Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 413: 397: Players Spoiled by Mirage

Chapter 413: 397: Players Spoiled by Mirage

Translator: 549690339

New players were surprised and curious about the sudden “rise” of VR games.

The old players, on the other hand, had a sudden feeling of “What year is it tonight?”

Many familiar streamers have completely switched to virtual reality games in recent months.

In the beginning, to accommodate the feelings of their old fans, these streamers would broadcast one or two hours of VR gaming every day.

But within half a month, they completely dropped VR gaming.

This is not only because of the huge drop in views and popularity, even their original fans have switched sides, abandoning VR and joining the camp of virtual reality.

And so, the streamers and fans hit it off…

Strictly speaking, Yi is also one of these types of streamers.

However, it was only after the “Blaze 3” had utterly disappointed him, that he unhesitatingly dropped VR live streaming content.

But his live broadcast room still has a large number of old viewers who followed him all the way.

Now these old viewers are all enthusiastically making jokes:

“Brothers, can someone tell me, what’s the date today?”

“Unbelievable, the VR game… has risen from the grave?!”

“NetDragon: I’m not inferior in my lifetime!”

“Streamer, you would even stream VR games now just to chase the heat?”

“Streamer, have you prepared your diapers yet?”

Yi was always dressing in the matching clothes for VR equipment, without time to pay attention to the comments.

It wasn’t until he was fully prepared that he directly logged into the game and began the DLC journey.

He planned to do one last marathon live broadcast, to have a proper ending.

But forget about diapers, he had already vowed: he would never touch diapers in this lifetime!

Unless the brand offers a lot of money.

Lincoln, on the other hand, did not watch the live broadcast this time, he started playing this DLC almost simultaneously.

Of course, he used the Mirage Console.

Illegally used the Flying Dragon 3rd Generation at home to play cloud games through Mirage.

Hmm, there are indeed some problems on the software interface. If you want to promote it on a large scale, you indeed need to negotiate cooperation with the corresponding console merchant, otherwise, there will definitely be copyright issues.

But Lincoln is not an ethical saint.

As an innocent user, why not modify the hardware and crack the software of the equipment and games he paid for, to make himself feel more comfortable?

Although NetDragon would not be very happy.

And to catch up with the progress as soon as possible, Lincoln watched the simplified plot summary video of “Blaze 3” made by video uploaders last night and understood what the game was talking about.

Now he directly seamlessly started the DLC, which is equivalent to directly skipping the story of the village burned down in the main story, and the grandfather and the dog died, and the abrupt ending affected the mood and so on. He can now start in unparalleled mode.

As for how to play DLC without a game save?

Could game save be a challenge when Mavis can even crack the game?

“OK, now it’s collection time.”

“Hmm.” Mavis nodded with interest.

Lincoln was wearing a curved display, displaying the game image inside, and the entrance to the underground armory was directly in front of him.

Of course, the weight and closed feeling of the headset are also excluded from the senses.

Not only did Mavis appear directly in the game, she also picked up a miniature armed drone, held it in her hand and looked at it up and down, and then tossed it into the air with a “heave-ho”.

The drone stabilized itself in the air.

Then Mavis found the light machine gun that had appeared in the trailer, laboriously lifted it up and handed it to Lincoln.

As Lincoln moved his controller closer to receive it, it felt a bit odd, because the feeling of “weight” was simulated by tension ropes on the wrist, which was not very accurate.

However, Lincoln was very tolerant about this, got familiar with the specific operation, and then stepped to start the game.

Time passed quickly in the game.

Lincoln had already got used to the operation mode of VR games. In a condition of not feeling tired, all uncomfortable senses such as pulling, breathing, sweating, etc. were excluded, he didn’t feel hard at all.

Even the DLC of the game is not as heavy and depressing as the main game. The narrative rhythm is fast and pleasant, the map style is bright and attractive, and the overall feeling is a bit like a hot-blooded classical story.

Considering that the protagonist of the game is a child, it doesn’t feel abrupt.

In a relaxed and enjoyable manner, Lincoln continued his gaming session after a midday meal.

However, unlike Lincoln, other players weren’t feeling quite so breezy in the virtual world.

Yi, for instance, felt as if his whole body was soaked through with sweat, to the point where he felt like he was playing the game while immersed in his own perspiration.

The sticky sensation on his skin was the least of his concerns; he was more worried about potentially becoming dehydrated if he continued playing.

In the end, he had no choice but to cut his marathon live stream short, take a bath, have a good meal, replenish his energy before returning to continue streaming.

However, he didn’t continue streaming the game immediately, instead, he began chatting with his audience:

“I think I’ve been spoiled by Mirage. I used to sweat like this in games, but it doesn’t make sense for it to happen so quickly.”

“Now I feel all my muscles aching, especially my arms and legs. When I first got off the equipment, my calves were trembling.”

“I have to admit since I started playing virtual reality games, I’ve neglected physical exercise.”

“I’ll continue streaming in the afternoon, but first, let me rest a bit. In future, I really need to exercise more, and you all should look after your health too!”

Yi had thought that if he collapsed halfway through the game, the live comments would definitely ridicule and mock him fiercely.

However, that wasn’t the case at all. He was surprised to see that most comments in the live broadcast room were affirming him-

“Totally understand, your health comes first. Health is the most important.”

“You’re already strong enough! Many of the old VR game streamers couldn’t last for two hours this time.”

“There’s this guy who’s 1.83 meters tall, he was helped out of the equipment by other people. As soon as he got down, he just squatted down and sat on the ground. He couldn’t even stand up without help.”

“Don’t even mention the game streamers, I’m questioning my life too. A few months ago, I could play for six hours straight, but now I can’t even last two hours. It’s knocked me out!”

Upon seeing the comments in his live stream, Yi instinctively opened the live streaming platform.

He then discovered that within less than five hours, the situation in the game zone had drastically changed.

If this morning the game zone was divided equally between NetDragon and Cloud Dream, now at most, it was only a 30-70 split.

And within that 30 percent, at least half had transformed into “chatting live streams” – all the streamers were resting.

By now, the comments were no longer discussing any gossips about NetDragon and Cloud Dream, nor did they discuss the DLC content anymore.

Everyone started betting: who would be the next streamer to give in?

Also, who would be the ultimate endurance champion, invincible in terms of physical strength and kidney function, able to hang on until the end?

Yi was speechless, he had never expected the topic to drift to such strange grounds.

But he didn’t say much, instead, he naturally joined the discussion while checking the live streaming rooms.

After all, he had to rest and stall for time. The more they talked, the longer he could rest and the longer the live stream duration.

What a good deal!

After nearly an hour of digressing, Yi finally felt that he had rested enough and was ready to re-energize for the second round.

However, a conspicuous message popped up, once again disrupting his plans-

‘The special edition of Jenny and Johnny’s “Metropolitan News” is out!’

Naturally, Jenny and Johnny referred to the hosts Jenny and Johnny, who were originally NPC hosts at the Metropolitan TV Station.

Later, Lincoln arranged a “Metropolitan News” program for them, which broadcast major events in Metropolis to the players every week.

Once the program was on track, Lincoln reverted to his hands-off approach and left everything to them.

The program continued to air weekly.

According to Randall’s plan, after the “Assassins’ Alliance” competition officially ended, “Metropolitan News” would no longer maintain a weekly frequency but would extend the interval based on material and demand.

After all, once the game’s popularity had passed, it would be tough to find enough fresh events to broadcast.

However, this special edition was a special case, arranged by Lincoln.

The reason given to the players was, “The Metropolitan and Night City are once again connected, and Jenny and Johnny have been assigned by the TV station to produce a program on a business trip to Night City, hence the ‘special edition’.”

This was Lincoln’s another attempt at integrating the virtual world. If successful, these two NPCs would surely have a bigger stage in the future.

Although Yi had already rested enough, he wouldn’t refuse to rest a bit more.

Right away, he opened the official account of “Assassins’ Alliance”, only to find nothing on it.

Using the search bar, he unexpectedly found that the program was under the account of “Speed Chase” instead.

“Well, is this the special edition?!” Yi was surprised.

After all, he hadn’t played “Assassins’ Alliance” in quite a while.

At the same time, the 70% of streamers who were already broadcasting “Speed Chase” and the 20% within the 30% of the one’s streaming “Blaze 3·Red Flame”, all opened the official account of “Speed Chase”, tuning into “Metropolitan News· Night City Special Edition”.

As a result, the content ratio of NetDragon and Cloud Dream in the game section of the live streaming platform had become 10:90…

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