Celestial Peak

Chapter 527: Movement I

Chapter 527: Movement I

Origin World The Death Land.

Atop a tower stood a girl with straight black hair. She held a crimson sword looking far off into the distance, watching the writhing purple clouds, overcasting the horizon.

[The Revenants' Appearance has lessened, but the movement of the Abyss has been on a constant advance. Master said that the Abyssal Crystals are similar to the Chaos Qi, but different to his.] Chang Ping's thought it through and shook her head.

[If that's true, then this bastard is only growing stronger the more we fight.] Chang Ping already received a brief overview of the Emperor of Death's and Wang Ling's Chaos Qi.

While Wang Ling's Chaos Qi was rooted as a source and has exponential power that incinerates, or even decimates all, the other grows stronger with [Conflict] and other variables.

When Wang Ling explained he was the All-Father to Chang Ping, he did not allow any gaps in the explanation that she should know. About the nature of his and the Gray Figure's Chaos Qi, all it was present in Chang Ping's head.

[The longer it draws out, the stronger it becomes. After 17,000 years, surely it had gathered more than enough strength to wipe us all out, but it's not doing such a thing. The Gray Figure, or rather, the Emperor of Death what does it want?] 

"So that's where you have been, Martial Sister. Tang Ai and the other of the Absolute Six Swords are looking for you." From behind, a voice echoed. Chang Ping turned around and saw Yan Renhuo with a pleasant smile on her face most of her body was covered in burn scars.

"Seems like you can move now, Miss Yan. I honestly thought you would die when I saw your wounds weren't reverting. I really thought you'd join the others."

When Yan Renhuo was devoured by her own flames, she only managed to stop the torture thanks to Qinyang. She survived, but due to that, the composition of the Chaos Flames and its absurd intensity almost burnt her to a crisp.

"Well, my futile attempts of recovering my flesh are rendered useless. But on the bright side, the Chaos Flames grew in strength but assimilated better in my body. I'm a notch stronger than before." Yan Renhuo boasted.

Thankfully, she kept her life, but the burnt scars she experienced could be reverted. Though she's no longer in pain and her qi actually exploded in its strength, improving by leaps and bounds also granting her a tighter leash on the Chaos Flames, the scars would remain for all of eternity, at least, until she finds a way to go through a whole Nirvanic Cycle and create another body.

But with the current Cultivation of the Universe, she would need to go to in-depth research in order to create another step beyond what she already has achieved. 

Chang Ping laughed, "Good for you then. So, is the Alchemist Tower starting to feel the pressure of the coming storm?" she asked ever so casually and then brought out a wine she received from Naor (Roan).

Taking a big gulp, Chang Ping let it take hold of her mind and heart, "The Abyssal Demon is starting to creep closer and closer from all sides. Because of the blunder I did in the Red Dawn World they got hold of a pivotal position and now they are in the midst of breaking through to the Middle Ring, and not for long, they will reach the Outer Ring and then the Seven Worlds. We're on the losing end and the entire Cosmos is in shambles due to the deaths of several Heads and now the Wang Family is beginning to show weakness as well, and rumors of my, I mean our Master abandoning the living is going around more so than ever. Though he's most likely recuperating after saving everyone from certain doom."

Chang Ping stated the absolute obvious only a few could see. Wang Ling, a name that existed throughout the Era, is known as the Great Ancestor, and now the All-Father. 

"He reincarnated and come down upon the Cosmos to judge the wicked. Pray to him and he will come and save your life, he who stands at the top shall not allow Death to touch you or so they say. It is a little funny, is it not, Marital Sister?" Yan Renhuo laughed, "Brother Ling, he had always been enigmatic, and only cares for those close to him. So even if he reincarnated, just like before, he will not make a move that involves his life in order to save someone. They are shouting for his name or shouting curses, when, either way, he'll end this for his Family's sake anyway. Now that Brother Ling is awake, we only need to wait for him to grow accustomed to his strength."

"But that might not be so easy to do, you know?" Chang Ping suddenly interjected, "The Gray Figure, or rather, Emperor of Death, he's a being from the Primordial Era, and according to Master's daughter, he most likely assimilated the Master's body and memory when he killed him in the past Era and escaped into the Cosmos, then seized the Abyssal Realm that had been appearing outside of the Celestial Spirit Realm. Since its time being locked on the Celestial Spirit Realm, the Abyss had seized a lot of Worlds, and when it got freed, assimilated with the plagued it left behind for millions of years, how strong do you think is the Emperor of Death now?"

Chang Ping's words draw a sharp breath from Yan Renhuo.

But that was not all, "The Master will only grow stronger, that's a given. With every defeat, he finds ways to rise up. However, this time, the opponent is the same. It grows stronger with every fight, and it has no end. But what is more tantalizing is the fact that, it is remaining silent even with all that power, if it truly wanted to end all life, it could do in a single swing before this Era began. That thing it's waiting for something"

"I can see your point, Sister" Yan Renhuo felt dread listening to Chang Ping's words, but, then, she raised her brows, and smiled, "however, sometimes, in times of such dread, do you not think a little bit of light will become even more resplendent. When logic points us to death, do you not think that a single wave from a hand can give us a chance to see a chance to live? Why not raise your head, Sister Chang Ping?"


She spoke with hope seeing tens of Devils and Holy Races flying overhead breaking through the barrier of the world and into the fray that was the Cloud of Abyss ahead.



All of a sudden, a shadow was cast upon them, they raised their head and from above, a woman bearing eleven Haloes came down reaching her hand forth with a smile, "Sword God Chang Ping, Refining God Yan Renhuo, I am what others call the Holy Emperor Rachel, the All-Father asked me to escort you two to his side."

And with those words, Chang Ping raised her head, she smiled, "Seeing this really does make it seem like we have a chance against logic."

After ten thousand years of inactivity, the Origin Races begin to move.

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