Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 494 Planet Eadmire I

Chapter 494 Planet Eadmire I

Inside a massive planet completely shrouded in a crimson hue, an eerie atmosphere engulfed every corner of the planet that was bustling with laughter and countless noises.

The very essence of malevolence seemed to seep from the very core of this forsaken planet, where twisted spires pierced the sky like jagged teeth, and a sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air. The ground below was filled with a dark and sinister energy, giving the impression that the planet itself was alive with only dark energy.

Countless individuals, each with four wide and large dark-colored wings behind their backs and white slit pupils, soar across the sky or engage in conversations within the numerous huge structures on the planet.

These towering structures house vast arenas where slaves from different races battle each other just to get another day to live while spectators place bets, enjoying alcoholic beverages and various other delicacies, restaurants where people indulge in debauchery, and various shops that sell someone else's body parts to make someone else stronger.

A feeling of dread filled every corner of the vast planet known as Eadmire, the largest planet in the universe, which also happened to be the one and only planet belonging to the demon race. It was a place where the very concept of light and hope felt like a distant memory, where nightmares took form, and where the line between reality and nightmare blurred into a twisted tapestry of fear and despair.

In that very planet, within one of the countless huge structures, a young man in his twenties donning a black cloak that concealed his entire body from head to toe, nibbled on his nails as he peered from behind a wall to observe the numerous individuals with white pupils and expansive wings who were cheering and showering gold on a chained beautiful demi-human woman singing in the center of the hall.

The whole hall was adorned with soft pillows and lavish carpets, all occupied by members of the demon race.

The young man's body tensed, and he turned around to walk away from the place when suddenly one of the demons snapped his head toward him. But who could have thought that the moment he moved around, he would crash into a stunning woman with similar white pupils, wearing tight clothes, causing his cloak to slightly slip off his head, unveiling a pair of golden pupils that shimmer in the dimly lit hall due to the threads swirling within them.

'Damn it! Damn it!'

Nine clenched the fabric of the cloak around his head tightly, ready to flee if the woman in front of him noticed the fact that his presence was quite out of place compared to all the other people in the hall... but he breathed a sigh of relief as the demoness paid him no attention.

'I really need to start trusting this thing!'

He caressed the insignia shaped like a white flower with two leaves, hidden within his cloak, and thanked his past self who risked his life to obtain it before he set foot on this dangerous planet.

The insignia was only given to the strongest demons in the demon race. It made sure to envelop his body in a veil of dark energy, even if he had not tapped into dark energy and did not have a dark flower engraved on his body. Also, whenever a high rank demon gazed at him, they would politely greet him because, unlike the low-rank ones, they could sense the insignia's presence.

'No, I should thank the future Kyle who provided me with enough knowledge about everything. Otherwise, I would have never made it this far in just a year. Dang, I might have perished when I stole the insignia right under the nose of a transcendent rank demon...'

Nine dashed towards the exit of the place and hurriedly left the hall because, once again, he found no clue about the 'Dark Chamber of Secrets'.

The chamber held numerous ancient scrolls and books filled with extensive knowledge about the demon race and its two subsidiary branches, nightkin and dark race. However, his aim wasn't to gain that knowledge but to find a specific room within that chamber. That room held many dark contracts that the shadow generals and several other powerful individuals under them forced others to sign. Through these contracts, they enslaved the people they took an interest in, even if it went against the person's will.

These contracts were made from dark energy and a special teleportation material only found on the demons' planet. That's why after they were used, they were all kept in a single place. This way, if someone who signed those contracts ever grew strong enough to break free from them, they would be teleported straight to the demon planet.

Nine shuddered when he thought about the poor souls who might have tried to break free from the contract, only to be met by hordes of demons in the next moment.

'I feel the urge to teach those fools a lesson who signed these contracts... oh, but one of them happens to be my friend, haha? I will definitely give him a good smack on the head when we meet again to knock some sense into him that he clearly lacked when he agreed to sign that contract.'

He stepped out of the grand structure and found himself in an open area filled with many people from the demon race. Nine looked up at the swirling maelstrom of crimson clouds above him and let out a bitter smile.

'I have a long way to go! I possess all the knowledge. I just need to find the dark chamber of secrets exact location! The moment I get my hands on the contract I'm searching for, I will run away with the help of the teleportation artifact I stole from Glacia...'

He smirked.

'I wonder if she has found out yet? Haha, the expression on her face will be quite something when she realizes that her life-

saving artifact is missing.'

'I never thought Kyle could be so vengeful. Well, she did kidnap his girlfriend and me, his best friend. But I wonder why the knowledge the future Kyle has given me mentioned that Glacia died...'

Nine covered his face and smoothly blended into the crowd to gather as much information as possible about the dark chamber of secrets.

'I have a feeling that Kyle is going to kill her, which is why he knew about the life-saving artifact. I really wanted to witness the fight but I can't... not until I am done here.'

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