Burning Love Cute Husband and His Little Wife

Chapter 86

86 Am I Handsome?

Isabella was stunned and turned around. “What do I want the most?”

Joseph looked at her with anticipation. “William said that you are a special girl. Tell me what you like best and what you want the most.”

Isabella looked down at him and scratched her head in confusion. “Can you leave me alone after I tell you that? I can say anything?”

“Tell me the truth. Then I’ll leave you alone!”

Joseph’s eyes flickered with anticipation.

This girl was indeed very special as William said.

She did not grovel. Although she had flattered him, she had her own principles.

Compared to other women who turned extremely obedient when they saw him, Isabelle valued her personality very much.

Could she be that special girl who only wanted true love?


Could she be the girl to fill his heart and deal with his regrets?

‘Come on, just say that you only want a lover. You only want true love.’

‘If you say it, I will believe you!’

Of course, Isabella did not know that Joseph had these thoughts under his calm face. But she could tell that he looked a little different.

So, after thinking for a while, Isabelle said with great caution, “Now I just want money, a lot of money.”

Joseph’s hope was shattered.

Joseph clutched his chest. “Don’t you want anything else, which is as important as money?”

Isabella thought of Lukas, but she shook her head and said resolutely, “I think the most important thing is money! Hey! Joseph, why are you glaring at me again?”

Joseph said through clenched teeth, “That’s enough. Go away.”

“What are you doing? It was nice for a minute. Now you’re angry at me again.”

Isabella stomped angrily and ran towards a crowd.

“Mr. Joseph, should we bring Miss Isabella back?”

Gerry didn’t know what happened and ran out from behind the stone.

“No need.” Joseph scolded coldly, “Damn William.”



Joseph stood up and said with contempt. “She knows how to hurt people. Give her some space. After all, she’s my girl.”

“Got it. I will tell the bodyguards to go away, so that they would not disturb Miss Isabella.”

“No. Let her play.” Joseph’s flashed sinisterly. “I’ve got many ways to remind her that I’m her master.”


Isabella had a very bad afternoon.

When she rowed a boat, Joseph passed by and fished on his luxurious private yacht.

When she followed the speedboat and surfed, Joseph rode a water scooter and splashed sea water on her face.

When she competed with others to dig in the sand, Joseph drove a small bulldozer to shovel a large spoonful of sand. Then he chased after her and buried her with the sand.


Isabella looked up and roared. She felt that her beach vacation was going to be ruined by Joseph. But then she saw some people playing “bumper” not far away. She laughed sinisterly and ran over.

“Bumper” was a game.

A woman sat on a man’s shoulders. Then they hit another group. The first to fall into the water lost.

So, Joseph also ran over to stop her. But this time, he failed. He could only stand there and watch her play.

Because he was the boss of the Global Group. And he would not allow any women to sit on his shoulders. However, he also didn’t want Isabella to sit on another man’s shoulders in a bikini.

That was why Joseph stood on the beach and looked all distressed and intimidating. Nobody dared to approach him.

Seeing Joseph turned unhappy, Isabella became very satisfied. She thought that she was very smart!

“Gerry, go and carry Isabella on your shoulders. I don’t want to see her on another man’s shoulders!” Joseph roared.

Gerry was stunned. For the first time, he questioned Joseph’s order. “Me?”

“Of course, you. Could it be me? Hurry up!”


Gerry immediately took off his clothes.

“What are you doing?” Joseph was pissed. “Put your suit on!”



Gerry had walked into the sea. Hearing that, he turned to look at Joseph in confusion.

This was the first time he felt completely at a loss after working for Joseph for so many years.

Joseph walked over with a dark face. He pushed Gerry away and said unhappily, “I’ll do it.”


“Get ready!” The host sounded very enthusiastic from the loudspeaker.

Isabella’s partner was a tall and handsome foreigner. He picked up Isabella easily, as if she was a kitten. He praised her in fluent Chinese, “You’re not heavy at all. You’re great.”

Then he knelt on one knee and made an elegant gesture of invitation. “Beautiful lady, may I be your knight and conquer the sun and the sea with you?”

“Of course, I....”

Before Isabelle could finish speaking, a shadow shrouded them.

Joseph stood in front of them silently, with eight sturdy bodyguards like the Optimus Prime behind him.

Isabelle and her partner were both stunned. She said, “Joseph, you....”

“Get away from her.”

Joseph ignored Isabella and looked down at the handsome foreigner with a cold face.

“Sorry, I don’t understand Chinese. Ouch!” The foreigner immediately said in English when Joseph came to him.

“I don’t care! Take him away!”

Before the pitiful foreigner could finish speaking, he was dragged away by two bodyguards.

Seeing that Joseph, this unpredictable pervert, was about to go crazy again, Isabelle got so scared that she turned to run away. But Joseph pulled her back soon with his long arms and legs.

“I quit!”

Isabella closed her eyes and shrieked, “Calm down! Calm...!”

Before she finished screaming, she suddenly felt that she was lifted. She opened his eyes and said, “Joseph, you....”

“Go back with me after this.”

Joseph held Isabella on his arm and looked distressed. “If you cross me again, I’ll gut you like a fish!”


After an hour of fierce battle, the “bumper” finally came to an end.

Isabella waved her towel and ran happily in front of Joseph. “That’s fun! Let’s back and have dinner! Seafood feast, I’m coming!”

Joseph walked behind her and looked sullen.

Gerry frowned, “Mr. Joseph, did you hurt yourself when you played that game? Do you need to see Doctor Morris?”

“Gerry, do you think I’m handsome?”

Joseph suddenly turned to stare at Gerry.

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