Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Chapter 130: Finally forming blade intent

Chapter 130: Finally forming blade intent

The casually thrown blade Qi by Murong Lin clashed violently with the blade light unleashed by Guan Yun Chang. The ensuing collision sent everything in the vicinity hurtling into the air.

Beneath the fiery glow, demonic beasts scattered in all directions, helpless in the face of the searing inferno and the relentless gusts of wind. They searched in vain for a means to extinguish the spreading sea of fire.

In the heart of the chaos, with mountain pig at the forefront, the demonic beasts launched a ferocious assault on Ma Meng Qi, who stood in the vanguard, and Pang Shi Yuan’s Iron Cavalry.

To the north, the retreating army found their escape route obstructed by the raging fires sparked by the locusts. They, too, were engaged in a relentless battle against the ceaseless waves of Blood Bat Locusts.

The ground was littered with corpses, forming gruesome mountains that served as a grisly feast for the swarming locusts. The ceaseless flow of blood created rivers that were greedily absorbed by the earth.

In the skies above, the once-favorable winds that had aided Chu’s forces were now fanning the flames, inadvertently inflicting harm upon their own soldiers.

The two counsellors, Li Wen You and Guo Feng Xiao, poured all their efforts into aiding the soldiers in their struggle against the Blood Bat Locusts, while Guan Yun Chang engaged in a fierce battle with Murong Lin.

Since the tragic demise of Lu Feng Xian in battle, Guan Yun Chang, standing at the peak of the Sky Reaching realm, had become the most formidable individual under Chu Ze’s command. He was currently garbed in a green robe, his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the young man before him with unwavering focus.

Murong Lin responded with a sly grin and a cocked head, baring his teeth. Despite his outward demeanour, his heart remained eerily composed.

He had already expended considerable effort to eliminate Zhao Zi Long earlier, and now, facing Guan Yun Chang and potentially Li Wen You and others, he knew he would have to give it his all.

Guan Yun Chang tightly gripped his blade as he charged toward Murong Lin atop his swift Wanli Horse. The steed carried him to Murong Lin’s side in an instant, its remarkable speed allowing it to navigate the battlefield unscathed.

Even amidst the chaos of thousands engaged in combat around him, not a single soul managed to harm his trusty steed.

As his horse arrived before Murong Lin, Guan Yun Chang swung his blade with great force:

“Severing Mountains and Seas!”

A tremendous surge of energy erupted from his weapon, creating an overwhelming pressure that distorted the very air around them. This attack, infused with the power capable of cleaving mountains and parting seas, hurtled ferociously toward Murong Lin.

Murong Lin’s expression shifted slightly as he swiftly raised his blade, executing two consecutive techniques:

“Sky Net Style!”

“Catastrophe Style!”

These rapid-fire manoeuvres, combined with a deft sidestep aided by his second blade, just barely allowed him to parry Guan Yun Chang’s initial strike.

Guan Yun Chang’s expression also shifted slightly. The power behind his blade was enough to kill even a ninth layer Sky Reaching realm expert. Yet, the young man before him had managed to fend off his attack with only two strikes.

His blade plunged into the ground, and with a quick twist of his wrist, he redirected it sharply, using the back of the blade to strike the ground. Harnessing the kinetic energy from this rebound, he launched yet another attack.

This blade was aimed squarely at Murong Lin’s lower body, targeting his legs and waist.

It carried a surge of energy and emitted a brilliant glow, appearing nearly unstoppable in its destructive potential as it clashed with Murong Lin’s paring knife.

“I Am Indomitable!”

Murong Lin’s hand quivered slightly, but he maintained a firm grip on his paring knife.

His blade, having absorbed the essence of those he had slain, had since ascended to a higher Sky grade level. Nevertheless, when confronted with Guan Yun Chang’s blade, he still experienced a formidable recoil.

Guan Yun Chang skillfully pivoted using the ground, redirecting his weapon with yet another rebound, moving with great swiftness and grace.

Murong Lin responded by twisting his paring knife, infusing it with the potent energy of the ‘Evil of Lifelessness, Lawlessness, and Formlessness’ and the 《Lifelessness Law》, culminating in his third blade:

“Dark Sky Style!”

In an instant, Guan Yun Chang felt as though he had plunged into a world devoid of light, where time itself seemed to crawl at a painful pace.

His horse anxiously leapt about, its gaze fixed fiercely on Murong Lin.

In the midst of this clash, Murong Lin’s blade light collided with Guan Yun Chang’s second blade.


Both combatants were sent soaring into the air, with Murong Lin crashing into a tree and Guan Yun Chang falling from the heavens. Fortunately, his loyal horse arrived just in time to catch him, allowing him to land safely on its back.

One of Guan Yun Chang’s hands released his weapon, and he stroked his beard slowly as the intensity of his red-eyed gaze increased.

On the other side, Chu Ze’s impatience grew as he witnessed Murong Lin successfully parrying Guan Yun Chang’s second blade. His eyes reflected a mix of dread and fury as he cast a vicious glare toward Murong Lin. Turning to Li Wen You, who stood beside him, he urgently commanded, “Wen You! Take me away, now!”

Having just experienced the backlash of his nation’s destiny plummeting, which had caused his cultivation to drop by two significant realms, Chu Ze realized that it was highly perilous for him to remain alone in the midst of this chaotic battlefield.

He urgently needed Li Wen You to escort him to safety.

If he survived, there would always be another opportunity, but if he perished, he would truly have nothing left.

Nevertheless, Murong Lin, who had heard Chu Ze’s cry, wore an indifferent smile as he unleashed his fourth blade towards Guan Yun Chang from his position by the tree.

This blade bore the infusion of the ‘Evil of Lifelessness, Lawlessness, and Formlessness’, the 《Lifelessness Law》, and even his nascent Blade Intent.

“Everlasting Style!”

This blade emitted an everlasting brilliance, a light that would neither fade nor extinguish.

Guan Yun Chang, who had just regained his composure, stared at the impending attack from Murong Lin, a tinge of astonishment flickering in his eyes.

However, he was a martial general, and even when confronted by an unbeatable foe, he would muster his full strength to confront the challenge head-on.

Guan Yun Chang’s blade sliced against the ground, generating sparks as it made contact with the scorching earth. As the distance between Murong Lin and himself closed, Guan Yun Chang’s blade abruptly changed direction, descending upon Murong Lin from behind.

“Verdant Dragon Moon Collapsing Blade!”

This was his third and most formidable blade.

With the power behind this stroke, he could rival even those in the Cognizance realm, thanks to the immense blood essence and mental fortitude he had expended to forcibly create his ‘Blade Intent’.

The Guandao he had lifted from his back gradually revealed a faint figure at his rear—his Manifestation transformation, the ‘Moon Collapsing Verdant Dragon.’ 

This colossal verdant dragon further reinforced his blade, instantly stabilizing it as if their forms had melded into one.

The menacing aura emanating from this green dragon instilled a sense of fear and reverence in those nearby.

Yet, Murong Lin remained unfazed. His nascent Blade Intent clashed with the Blade Intent Guan Yun Chang had forcefully forged, leaving the outcome uncertain.

Murong Lin’s blade was shrouded in darkness, and as this darkness intersected with the verdant dragon within Guan Yun Chang’s blade, it began to corrode it with a sizzling sound.

The verdant dragon writhed in agony, struggling to maintain its form. Despite its draconic nature, Guan Yun Chang could not fully unleash its power, and he could only rely solely on this third blade that he had forcefully unleashed to confront Murong Lin.

If these three blades proved insufficient to overcome Murong Lin, he would have no choice but to await his inevitable defeat.

The enigmatic and profound aura emanating from Murong Lin’s blade seemed to possess an innate affinity for countering all living things. Flames, cold, electricity, corrosion, consumption—all kinds of energies were encompassed within this dark mass, as though it were the concentrated embodiment of all the malevolence in the world.

Finally, the two blades collided, with the Verdant Dragon Collapsing Moon Blade and the Nameless Paring Knife meeting head-on.

Guan Yun Chang’s complexion flushed red as he channelled all his strength to confront this attack, yet, his gaze was involuntarily drawn to the allure of the ‘Evil of Lifelessness, Lawlessness, and Formlessness’.

Murong Lin, while withstanding Guan Yun Chang’s blade, sought to discern the essence of Guan Yun Chang’s Blade Intent—a Blade Intent forged by time itself, devoid of emotion, and steeped in ancient wisdom.

On the battlefield, a river of blood flowed endlessly, and towering columns of smoke ascended into the heavens.

In that moment, it was as if Murong Lin had gained a profound understanding of his own Blade Intent.

Translator’s note:

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