Casual Heroing

Chapter 154: Jump in the Dark

Chapter 154: Jump in the Dark

Joey, I managed to whisk Augustus away to the inn's counter to have a more private chat. Now, hes congratulating me. Dont tell anyone I said this, but you upgraded, man. Like, how did you even you know what, Im not sure I want to know. You would destroy my self-esteem. And did you really become so strong?

Are you talking about magic or dating? In both cases, the answer is yes, I show off some banter.

For all the dry branches of the Worlds Tree, Joey. You pulled I dont know what to call it. I mean. After this, they will say that you pulled a Joey Luciani. Now, though

I see Augustus chanting under his breath, and I feel a couple of wards go up.

You it was you today, he said while covering his mouth with a hand.

I simply dish out my signature wink and a cheeky smile.

And the knowledge Lucinda brought back, he adds, watching me like a hawk.

I wink again.

He stops for a second, taking in my revelations. Hes clearly shaken. And when he puts his hand back in front of his mouth, he seems on the verge of asking something terribly important.

Does Princess Laura have any cousins who look like her?

Hahahahaha! I start laughing so hard I need to hold onto the counter for dear life. Man, Augustus. I love you. Really. Do you serve [Archmage] Titus? If you do, Ill get your apprenticeship shredded, and you can come with me. To learn real magic.

He starts laughing, but when he understands that Im not joking, he goes silent.

Joey, Titus might not be the best man. But he treats Elves very well. And he knows more magic than many credit him for.

Augustus, I never liked my father much. But there was one thing I liked about him. The man was cryptic. Mysterious. He believed that people should follow you in the dark if they wanted to deserve and share your achievements. Its too easy to go into something with every detail in hand. But he brought this to the extreme, and in an awful way. He wasnt a nice person. I try to be one, though. Thats why Im giving away what my proposal entails. If you want to join, Ill get your apprenticeship from [Archmage] Titus. And if you do, you will never regret it. I cant say the same if you were to refuse. And you have to give me an answer now. Its a jump in the dark, Augustus. What do you say?

No, Im sorry.

Well, thats that.

As we bid goodbye to the [Mages], Princess Laura steps to my side.

You were robbed of your secrets, and you have no intention of calling that woman out? Do you still harbor feelings for her?

Feelings, maybe. Love? Nope. And she just stole the basic stuff. Trust me; magic is much more complicated than the glimpse she got. In the end, Lucinda was just being Human. Hm, how can I say that? Well, just a small person, lets say. She saw the shiny coin and ran away with it, not noticing there was an entire chest full of gems. Shes not a cold-blooded thief, just a kid, really.

That Atticus insulted you, Laura reiterated.

Well, you did too. But hes going to face me in the duels, right? About that, what are the rules? Basically, every single [Mage] my age can duel me?

Every [Mage] whos still a student or just freshly graduated, Stans voice comes from behind.

Well, thats good. Can they forfeit their duel, or do I have to go through the thousands of people here?

They can forfeit their duels, Stan nodded.

Good. Then, Princess, Ill have to whoop their ass so bad that all the others will just forfeit. And Ill start with that Atticus guy.

Tituss disciple has an outstanding talent, Human. But I guess I have underestimated you.

As I turn, I find the humanoid form of the Golden Dragon looking at me. Hes clearly been in a fight. Some of his scales are ripped.

You almost elicited a fight between two [Archmages]. We ended up in a small scrap. But what Im after is how you dispelled Tituss [Flight] and enchantment.

What? Me? Oh, [Archmage], you flatter me. But didnt Titus say it was you? I say with a toothy smile.

Oh, was it? he replies with many more teeth.

I tip my hat and wink at him.

Who knows.

Marcus, leave him be. I need to check on my nephews. Can we go now?

Tiberius, your patience is thin as always. Yes. I shall show you what great care I have afforded your distant spawn. And dont worry, I have not told them that you will come. They know of their mother, obviously. But they have no idea whats going to hit them. How would you like to approach this?

Let them meet Joey, and Ill evaluate their reaction. If they are anything like their older sister, they are losing their noble titles on the spot.

And you, Human. Do you really think you can win all these duels?

If I were to lose, I would embarrass the memory of the greatest [Archmage] the world remembers, I say with a wink and another tip of my hat.

Oh, by the way. Do you have any books on Light Magic and, hm, do you know what waves are?

The Dragon raises a hairless eyebrow.

I do know about a theory of we shall study together, young Human. Ill share my knowledge of Light Magic and my resources. In turn, Id like to converse with you about your understanding of magic.

I hear Domitilla, Laura, and even grumbly Lucillus gasp or swear.


Is the Dragon dangerous? Is this a threat?

An [Archmage] just asked a novice to trade knowledge, Joey Luciani. Hes basically admitting you might know as much as him, at least in your own regard. For an [Archmage] of his caliber, its a great honor in their society to propose such a thing. In reality, hes just a shameless old geezer who wants to know more about your weird magic.

I mean, arent you the same

Is he okay? I hear [Archmage] Marcus ask.

That happens from time to time, Princess Laura answers.

Meanwhile, Im seizing on the ground with the [Thunderbolt Curse] zapping me to spasms.

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