Celestial Peak

Chapter 514: Predestined

Chapter 514: Predestined

[Why do cultivation paths exist? So that there would be a guideline for their lives of course and to lessen the risk of walking the wrong path and dying due to a wrong meridian path being used in the earlier stages.

[The cultivation stages were built upon by the millions of bodies needed to perfect the path. In the span of Wang Ling's lifetimes, he was presented with two different predetermined cultivation paths with their own stages.

[The first was the Celestial cultivation and which extended to Godhood. That path was created naturally over time. The weak watched the strong, mimicked the Beasts, copied the Primordial Races, and eventually learned the flow of life.

[Slowly, throughout eons the Primordial Races or mainly, the Origin Races watched as the beings created by the All-Father and the Mother of Beast flourish.

[They did not kill them out of jealousy, simply, they watched them, and even guided them in time of need. Of course, this would become a forgotten Era, where the Primordials walk among cultivators.

[Eventually, this time would be forgotten, but, that is not what is important. The importance of this is that it grows yet still changed when the appearance of the Emperor of Death threatened to use their people against each other.

[The cultivation path of the strong in this Era was created so that cultivators' souls have the choice to be completely destroyed upon death. They would vanish from the annals of existence themselves, where death would truly be the end.

[For the thousands of years, only a few had been to the Wheel of Reincarnation and all of this was caused by the war that birthed the current cultivation path. The nine cultivation realms that abandon conventions in favor of quick improvement and burst of strength. The ceiling would be lower, but in turn, have a much lesser variability.

[Only a few have domains, Ancestor-Class cultivators are so few in numbers that they do not even reach fifty. But, what does this entail about me what does it matter how cultivation has a change in the face of my own Essence of Origin where the start of power began why is it important to me?]

Wang Ling could no longer see even with his eyes. The only thing he could do was feel, and allow his mind to wander searching for the answer he so seeks. He knows not about the sphere he was in, but he was aware of the vessel needed to be created for his sake.

He gathered information from what the Primordials told him of the past. Gathering the most valuable of information was the insight from the past that evolves the present and the coming future. Wang Ling gathered everything he could, scraping at the walls if he had to just to understand what he could not grasp.

For Wang Ling, currently, time was irrelevant. He knows it flows but in the state of him infused in the Essence of Origin's power, all of it was unnecessary and paltry variables in the face of true power.

In a trance, Wang Ling's thoughts had never been focused. He was in a fight with his inner self, forming the necessary body that could hold the power that he seeks.

The path he was searching for was nowhere to be found in all the cultivation paths, thus he is seeking out why they exist. He needed to understand their necessity so he could understand what he needs most.

Cultivation is many things, not just power. Many consider it discipline, while others simply a way to pass the time. 

[For me I began cultivation for the sake of survivability and fluffing my Master's dream. I did that and more before that desire morphed into an ugly vengeful spirit that hounded me for two lives. Learning my true meaning, I protected others, valued life, and became enlightened.

[I created opportunities, gave many chances, and led many to the truth. My qi saved the hope of this Universe and my own existence is a beacon that gathers all for a single cause I killed, then protect, I lead, even enlighten. I was once lost thinking that all the path I walked is crooked not knowing the truth all of that is me thus all these paths are mine to take in a single life for I am me.]

Because you always look at others you forget to look at yourself.

It is easy to judge others because they are in front of you. But it takes another degree of focus to understand even the slightest bit of who you truly are. Wang Ling saw his life very clearly due to his multiple experiences of death.

Even at this time, his vessel was already dead and only the power of the Essence of Origin existed. He was now dead, but now he was no longer waiting for fate to bring him to a vessel he could take over, no more lives would be wasted for him, as at this moment, Wang Ling slowly realized his truth.

A power that's outside of laws, mandates, qis, and common sense. Wang Ling's body began to form, being molded to the shape that he envisions the most intimate lifetime he spent reflecting on what he would become.

The second Wang Ling's face and physique was chosen. Wang Ling's organs was traced, the meridian vessels that had been destroyed recreated, and more. The Overlord Meridians (Holy) and the God Meridians (Devil) now flowed across the body not sharing a single entrance but having their own sets to ensure that no conflict arises.

"I have already completed what I am missing, long before I got to reforged my meridians. My predecessor gave me the last of the Phoenix Beastman so I could do this. The two qis of Heaven and Hell, the qi components to recreate this body, he knew something like this would happen and left me the Essence of Origin a way to reforge the vessel not meant to hold Chaos."

The Nirvanic Nucleus was in the place of the dantian gathered the two qis. The two meridians glowed their own light, and their own met at the middle where the Nirvanic Nucleus met.

The tiny image of the All-Father held his hands forward and then together. This Nirvanic Nucleus was created by Wang Ling's own path, unchained, unfettered by any laws, thus becoming the perfect candidate to replace the Supreme Spirit Qi the Emperor of Death erased from this Universe.

Wang Ling found it funny how his predecessor crafted this very moment for him to follow. As he observed the Nirvanic Nucleus change in accordance to what it should be, Wang Ling inwardly laughed, [A body that has every key component to hold the Holy and Hellish Qi when the Supreme Spirit Qi is no longer in this world how utterly, laughable.]

As he said those words for the first time in so long the power in which the All-Father was born from dropped into Wang Ling's body melding his body

Chaos Qi finally surfaced from Wang Ling's body. The sole thing that could destroy the Emperor of Death has finally been created.

However, with its creation the beings of the darkness roared and howled and at the depths of the Abyss, where nothing could be seen, where no life could exist, a pair of gray eyes gleamed, "You have finally returnedI missed you Father."

The resonance of Chaos began.

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