Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 390 Chapter 376: The Unexpected Champion_2

390  Chapter 376: The Unexpected Champion_2
But in the next moment, he suddenly stopped his hand.
With a trembling voice, he asked in confusion, "Why is this trophy...silver?"
Xichuan's disbelief immediately broke the celebration atmosphere in the live broadcast room.
Not only did his own smile freeze on his face, but the 360,000 Izumo players in the broadcast room were also dumbfounded by this sudden surprise.
Many audiences were frantically typing comments, "We are the champions!!!"
However, halfway through typing, they suddenly saw the champion turned into a runner-up...
Xichuan didn't give up and took a closer look at the trophy but immediately saw a number clearly engraved on the base of the trophy-
This made the atmosphere in the broadcast room suddenly awkward...
"Hahaha *hic*!" Queenie Nishino lay on her bed, laughing so hard she hiccupped while watching this scene on her phone.
More Izumo players, however, began to frantically post online, trying to find out who came in first.
They really wanted to know who snatched Xichuan's first place.
But they got no response at all.
The Daxia players quickly discovered this and waited for more than an hour without seeing any Izumo players coming forward. They carefully asked on Daxia's social network, hoping to see if the first place was a Daxia player.
However, they too didn't get any news.
Both Izumo and Daxia players concerned about the first completion battle results spent the night in anxiety and confusion.
Lincoln was unaware of all this, his sleep quality was as good as ever, and he slept soundly until morning.
It was only after Mavis, as usual, woke him up that she looked very excited, not waiting for Lincoln to change his clothes and get out of bed, and said excitedly, "Master, the results are out!"
Lincoln, with sleepy eyes and a somewhat drowsy head, asked in a daze, "What results?"
"The first completion battle!"
"Oh, who is it? Xichuan or Da Sen?" Lincoln's interest wasn't piqued.
But Mavis gave him an unexpected answer, "No! It's a Daxia player!"
"Ah?" Lincoln sobered up a bit, "Who? Tim or Kevin?"
"Neither!" Mavis shook her pink head, "It's Clark!"
"???" Lincoln tilted his head involuntarily, "Who?"
"Forget it!" Lincoln interrupted Mavis's explanation, stretched out his arm, pulled the headband from the bedside table and put it on, then fell back onto his pillow.
When he opened his eyes again, Mavis had already pulled him into the virtual world.
Lincoln stretched lazily, dispelling the last bit of sleepiness, "Alright, let me see who this great player is!"
Mavis happily leaned over to Lincoln's side, and with a wave of her little hand, a player's game screen was pulled out.
In the screen, the player was engaged in an intense battle.
At a glance, Lincoln saw that this was the battle to attack Yousuf's hideout, with complicated terrain, numerous enemies, and an extremely high difficulty of battle.
And after watching for a few seconds, Lincoln noticed something wrong: this player's fighting style was completely different from what they designed!
"Mavis, let me see his combat skill level."
Mavis pointed with her index finger, and the game screen automatically floated with the player's information:
'Player ID: Clark
Character Level: Lv.6
Combat Skills: [Shooting Mastery: Lv.6], [Cold Weapon Mastery: Lv.2], [Combat Sensing: Lv.3], [Gunfighting Technique: Lv.2].
Non-combat Skills:...'
"???" Lincoln was even more confused: "[Combat Sensing] and [Gunfighting Technique] are at such a low level? They haven't been used much, right? Just passively leveling up?"
"With such low character and combat skill levels, how did he get this far?"
Upon hearing Lincoln's question, the all-knowing Mavis immediately showed more of Clark's combat scenes for him to see.
Lincoln zoomed in on the four newly displayed combat scenes and began to examine them carefully.
No matter in the night club, church, main street, or warehouse, Clark's performance in the battles far exceeded the expected effects of his combat skills on the panel.
But Lincoln was sure that it couldn't be because of cheating software.
Virtual reality games couldn't have cheating software, at least not for now.
After watching more closely, Lincoln finally discovered that Clark's fight strategy was not entirely the one designed in the game: "Close the distance, ultra-fast pace, kill the enemy before I get killed."
In combat, Clark still kept some distance from enemies. He didn't chase after instant kills but instead fought steadily and accurately.
His utilization of terrain was effective, and he controlled the rhythm of shooting and moving exceptionally well. Lincoln found the scenes highly entertaining just by watching them.
Seeing Clark's combat mode, Lincoln was convinced that this mode could be replicated in reality.
"I think I get it now." Lincoln said helplessly, "Is he a 'Hot Weapons' version of Xu Chun?"
"This is...ridiculous!"
Of course, in terms of ridiculousness, Clark was still somewhat inferior to Xu Chun.
But compared to regular players, Clark was more than absurd enough!
You should know that there were many veteran players in "Speed Chase."
But in the end, it was Clark who won the championship, leaving the runner-up far behind.
And there was something even more ridiculous-
After watching more battle scenes, Lincoln felt like he had seen Clark somewhere before.
After careful recollection, it suddenly hit him:
"Clark? Isn't he that veteran from Camille Victoria's [Avengers Team]?"
Everyone was unsure whether he was a real veteran, as Clark was always a bit reticent and low-key.
They only saw that he was very familiar with firearms, gunfights, and tactical actions as soon as he entered the game. He also performed well during competitions.
While he never admitted to it, he never denied it either.
So eventually, everyone assumed he was a veteran after all.
Clark obviously had superb hot weapons combat abilities in reality, so his skill levels in the virtual world didn't represent his actual combat power.
He didn't even need in-game skills to beat the whole game!
At most, he had a few accidents, dying a few more times.
Skipping all the leveling up and upgrading without doing any side quests or extra battles, the game was incredibly fast for him!
No wonder he was the first to complete the main storyline!
When "Assassin's Alliance" first came out, Clark had just started playing virtual reality games. Obviously, he couldn't have immediately tried to speed run the game and therefore wasn't among the 100 players sampled by Mavis. That's why they didn't find him.
Lincoln even suspected that if it had been "Assassin's Alliance," Clark might not have had such an advantage.
After all, his experience, which required unique skills like [Assassin Bloodline] and [Curved Shot], would hardly be as powerful as it is now.
At this time, the internet was still filled with posts asking who the champion was.
Clark received the achievement trophy at 8 o'clock yesterday evening, way ahead of Xichuan.
But then he didn't tell anyone, nor did he brag; he logged off and went to sleep.
So even now, "Who is the champion?" remains a mystery among Izumo and Daxia players.
The two sides even began to argue...
 n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

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