Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 541 Who is that... ?

Chapter 541 Who is that... ?

After checking the number engraved on the key, Kyle ascended the staircase to reach the fourth floor of the building.

In a matter of moments, he stood before another wooden door. After unlocking it, he pushed it open and stepped inside.

Surveying the room, he observed its interior bore a striking resemblance to Yue's room. It also contained only a bed, a chair, and a table. Kyle shook his head, then snapped his thumb and middle finger.

Instantly, water materialized before him, then the hovering water merged into a large curtain that mirrored his figure. He took off his hoodie and selected a clean, light blue shirt and dark trousers from his mind space to wear, but when he caught his reflection, his eyes narrowed at his overgrown hair. They had grown too long once again.

"I had just cut them a few months ago in the No Mana Land. They grow easily if I'm not paying attention. I should use my spiritual energy to halt their growth."

He didn't stop their growth even though he could because he wanted to see them grow and recognize the time passing while he was by himself. But now... he realized that Yue's mere presence was enough to signify the passage of time around him. Kyle gazed at his reflection and grabbed a pair of scissors from his mind space. He undid the band securing his hair, and the silver strands promptly fell down to his neck.

He had learned to trim his hair after the day when Hubert offered to help cut it short, but Kyle's eyes reflected pure shock when he saw the condition of his hair.

They were trimmed short but ended up resembling a bird's nest. After destroying his hair, the old man burst into laughter and confessed that he had never cut someone's hair before and wanted to try it for the first time on him. This incident prompted Kyle to go to the village and learn to cut his hair by himself whenever necessary to prevent a repeat of such a situation.

He twirled the scissors in his fingers, feeling the weight of the metal tool. Then, he grabbed a section of his hair and began cutting it shorter with surprising speed.

The silver strands floated to the floor around him as he snipped away, each cut bringing a new shape to his hair. After just a minute, Kyle brushed away the hair that had fallen on his shoulders and took a look at his reflection. The shortened hair gave him a more refined and polished appearance.

"Not bad. I feel lighter."

Kyle waved his hand, and the water gathered before him enveloped his body to clean him before disappearing into thin air. He leisurely put on the blue shirt and dark trousers, then left the room, heading downstairs.

It didn't take him long to reach the ground floor, and without even glancing around, he knew the place was bustling with numerous people, just like the first time he entered the building, from the noises in the air.

He stepped down the staircase, and the moment he did, many eyes turned toward him. Kyle's ears twitched as he heard many people whispering to each other to know who he was, as they hadn't seen him enter the building, and it's not like they would have forgotten such a face once seen.

Kyle ignored the curious eyes on him and proceeded to walk toward an empty table in the distance to sit down. He didn't glance around because he knew Yue was still in the room due to the array. However, his attention was immediately drawn to a familiar person standing on his left.

It was Sebastian with a few more elves and the supreme-rank old elf, Wesley, whose name he had learned from Yue.

Kyle's eyes shifted to the round table at the center of the elves, where he saw Nox sitting with a bored expression. He hadn't spotted the lynx since it left the room, and nodded inwardly at how sharp the little beast was.

At that moment, his attention shifted to a middle-aged man carrying a food tray towards a nearby table.

As the middle-aged man approached Sebastian's location, Kyle's eyes narrowed, and he quietly murmured a weak spell to control the air.

The spell was so subtle that it resembled a gentle breeze, but when it reached the tray of food, it momentarily hastened its pace. Kyle moved closer to the empty table he had been heading towards earlier, and he could barely contain a smirk as a loud crashing sound erupted behind him.

He counted to three in his head, and then Sebastian's loud cry echoed in his ears. Kyle blinked and turned around to become one of the many audience members who stood up to watch the commotion.

He watched as the green-haired elf bared his teeth at the middle-aged server with a furious expression.

Sebastian even went as far as to tell the middle-aged man if he were blind to spill the whole tray of food on him, but he shut his mouth because the middle-aged server let out a bit of his aura with a smile that didn't reach the latter's eyes. Sebastian's eyes widened when he sensed that the server was stronger than him!

He quickly changed tactics and scrambled back to hide behind Wesley before pointing his finger at the server.

"You! How dare you!?"

"So what if you are stronger, I have someone even stronger by my side!"

Before the server could even reply, Wesley smacked Sebastian on the head with a fed-up expression.

"Would you not make trouble just for a day!? I am telling you I am going to toss you between a nest of insects if you speak even a single additional word!"

Sebastian's expression paled when he saw Wesley's dark eyes directed at him, and he quickly shut his mouth with an aggrieved expression.

The server nodded and left after Wesley assured him that everything was okay, and they acknowledged that it was an unintentional mistake.

In that very moment, Yue also stepped down from the staircase. She glanced at the heated atmosphere and after spotting Kyle in the distance, she started walking toward him.

Wesley noticed her figure and raised his hand to call her towards himself.

All the elves who would be under his guidance tomorrow when they would go to explore a tomb had already gathered at the table; only Yue was missing.

Now that she was here, he would just discuss their plans for tomorrow with them. However, his eyes narrowed as he watched Yue walk towards a silver-haired stranger and then grab his hand with a smile he hadn't seen on her face before.

"Who is that..?"

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