Celestial Peak

Chapter 581: Life and Death V

Chapter 581: Life and Death V

[He mentioned seventy-seven hours in here, that means I've been here for more than three days and that initiated a change in meAaaaaahHH!] she stumbled and fell in the middle of a dark forest.

Qinyang felt stabbing pain in her head, unlike anything she had felt before. From her core, from her heart, an unbearable sense of dread befell her since waking up but the weirdest part was that she reveled in such a state.

The dread, the death, it gave her power she wanted to call it, but fear what would happen once she does, [I might get devoured if I do.] the memory of the blood tsunami remained intact, the screams reverberate all the same.

She grabbed the deep purple earth and waved her hand. The earth turned to a sword, and expanded to be the size of a small hill. Behind her was the soundless assassin being ripped apart by her serrated earth sword.

Qinyang smirked, "I'm the daughter of your true self, do you think you something like assassination will work on me?"

The Devil Revenant smiled back at her, "As expected, Xue taught you well but you're you're not them you have no boundless supply of strength you get tired like a Mortal."

The Revenant used his flesh and God's Mark. With a signal, five more Revenants came out of the shadows and beelined to her neck. Their swords glowed an ethereal light. Their killing intents manifested.

Qinyang unfurled her wings, and summon another three sets. She wanted to run away, but the Revenant she intercepted already wrapped her hand with God's Mark, pinning her to where she stood, [Shit.]

The swords drew closer, it touched her wings and almost instinctively she raised her wings, to protect herself. She has the blood of the first being in her veins and manifested the God's Mark as early as ten years old.

She relied on the strength of her God's Mark, said to match the GodKings, [My God's Mark is strong, but Father's sword is sharper than anything imaginable. It could not be touched, and after reaching the level of a Devil Emperor, it could easily match and surpass the God King's, [Sacrifice my limb to take their lives.]

That's her way of fighting. Qinyang decided she'd survive even if it means to feel unbearable pain, she readied the flames of the Vermillion Flames. The light in her eyes burst forth, but it was the flame of the Phoenix, instead, it was a murky haze and upon its appearance, it began spreading without any sign of stopping.

Qinyang's heart jumped as it took over her senses and God's Mark, then, her wings moved on their own.


None of the Revenants' swords reached her. There was no pain, only a feeling of flesh being torn and the sound of screams echoing at the back of her head. She uncovered herself and saw suspended bodies of her Father's clones. 

Their chests, neck, and head were pierced by a writhing purple tendril coming out of the tip of her wings, "WhaWhat are these these tendrils?" She asked even though she already knew the answer to her question.

Qinyang vehemently shook her head, unknown to her that blood was streaming down her nose, "II need to get out of here Father Mother they know how to change me back they know everything I just need to find a safe place to tear space."

Qinyang resumed her attempt to escape.

Above the Dark Forest was Aether watching everything, "She dropped scattered the bodies to try to throw off the Revenants, but, your blood has already been spilt my dear sister, you can't escape their noses now."

Aether was standing in space, with a sword in hand. With but a thought he sent many more Revenants after Qinyang, "They are limited after they got decimated by Xue's unexpected quick response, but their number should suffice to make her awaken. Now, what do you need from me? I thought I told you not to keep watch of the basement?"

By his side was a Revenant who had been kneeling by his side for the last minute, waiting for him be given a chance, "One of them opened their ey"


Before the Revenant could finish his words, the entirety of the Abyss suddenly shook. The purple skies warped, the dim, ever-present moon cracked as if reality was coming undone, and from the distance, from where the castle stood suddenly appeared a pillar of gray light.

Its brilliance cascaded across the entire Abyss, and its light rampaged. Everything and anything that got too close was engulfed and turned to nothing.

Before the earthquake grew stronger, he disappeared and reappeared inside the gray pillar of light. Inside the gray light, his clothes disintegrated followed by his flesh and blood.

In the middle of the pillar was a figure with six pairs of wings and twelve haloes. Aether drove his hand in the middle of its chest and took out its heart. The light disappeared and Aether was reformed, "I'm sorry, my child. I'm not taking my chances in failed creations like Homunculus again."

The hybrid of the Devil and Holy Races turned to dust.

In the middle of the destruction, Aether stood, baffled by what happened.

"I perfected the formula for a million years. I made sure nothing like the previous creations would start a cataclysm, that there wouldn't be a need for another War. I made sure to only craft the vessel using the finest of materials. I didn't give them a drop of my blood so how is it that one of them is conscious without Primordial Blood. There's no way for any of them to awaken wait don't tell me." Aether remembered how Qinyang ripped apart her arm to escape. Her blood was spilled, "Did the residue of Qinyang's blood cause this?"

The Blood that was absorbed by the earth reached the basement and was absorbed by one of the vessels, "An indirect contact with a yet to be awakened blood was enough for a Great Cataclysm to happen that means she's stronger than me. But of course, she was created through the union of their deepest essence!"

They were conceived differently. While Aether was born from spilled blood, Qinyang was from the essence of existence.

A smile blossomed from Aether's face, "She's better than I could ever hope for she's the one. I knew I wasn't wrong!"

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