Chaos' Heir

Chapter 657 Pedal

Chapter 657  Pedal

The topic wasn't new or shocking. Humans had just gotten the mana, and their bodies had yet to evolve around it. The sole fact that they needed additional organs to manipulate it highlighted that massive flaw.

Of course, the Global Army was doing anything in its power to fix that, but tinkering with the very foundation of a species wasn't easy. Also, there were few viable methods, and even those that could accelerate the evolutionary process were rarely safe or effective.

Ideally, humans could wait to experience natural mutations, but greed was a powerful drive. Besides, they had the tools to trigger those transformations, so nothing could stop them from experimenting.

Still, at least on paper, the results had been lackluster, with one exception. Khan didn't only embrace the Nak's element and mutations. His body had also transformed, reaching peaks humankind had never seen.

It wasn't only a matter of blue hair. Khan was faster, stronger, and more resilient than the average human. His body was superior in every aspect, and his senses and alien arts couldn't hide those desirable qualities.

Lord Vegner's statement proved that the Global Army had caught up with that information, and Khan had only himself to blame. He had always been amazing, but his recent feats had surpassed the wildest predictions about him.

Khan didn't regret that, but the news remained troublesome. Sure, many important figures would want to befriend him and help him grow due to his unique condition. Yet, the same could be said about those on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Trying to deny the claim was also impossible. Khan didn't only want that political relevance. He knew how other Tainted humans worked, and none was as close to the Nak as him. He was the perfect guinea pig, the sole specimen known to the public, and his state was bound to get more famous as he amassed achievements.

The statement created an awkward atmosphere. The idea that Khan could be the key to humankind's evolution was too big to process in a few seconds, but Monica couldn't let the silence reign. She had to say something, at least to shield Khan temporarily. However, he preceded her.

"Let's skip the sources," Khan announced. "It would be a great help if you could mark the locations of your findings."

"The locations?" Lord Vegner asked.

"With a timeline," Khan specified. "I know the network has this information, but your contacts must have a few secrets."

Monica was still worried about the previous statement, but her face only showed sternness. The time to talk with Khan would arrive, but creating a joint front was the priority now.

Lord Vegner was conflicted about the matter. He lowered his gaze and cleared his throat a few times while sorting his thoughts. As a collector, his sources were his greatest asset. However, Khan was compromising, asking for something Lord Vegner could safely provide.

"Captain, you must understand that these items are more than a hobby," Lord Vegner explained. "I love my estates, but my collections give meaning to my life. I-."

"I won't share your info with anyone," Khan promised. "You have my word."

Lord Vegner stared at Khan for a few seconds before heaving a helpless sigh. He didn't lie when he claimed to be Khan's fan, and his happiness toward his relationship was also genuine. If it were within his power and didn't hurt his business, he would help Khan.

"I'll see what I can do," Lord Vegner nodded.

"Thank you, Lord Vegner," Khan exclaimed.

"From both of us," Monica added.

"It will take me some time to find the relevant information," Lord Vegner revealed. "Why don't you enjoy one of my halls in the meantime?"

"We had already planned that," Monica lied. "Still, before that, is it too much to ask for another tour of your collection?"

"You flatter me," Lord Vegner stated, his eyes lighting up. "It would be my honor."

The couple had to go through another long tour with endless expositions, but Khan didn't resent Monica. She had made the correct political move, pleasing the figure about to give them a favor, and Lord Vegner's evident excitement proved her right.

After the immense tour, Lord Vegner led Khan and Monica in one of the halls with slightly kinky spectacles. Strippers wearing leather clothes and animal masks danced on both sides of the area, but the couple mostly focused on occupying a comfortable two-seat sofa.

As soon as the couple sat, Lord Vegner clapped his hands, and a waiter hurried toward the couch to deliver drinks. Another basically naked man also brought a small table, and refreshments soon filled it.

Needless to say, no waiter dared to look at Monica since Khan's glares were sharper than swords. Still, the couple received looks from the other guests, especially since they were the only ones without masks.

"Enjoy your stay," Lord Vegner announced, bowing once everything was set before departing. Soon, the couple could enjoy some privacy, and the loud music allowed them to talk freely without worrying about eavesdroppers.

"Did that bother you?" Monica finally asked the question that had been on her mind during the entirety of the second tour.

"It was inevitable," Khan stated, stretching his right arm over the sofa's back while bringing his drink to his mouth. "Though I didn't think it went that far. It's not like I grew a second mana core or anything."

Monica didn't know how to answer. The issue of Khan distancing himself from the human species had been on her mind for a long time, but she had never worried about the biological aspect. That part was nothing compared to his inclination toward alien arts.

Khan didn't say anything, either. He wasn't pensive, but the issue required deep thinking. He didn't care about any evolutionary step, but identifying the possible allies or figures wanting to see him grow could help.

Nevertheless, the arrival of familiar boots on Khan's lap interrupted his thoughts. Monica stretched her legs onto him, nestling on the arm on the sofa's back and pointing her magnetic eyes at him.

"We are supposed to have decorum in public," Khan commented.

"We are in a brothel," Monica stated, glancing at the hall's corners, "And my mother should consider herself lucky if we don't borrow one of the rooms here."

Khan's comment was more of a tease, and his actions showed that. The hand behind Monica dug into her hair, reaching her neck to hold it softly. Meanwhile, Khan gulped down his drink to free his other palm and place it on Monica's exposed knee.

Monica let herself go a bit. She relaxed her head, abandoning herself to Khan's palm. Khan didn't stay still either, and his other hand slightly slipped under Monica's skirt to hold her thigh.

Those interactions were far from proper for a couple with that status, but the environment allowed some relaxation. Besides, no one could see what Monica and Khan were up to. Their position and the hall's faint darkness provided enough cover.

"You might look good with cat's ears," Monica joked, glancing at the stage. "We have to go shopping before leaving the estate."

"I'll wear the ears," Khan exclaimed, also focusing on the stage, "But you get the tail."

"Those rooms are getting more interesting by the second," Monica chuckled, bringing her gaze back to Khan, "But we have to talk first."

Khan met Monica's eyes before looking at the stage again. He knew what Monica meant, and her knowledge always helped him in those situations.

"Allies are never enough," Khan declared. "They want to help me grow. I'll let them."

"What if they are like Raymond?" Monica wondered. "Or worse?"

"That's why I didn't sell my knife," Khan replied.

"Good," Monica nodded. "These allies, how will you approach them?"

"Searching and going to them would show weakness," Khan considered, "Or give them the upper hand."

"Correct," Monica confirmed. "So?"

"So," Khan continued, "I wait for them to come to me. The how is obvious."

"The marriage is in three months," Monica reminded. "The Rassec family will probably summon us earlier than that. I bet one or two weeks earlier."

"We are still dealing with the Thilku, too," Khan pointed out.

"I might have to return to Neuria to check the trade routes," Monica sighed. "As for you, I hope the Empire doesn't have another Cegnore."

"I think they'll summon me somewhere anyway," Khan guessed. "It doesn't make sense to leave things like this."

"And you did defeat their commander," Monica added. "Leaking info to the network isn't even their style."

"I taught you what their style is," Khan commented.

"And I loved every second of it," Monica giggled. "Still, will Ambassador Abores be a problem?"

"He can try," Khan calmly said.

"Did I ever tell you how sexy you are?" Monica teased.

Khan smiled at Monica, and the two exchanged a meaningful glance. Monica even reached for Khan's torso, using her fingers to trace the defined muscles highlighted by the black shirt.

"Though," Khan continued. "It's time to step on the pedal on a few things."

"Like?" Monica asked.

"The Global Army will soon learn about my Thilku runes," Khan explained. "It's time I started using them for real."

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