Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 398 Chapter 383: Operation Codename: King of Kings!

398  Chapter 383: Operation Codename: King of Kings!

Lincoln felt very helpless. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

But he couldn't blame everyone, especially not Shuihua, who rushed over to mock him as soon as the incident happened.

The things that happened during the competition were simply speechless.

Of course, it wasn't his fault either.

Who would have thought that in such a serious and intense competition, the opponent would suddenly abandon the position and not attack, with a few people ambushing him alone.

After the successful ambush and knocking off his gun, they didn't kill him but each of them brandished sticky rat traps and desperately tried to paste them on his face.

Who could put up with that?

He pulled out his dagger and fought back desperately, even killing two enemies in a row, but still got two rat traps stuck on his face.

Adding insult to injury, after the successful prank, his opponents did nothing but stand on the sidelines, laughing wildly while watching Lincoln struggle to remove the rat traps on his face and waving his dagger in the air...

Pathetic, helpless, and amusing.

Audiences were exclaiming how worth it the competition was to watch!

Frankly, if it hadn't happened to Lincoln himself, he would have found it very funny too...

If it's not his teammates' fault, not Shuihua's fault, and not his own fault, then whose fault is it?

Blame his opponents?


Lincoln declared: "Warehouse Bird, you are the greatest and most wicked sinner!"

It's all because Warehouse Bird started this bizarre trend, turning a serious competition into a humorous one all of a sudden!

However, one learns from experience. After being tricked once, Lincoln suddenly came up with an idea to trick others in return -

Could he capture an opponent in an official match?

Especially in point matches with a respawn system, even if it costs a few lives to successfully control an opponent and tie them up so they can't move.

Wouldn't the rest of the match become a 5 on 4?

And if it goes to 5 on 4, why not sacrifice a few more lives to capture another opponent?

Naturally turning into 5 on 3?

If successful, wouldn't that guarantee a win?!

Invincible tactics!

On the phone, Shuihua finally stopped laughing.

But in the end, she kindly and patiently comforted Lincoln: "It's okay, I think anyone who suddenly encounters something like this would fall into the trap. Everyone isn't laughing at you, they just think it's fun that something like this happened in an official match. Besides, making everyone happy and being remembered for a long time isn't a bad thing."

Lincoln had already come out of his self-pity, and as soon as the call ended, he immediately went to find the coach and began discussing the feasibility of the "capturing" tactic.

He realized that virtual reality games are different from the past, and he needs to break away from previous competition experiences and mental limitations!

Moreover, with the remaining professional teams in the competition, whoever can break free of their mental limitations first will gain more advantages in the upcoming matches.

And their hope of ultimately winning the championship would also be greater!


The next day at 8 o'clock, the official account of "Speed Chase" posted an announcement for all platforms simultaneously:

'Game Connected Announcement and Related Notice:

1. Friends connection feature is officially opened.

From the time of announcement, players can freely invite friends to their world to play the game together.

Please note that when the main tasks will be automatically frozen when entering multiplayer mode, and can only be advanced in single-player mode.

2. Wide-scale random matching mode will be automatically enabled during specific times.

From Monday to Friday, 6 pm to 9 pm, as well as weekends, players may randomly encounter other players in the game.

Hope everyone enjoys this new feature and makes more friends.

If you prefer playing alone and do not want to be disturbed by others, you can disable this feature in your personal panel.

You can also find "PVP" or "PVE" options under the Connected section on your personal panel, allowing you to choose between player-vs-player and player-vs-AI combat modes.

After selecting, you will only be matched with players with the same preferences.

(Note: The default option is player-vs-player mode).

3. Certain areas in the game will fully enable the connection feature and be designated as public areas.

These areas include: "Abandoned Factory Area," "Paradise Hotel," and "Night City Circular Concert Hall."

Entering these areas will automatically connect you with other players.

Finally, wishing everyone a happy gaming experience!'

Even though it is early morning on Wednesday, the announcement instantly attracted intense reactions from the players.

Countless exclamations of praise immediately filled the comment section.

Lincoln, who had woken up early for a change, was eating breakfast while Xiaomeng, who appeared on his tablet, held a spoon as if it were a microphone and feigned seriousness as she read the top comments to him:

"Great! It's multiplayer! What? Can't do missions? Then what's the use of having multiplayer?!"

"'Abandoned Factory Area' - Modified car workshop street; 'Paradise Hotel' - Paradise Casino, going bankrupt in one go; 'Night City Circular Concert Hall' - Super vvip seat immersive concert experience pavilion. Three public areas, two of which are super money-spending places! Cloud Dream is so crafty!"

After reading this one, Xiaomeng looked a bit unhappy and frowned before continuing:

"Thank you so much, I can finally play directly with my girlfriend! I will no longer be mocked for my progress (probably), I'm saved! Lincoln, Cloud Dream, you guys are not just saving a child but a precious love!"

After reading that, Lincoln and Mavis frowned at each other: "This is the same person, right? How did they squeeze into the front row again?"

"Mavis doesn't know either!" Mavis shook her head, "There are many weird comments below."

"Forget it, don't read it, I'll check it myself..."

Lincoln felt that if Mavis continued to read, it would eventually end up in some restricted content.

He took the phone, and Mavis had already opened the comment section for him without any operation.

The more Lincoln read, the more he realized that Mavis' claim that "there are many weird things" was not an exaggeration at all.

These people were eager to play online games together, but many of them, as soon as they saw the possibility, immediately thought of something bad.

He even saw someone suggesting trying to team up and attack the Continental Hotel...

What's even more outrageous is that there are so many responses to this comment!

It seemed like they were about to agree on a time and live stream the whole thing!

"Mavis, help me remember this. If they really live stream, be sure to call me to watch the show together."

"Okay! Mavis will remember!" Mavis always loved watching the excitement.

Of course, the comment section is not the only place where players agreed to make a mess.

In fact, organizing people in the comment section is very inefficient. More players still communicate through forums, group chats, and even private chats and calls.

For example, right now, Camille Victoria was contacting Super Tomato through a chatting software.

"Since your card counting strategy has failed anyway, why not join my side and let's become Gambling Kings together?"

— A Gambling King that comes from cheating, is still a Gambling King!

Super Tomato is quite stubborn and hasn't completely given up on card counting, but he also realizes that even with card counting, he needs teammates to cooperate.

He could try it out with Camille Victoria first and get familiar with the process.

"OK, when do we start then?"

"Don't rush." Camille Victoria explained: "Cheating mainly needs to guard against casino staff and hidden cameras. We were always caught before because of the rushed time. Now we have plenty of time, we should make a plan first, figure out the camera locations and staff movements, and start the operation in the evening. Moreover, there will be more audience in the evening."

"Professional!" Super Tomato exclaimed: "If we figure out all the camera positions and staff movements, we can even have more people to cooperate, cover the camera, actively interfere with NPCs, attract other gamblers' attention, etc. There's a lot to do!"

"That's right! Tonight, the title of Gambling King must belong to us!"

"Set up a code name for the operation?" Super Tomato asked in the end.

"King of Cheating!" Camille Victoria immediately answered, obviously prepared in advance.

"OK!" Super Tomato agreed once more.

The two of them were determined, and immediately started mobilizing in their respective fan groups, asking people to help them go to the casino and find the cameras, observe the staff movements, and gather information.

In the end, these pieces of information will be organized as a guide and made public to all players.

Meanwhile, they also announced their live streaming content for tonight on social media.

Camille Victoria has a little personal reason for scheduling it in the evening: she plans to invite Xiaomei and Shuihua to join.

After all, during closed beta, they were all involved. This time, it would be upsetting not to invite the two of them.

But Xiaomei is busy during the day, and Shuihua has classes, so they can only wait until the evening.

In the meantime, Camille Victoria has to organize the other members first.

Since it's an indoor activity, people are valuable in small numbers instead of mass. Otherwise, if hundreds of fans were invited to play together, it would most likely only cause chaos.

Camille Victoria began to interact with her fan group, selecting fans with suitable time.


On the other side, once Yi saw the announcement of the server opening and the abandoned factory area becoming a public area, he immediately went online and rushed to the factory area.

It might have been an abandoned factory once, but now it has been unified by the scar-faced, muscular man in a suit, and has become the starting point of the "Indiscriminate Death Race."

As soon as Yi arrived, he found that the registration point for the Death Racing competition was almost overcrowded, and it turned out that the registration requirement to complete main missions had been canceled.

Without a second thought, he went up to register.

It's worth mentioning that this area is not just a simple registration place, but also an activity area for many racers, audiences, shops, gangsters, racing clubs, and night-goers.

Moreover, there are not only "Death Racing" competitions held here.

Apart from the Death Racing competition, Yi discovered at least two other underground racing competitions with different rules and routes, also taking place here, but registration was not open yet.

Players' modified workshops are also located in this area, naturally.

However, they are all on the edge of the area, transformed from abandoned factories.

-There are workshops near the central area, but not only are their prices higher, but also one needs to prove oneself in the competition and win several times to be eligible to buy them.

In gaming terms, it requires the corresponding reputation to unlock...

Yi didn't carefully count how many workshops there were last time he came.

But roughly estimating, there were at least hundreds of them.

Now, as soon as Yi stepped into the area, he saw many excited players coming and going, and even some workshop gates were opened, and bizarrely modified cars were driven out by players for test drives.

When Yi reached his own workshop door, he saw the gate of the adjacent workshop slowly opening, and an armored car with a crazy amount of armor and covered in spikes drove out.

Yi noticed that the armor of the driving cabin position was extraordinarily thick, a full three layers of steel plates!

He immediately thought: Can machine guns penetrate this thick armor?

Yi was deeply worried.

And that's not his only concern.

What worried him more was: The Death Racing is approaching, the number of registrants is soaring, but the machine gun he had planned to mount on the pickup truck is nowhere to be seen yet...


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