Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 477: 460: It’s So Simple, Who Are You Underestimating?

Chapter 477: 460: It’s So Simple, Who Are You Underestimating?

Super Tomato had planned to take the whole day off on Tuesday to play games all day.

Moreover, he was creating an extraordinary creation based on his understanding and exploration of the game mechanics.

He would add this creation to the end of the video as a heavyweight Easter egg.

Super Tomato had absolute confidence – when this creation comes out, it will certainly be a technical marvel!

However, after Lincoln finished his live broadcast, he suddenly announced that a new game would be tested in the evening, which disrupted Super Tomato’s plan, forcing him to temporarily change his schedule and start streaming again.

Not just Super Tomato, many other streamers are experiencing this for the first time: there are actually too many games to play in a day!

In the live broadcast room, Super Tomato, who is waiting for the new game to start its closed beta, has mixed feelings.

Viewers are excitedly discussing the “Aerial and Terrestrial Large-Scale War Game” in development by Cloud Dream.

But Super Tomato is entirely preoccupied with the magical “machine” he has created in “My World” and has been inspired by even more interesting ideas.

Compared to going onto the battlefield with a group of people armed with weapons, he is actually more interested in “My World.”

Because “My World” can better utilize the creativity and imagination of players.

It’s definitely not because he gets targeted in gunfight games and is always the first to die…

In the evening, viewers were surprised to find that many streamers they were following and who had originally taken the day off were now online, waiting for the new game’s closed beta to begin.

Lincoln also did not break his promise of a “large-scale closed beta”, and the number of players who received testing qualifications was massive.

So much so that players didn’t even need to sign up, and a huge number of closed beta invitations were sent directly to them.

Many people were still on their way home from work or school when they received the notification on their mobile phones.

It was at this moment that everyone finally learned the name of this game – “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness.”

There are two ways to log in:

One is to directly select “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness” in the login space.

The other is to directly traverse the wilderness in “Paradise”, pass through a long canyon, and enter the world of “Hunter”!

Yes, this game has been integrated into the overall map of the virtual world by Lincoln even before its official release.

“Paradise,” this game, has also undergone a major synchronized update.

The amusement park gate that connects to Wilderness now has three parts:

One leads to the [Hunting Area], and deeper in, is the “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness” world.

One leads to the [Eden Area], the map remains the same, but the rules are adjusted, and hunting is prohibited in the entire area.

Animals, regardless of their species and size, will actively approach people and no longer have any lethality.

This area will become a place for both humans and animals to play together.

The last door leads to the [Protected Area].

This is the area with the most changes; the map and animals of the Wilderness are becoming more realistic, thanks to waves of expert participation.

Whether it’s the ecological environment, seasonal changes, frost, rain, and snow, the growth and decay of plants, rivers, and even animal migration and predator-prey relationships are all taken into account.

Until now, the Cloud Dream staff and experts who participate in the project have not dared to claim that they have fully achieved the ultimate goal and still hope for more time to slowly adjust this area.

But there seems to be no limit to such adjustments.

So Lincoln decided to update the content already available, as he believes the map is already of an incredibly high quality and can make a big impression on everyone!

Of course, this project will not just end like this; it will continue to be enriched and optimized with a dedicated team working on it for the long term.

After all, attempting to fully simulate the real ecological circle in reality will inevitably be a long-term project that takes years.

Once a rule setting or change goes wrong in the interconnected ecological circle, it may cause a far-reaching chain reaction.

However, on the flip side, such a chain reaction may not be a bad thing in the eyes of scholars.

Finding the cause not only allows the virtual world to fix the flaw, but it can also be of great value to the study of real ecological circles.

However, this costly and time-consuming achievement needs more time to ferment.

At the moment of the recent update, it is not immediately garnering the attention of players.

Because everyone’s focus is still on the new game.

Although the new game’s gameplay is just an extension of “Paradise”‘s Wilderness section, and in a way, it can even be considered as a DLC for “Paradise”, players don’t know that!

Players who have received the qualifications are all entering the new game as soon as possible.

Even those who haven’t received the qualifications, most of them aren’t immediately checking out the new Wilderness section but are going to live streaming platforms to watch others’ gameplays through their live broadcast rooms.

Lincoln is very generous; not only do the streamers on Cloud Dream Live Broadcast Platform receive special treatment and all get qualifications.

Streamers on other live streaming platforms also haven’t been targeted, and many have received invitation qualifications.

Netizens can easily find the streamers they are interested in and see the content of the new game.

Players who log directly into the game world from their virtual real estate will find themselves outside a lakeside cabin when they open their eyes.

Dressed in sleek outdoor camouflage clothes, holding a mobile phone in hand, a telescope hanging on their chest, and a rifle and a small bag on their back, which contains a map and a hunter’s notebook.

Yelang hadn’t had time to take a close look at the contents of the bag when his phone rang.

He looked up and saw that the caller ID showed a foreigner with a beard. Well, there is no choice – in Daxia, any outdoor hunting activities are illegal except for a very small number of ethnic minorities and forest and grain protection teams.

However, when Yelang picked up the phone, he immediately heard a strong Northern accent in Mandarin: “My name is Kelton, everyone calls me Doctor, I’m the supervisor here, and I know every nook and cranny around here.”

“Is this your first time here?”

“Let me tell you, this is the best protected area for miles around. I’ve hunted here all my life, and I’ve never been bored for a day.”

“Let’s go, look around. Not just for hunting, there are many places here worth checking out!”

“But for now… try your skills first, see if you can find a trace left by an animal?”

After hanging up the phone, Yelang puts down his mobile phone, looking at the unfamiliar hoofprints beneath his feet.

“Traces left by animals.. Is it talking about this stuff?” he guessed uncertainly, “It looks like… a deer?”

The system prompt immediately rings out-

“Ding~ Task log has been updated.”

Yelang opens the task log on his panel, dumbfoundedly seeing the “Find traces” task has already been completed.

A new task “Find a prey” has been activated.

He stands still, speechless complaints: “It really just spawned right under my feet?”

“Should I follow the footprints to find the prey next?”

The moment he finished speaking, a voice came from a close distance-


Yelang immediately looks over, vaguely seeing a few deer.

He lifts the telescope to take a closer look, seeing clearly that a few deer are leisurely eating grass in a not so distant meadow…

“Ding~ Hunter’s Notebook has been updated.”

“Ding~ Task log has been updated.”

“Find a prey” has been completed.

“Hunt a prey” has been activated.

“That’s it??” Yelang is completely speechless, “Does it have to be this simple? I’m a man who has hunted dinosaurs! Who are you looking down on with such simplicity?!”

He just stands there, not coming closer or hiding, not even bothering to move at all.

He simply takes off the rifle in his hand, holds his breath as he aims at the deer’s head, and steadily pulls the trigger.


Hit the head!

Just as Yelang is about to put down the gun and check his prey, he sees through the sight-

The deer just starts to run!

“What the hell?” Yelang exclaims, “Didn’t I hit it? I saw it very clearly, right in the head!”

He can’t maintain his leisurely posture anymore, and quickly runs up to check.

At the spot where the deer had been eating, he finds blood stains.

This confirms he didn’t mis-see or shake his hand, the bullet hit the target.

But why would the deer have nothing wrong with it and just run away?

And was there such little bleeding? After getting close, the system even gives a prompt – “Flesh wound.”

Yelang’s face is filled with confusion.

Shot in the head, and it’s only a flesh wound?

Looking at the bloodstains not far away on the ground, Yelang thinks for a moment and still decides to chase after it.

He follows the trail of trampled grass, scattered bloodstains, and fresh feces, chasing relentlessly.

But soon, he gets disoriented.

Almost every time he gets close to the trace, the system gives a prompt – “Running.”

After chasing for a while, he loses the tracks completely, and it takes a long time to finally spot another pile of feces.

Yelang hurriedly inspects the feces for information – “Animal feces – White-tailed deer – Some time ago.”

It’s not fresh feces, which means it has already run far away.

However, just as he was about to stand up and look for another trace, Yelang suddenly stops in his tracks.

He looks down at the pile of animal feces again.

“Wait a minute! Have I seen this shit somewhere before? Why does it feel familiar?”

“Hahahaha!” The live streaming room is filled with laughter.

“It’s not just familiar, you saw it just five minutes ago!”

“You’ve sniffed the same shit three times already!”

“You’re the shit-sniffing master!”

“Master my ass, it took him three times to realize, isn’t that a bit slow?”

Yelang stands still, doubting his life.

“This isn’t right, the newbie guide task should be very simple, right?”

“The trace below my feet, the prey before my eyes, they all seem to be tasks that are simply given away?”

“So what went wrong??”</p

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