Casual Heroing

Chapter 131: Princess

Chapter 131: Princess

That pig is smart. Thats the first thing Ive noticed. Im confused about why the so-called [Tamer] and owner doesnt treat it with more respect. From the little I can see, it does have very intelligent eyes. And when you deal with intelligent creatures, you shouldnt patronize them. On top of that, after all the insults and complaints, I really doubt that pig will give this Augustus the time of the day.

Hello, I say while approaching the white pig on her pedestal. Its a small pig, not exactly baby-sized, but small. Its the size of a fat Wiener, Id say.

The white pig doesnt respond in the slightest.

Im Joey Luciani, Your Highness. I couldnt help but notice how your presence stands out amidst all the plebe scuttering around here. And I commend your heroic feats of trying to liberate the oppressed masses. May you and I discuss a partnership? If you dont mind, that is.

Every other person around me goes silent while I speak to the little pig.

Look, I know I might be mistaken, but my sixth sense for girls says that this girl right here needs some coaxing. Plus, she looks like pig royalty.

Excuse me, Your Highness, what is that Human doing

Silence! I thunder at the owner, cringing a bit inside.

I really hope Im right about this stupid animal.

Im speaking to another Princess here, I say while pointing respectfully at the white pig.

May I propose something to you, Your Highness?

The white pig holds my gaze for several moments before she snorts and slightly raises a front leg, accompanying the gesture with a nod.

Im looking for a partner for my joint. Im the greatest [Baker] in Amorium, and I could supply you with the best original foods in the country. And it looks like someone of your stature is being treated unfairly here. Would you lets settle on a price for your partnership with these peasants and bring you back with me?

The pig looks taken aback.

Good God.

This pig does understand me, doesnt she?

That pig is a Wallorian Treasurer. The people who used to know how to breed such a marvelous beast have all died. The Treasurers are used for smelling ore veins, Mana, and even artifacts. If you bring one into a Dungeon, they can smell traps and treasures. If they are faithful to you, they will bring you to the treasure room without triggering a single trap and fighting as few monsters as possible. If they are not, they will walk you into the deadliest pit and will not even blink at your gruesome death.

Well, isnt that quite the image?

Plus. They are worth tens of thousands of golds each. They dont breed normally. Even if you breed two Wallorian Treasurers, you will only get another one every fifty pregnancies. Sometimes, if a [Breeder] or a [Farmer] is lucky enough, they will get one from a hidden line of genes in their pigs. Those people used to make enough money to buy a noble title in some lands. The only caveat is that they are impossibly hard to raise properly. They are conceited, arrogant, and, most of all, they seem to know their intrinsic value. Your approach is correct, but you will need to keep it always up. A Wallorian Treasurer is no common beast, and its more intelligent than your average person. If you want to raise it, you will need to listen to me. Your [Druid] friend also knows a trick or two, probably. But he looks like someone who has been marked.


And cant you sum up your explanations?

Marked. The Wallorian Treasurer can use a special skill to mark a person. Said person will never be able to gain the trust of Wallorian Treasurers. They are among the few animal species that can gain levels, Joey Luciani. Be careful. This encounter may bring you more riches than your other Princess.

Well, isnt this something? It is a bit clich, to be honest. But at least its something.

Do you have a name already? If you do, Ill give you a way to spell it for me on the ground or with some parchment. If not, may I propose one?

The little Wallorian Treasurer looks at me with interest. Then, she shakes her head and offers me to go ahead with a raise of her front leg and a royal nod.

You clearly look like royalty of your kind, Your Highness. And your beautiful mane should be celebrated in words and titles. Therefore, what do you think about Princess Bianca? Bianca means white in the language of my parents, and its associated with purity and holiness. I think it may fit Your Highnesss status.

The pig smacks her lips before nodding contently.

Well, Princess Bianca, let me deal with this peasant for you.

Men, I really hope no one puts a shiv in my kidney after this accolade.

Mr. Augustus, whats the price to free Princess Bianca? I wiggle my eyebrows seriously and move my eyes to the side, hoping he will understand.


He didnt.


Stan, just pay him the price. Ill be taking Princess Bianca back with me, and Ill show her new lodgings.

I bow to the Wallorian Treasurer and smile.

May I, Your Highness? I say with my hands proffered toward her.

She nods and jumps between my arms.

Now, we have two Princesses in our bakery, I say while turning to Princess Laura. It has to be a record.

The woman with purple hair looks like shes on the verge of having a stroke. A huge blue vein is pulsating on her forehead.

Are you comparing that pig to me?

I hear a snort, and I see a mocking expression on the white pigs face. Princess Laura is probably thinking about making some white sausages, isnt she?

Well, better not to answer her question, then.

I scutter away toward the exit, knowing I will get so many laughs for the new little royalty in my embrace.

Princess Bianca, we are going to have some fun together.

For the first time, the Wallorian Treasures squeals like a pig, probably agreeing with me.

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