Celestial Peak

Chapter 510: True Blood Seeking Sword III

Chapter 510: True Blood Seeking Sword III

~From the crashing waves from the Heavens to the Earth the bodies fall like a Waterfall made of Blood the first signs of my transgression [Blood Falls].~

Killing intent, had never changed since its discovery. It was the manifestation of the malevolence the heart held, and the darker and suffocating it was, the more battlefield it had been tempered through.

It was not qi, but simply intent. It could scare some but that was it, however, when one particular man started his journey, that was all that he had.

His killing intent was all Wang Ling had, and he cultivated it so much that he managed to manifest them, similar to sword intent creating his own techniques. The Seven Movements of the Blood Seeking Sword a tale known only to him, and those who died from its edge.

The Blood Falls brought him to the ground. His swing of the sword cleaved hundreds of the Demons and for hundreds of kilometers, his killing intent ravaged more of the enemies. Standing on the ground, the next part of the tale commenced.

~ Like a Demon, he sought out death, not others but his own. In his journey, a trail slowly formed, from the bottom of the food chain (south), he rose to the top (north), with a river of blood behind him, [Culling River]~

Wang Ling's second movement gave rise to a rising rive of blood and death. Wang Ling traveled from the South to the North, killing everything in front of him, uncaring, and ruthlessly.

He hovered over the air and with both swords, he did not even dare posture over. He simply moved his body and from one body to the next, he moved, never resting never stopping.

~The path of blood he created laid waste to the balance set upon by the Ancestors. His every kill gave birth to the desire to take his, thus, it became know that his every movement would give birth to another, like a thread of death his very existence was calamity incarnate [Calamity Connection]~

"Surround him!!" The Revenants shouted, seeing how Wang Ling's fetters slowly became undone. The sight of the Gate of Blood opened before their eyes was nothing more than a nightmare, they could not risk.

"He already has Blood Seeker, we can only kill him before he can ascend" the Revenants controlled the Abyssal Demons, commanding thousands to used their tendril and latch it upon Wang Ling's body, incapacitate him so they could prepare.

Tens of thousands flew towards him, but he remained the same. With even more potent intent, Wang Ling moved his sword ever so silently and traced the moon's shape with its blade.


A circular plain was emptied around Wang Ling as their attempt in stopping him failed.

~ The killing continued without an end. He looked above and saw the moon dyed in the blood he spilled all over the Continent, watching him from all direction judging him for what he had done [Blood Moon] ~ 


The Revenants finally saw an opening!

From above, Wang Ling saw the Revenants gather the heatwave the God Beasts left. They used it as a collective and then created a sun of their own. The purple light of Death laced the blazing orb.

The Revenants threw the orb of flames. This ball could not be controlled by the All-Father for it was not in the scope of the Essence of Origin. 

When everything began, when the All-Fater and the mother of Beast was born, the concept of Death was foreign. The two were Immortal, thus their incapability to control the Emperor of Death and his Abyssal Army.

This flame orb could not be swayed, it could not be deflected, nor parried. It was the perfect, and the only way to kill Wang Ling yet, the Revenant felt it weird for Wang Ling's visage never changed. He was not worried, for he knew he would come out on top.

Blood Seeker was in his hands, these Impostors would never touch him with this weapon in his possession. 

The only thing the Orb of Death Flames gave Wang Ling was an opening. Where there was no Demon around him, and he was allowed to shift his body. Keeping the Reaper away, Wang Ling enlarged the Heaven's Will, allowing its weight to reach its maximum from East to West he allowed his sword to wreak havoc!

~At the peak of an unnamed mountain, the Sun illuminated his wretched actions, spreading his atrocities from East to West [Sunrise Blood]~

"Disappear from my sight."


The sword weighed the same mountain, its movement was slow, but its power uprooted the ground and like the wind against a candle's wick the Orb of Death Flames disappeared with the wind pressure.


The horizon was freed from the flames, finally, Inferno disappeared from the Origin World.

The Revenants watched in disbelief, and in fear they could see the sword reaching the end of its path and on its goal was Reaper, waiting for the two to clash

"Run we need to ruN!"

They all came to the same conclusion

"It's too late my tale has been brought to its climax. I have crossed the Four Tales of Killing all of you stay it is time for the Slaughter."


Two Swords clashed, the echo it held incapacitated them.

~The sword hummed in delight as it accompanied his corrupted roar, everyone who heard it froze in fright as they felt their hearts clutched in despair [Demonic Tune]~

All froze before Wang Ling, the world for those watching saw the entire battlefield pause. 

They watched as a single being bearing the Wings and Haloes of the Primordial stand against the now only tens of thousands of demons alone yet regal.

~With a sword in hand, he appears before the Gods. And with a sword in hand he looks down upon all. And with a sword in hand none could match his wrath [God Slayer] ~

Wang Ling let go of Reaper and held the handle of Heaven's Will with both hands. His hand raised the blade above and collected everything his intent could offer.

Qi to Wang Ling became irrelevant, only the killing intent he had remained, "Blood Seeking Sword Slaughter Arts God Slayer."


From the heavens, the Gods fell to the Earth Wang Ling's sword unhesitatingly rendered space, killing every living and nonliving being it touched.

The Abyssal Gates was destroyed and so were the Crystals. The Revenants were cut in half, and the Abyssal Demons turned to black smokes.

"In the end they couldn't even survive till the Seventh Tale"

~To his final enlightenment, the man stands atop everything else. He slew Gods and everything that stands in his way for the last sixty thousand years, his tales evolved and so did his own techniques. He was feared, and hated, everyone sought out information to know his weakness yet none learned as he sat at the Peak of a Crimson Top Mountain, tears of blood would be shed. He stands at the peak of the World, and created the strongest sword techniques but what used would it be if he could not protect anyone [Weeping Blood]~

Like the last ten thousand years of his life, none could once again withstand the culmination of the Sixty Thousand Years' worth of killing intent.

Blood Seeker was the sword that cut of his Master's Head.

When Wang Ling descended from the Red Peak Mountain, he pledged to protect those who would become important to him and never would he fail again.

Blood Seeker, however, had not protected only taken. 

But as Wang Ling looked at the desolation before him, he smiled, because finally, "I managed to protect someone with Blood Seeker."


Qinyang called as sunrise dawn upon the end of the battle.

The sword created to protect that turned to a Slaughterer's Sword tasted, the sensation of protecting someone 

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