The attendants had to suppress more gasps when they recognized the newcomers, and the noble guard's heart sank for the same reasons.

As for Khan, his eyes lit up when the symphony updated him on the situation. He and Monica turned simultaneously, and faint smiles appeared before those familiar figures.

"I told you they were here," Princess Edna exclaimed, pointing at the couple.

"Your memory of this place is praiseworthy considering the few visits," Ron praised.

"Princess Edna," Khan called, performing a polite nod.

"Edna," Monica announced. "What a pleasure to meet you again."

"Monica!" Princess Edna almost shouted, hurrying forward to take Monica's hands. Khan let the two women reunite, and his eyes darted between the noble guards.

"Jack, Ron," Khan greeted.

"Captain," Ron nodded, but Jack remained silent. His eyes even showed uncommon concentration, and Khan was at their center.

'He sees death,' Khan sighed. 'He knows.'

"Captain," Princess Edna called, peeking past Monica to look at Khan. "Did something happen? You are far more handsome than the complimenting my man. His looks are just for me to appreciate."

last time."

"Edna," Monica cleared her throat, slightly pulling the Princess' hands to bring her focus on her. "Please, refrain from complimenting my man. His looks are just for me to appreciate."

"Miss Solodrey is right," Ron uttered. "A Princess shouldn't hand out compromising compl-."

"And you," Princess Edna interrupted, checking Monica from head to toe. "You are making me so jealous. Maybe I should ask you to share Captain Khan with me."

"Princess!" Ron shouted. "That's improper on many leve-."

"Ron, you are such a prude," Princess Edna giggled, her smile widening when Monica's expression flickered.

"I'll resume calling you Miss Virrai if you say that again," Monica said in the politest tone she could muster, even if something had already snapped inside her mind.

"You are at your cutest when you are jealous," Princess Edna teased, letting go of Monica's hands to hug her. "I missed you."

"I'm serious, Edna," Monica commented. "Khan is mine."

"I know, I know," Princess Edna laughed, but eyes soon fell on an interesting scene. She couldn't see it before, but hugging Monica granted her a clear line of vision toward the noble guard and the fainted Prince Samuel.

"What happened here?" Princess Edna questioned, separating from Monica to approach the noble guard.

The noble guard had almost fallen into despair. Princess Edna's friendship with Khan and Monica was more than famous. She was the only political ally that could force Prince Samuel's hand, so he had to defuse the situation before it was too late.

"Only a misunderstanding, Princess," The noble guard lied, a polite smile shining on his face. "We were on our wa-."

"Captain, what happened?" Princess Edna interrupted, her gaze fixed on the fainted Prince.

"Prince Samuel insulted Monica," Khan revealed. "I was requesting a formal apology."

"He did?" Princess Edna asked, turning to find answers on Monica's face. She didn't nod, but her cold look at the fainted Prince said enough.

"Princess," Ron intervened. "We shouldn't get ourselves involved-."

"Not now, Ron," Princess Edna ordered, addressing Prince Samuel's noble guard. "Milo, right? Wake up the Prince."

"Princess!" Ron called, stepping forward to reach the Princess' side.

"I want to go shopping," Princess Edna commented, "And Monica won't come until this is over, so hurry up."

Milo was cornered, and noticing Ron's helpless expression worsened his mood. He knew there was no way out of that situation. He could only keep lying and hope the Princess would eventually give up.

"Princess Edna, Prince Samuel is in no condition to wake up," Milo said apologetically.

"Was he high again?" Princess Edna questioned.

"Princess!" Ron scolded. "You can't talk about a Prince like this."

"Why?" Princess Edna asked, looking at Ron. "He always asks me to join him."

Terror invaded Milo. The situation had escalated and escaped his reach. Only the Rassec family could fix that political offense now, but requesting their help required getting out of there.

"Princess, the Prince clearly needs some rest," Ron exclaimed, trying to be the voice of reason. "We should temporarily drop the matter."

"Princess, Ron is right," Milo added, finally seeing some hope. "Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't know how to wake up the Prince."

"I do," Khan intervened, bringing every eye in the room on him. "With the Princess' permission, I'll wake up the Prince."

"Captain Khan," Milo gasped. "I can't let you d-."

"Do it, Captain," Princess Edna ordered. "I'm getting bored."

Defeat filled Milo's expression. He watched Khan stepping forward and stopping before him. He could have walked around, but everyone had to see Milo opening the way for him.

Milo tried to come up with new ideas, but the situation was hopeless. Princess Edna had given the order, so he had to comply. He moved aside, letting Khan crouch down and reach the Prince.

Khan didn't dare to touch the fainted young man but still stretched his hand toward his head. He wanted to be close enough to affect his mana, and his eyes closed to heighten his concentration.

Slowly, Khan's thoughts seeped into the Prince's mana, experiencing its flow. He couldn't apply much control due to the different will, but a sharp tremor was doable.

The Prince suddenly woke up, voicing a loud gasp as he got on all fours and retreated. An unreasonable fear had invaded his body, making him sweat and crawl away at full speed.

Milo intervened, jumping behind the Prince to interrupt his shameful retreat. The Prince panicked even harder when he felt hands pressing on his shoulders to keep him still, but Milo's whispers to his ear slowly calmed him down.

Prince Samuel's eyes darted left and right as he steadied his breath. He was sitting on the floor, sweating profusely while Milo held his back straight. His pupils shrunk when he recognized Princess Edna and her guards, and his memories returned after noticing Khan and Monica.

"Samuel, hurry up and apologize," Princess Edna ordered. "You know that Monica is my friend."

Prince Samuel's mind was still a mess, but his education kicked in. Besides, experiencing Khan's pressure again made him gulp. Getting out became his priority, so his brain instinctively produced the necessary words.

"I apologize," Prince Samuel uttered.

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