Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 304: 302 The Big Event in “Paradise”

Chapter 304: 302 The Big Event in “Paradise”

Translator: 549690339

“Paradise”, amusement park area.

As an area that the players originally were very familiar with, it has been revitalized since Lincoln pulled it out separately, removed the age limit, and filled it with a large number of IP characters.

Especially after the operation team took over, the categorized IP images were no longer exclusively unified into doll skin suits, but instead became more diverse.

Characters familiar to many players have really come to the players from the movies.

Human characters from cartoons and comics are also impeccably imitated by NPCs with the help of costuming and makeup styling.

Furthermore, “floating car parade”, “random flash mob”, “stage performance” , and the simulated “impromptu performance in the crowd” that previously mostly resided within Lincoln’s proposals have all been individually realized and integrated into this massive amusement park.

With the increasing richness of these contents, not only do the children increasingly enjoy coming here to play, but many adult female players also start to enjoy it, liking to randomly walk in and see if anything has changed.

With this kind of fervor, more and more mirror areas can be found within the amusement park.

Even to optimize the player experience, any facility for which the queue exceeds a single ride’s capacity will instantly add a mirror of itself.

Meaning, regardless of the attraction a player wants to experience, they only have to wait a single round before being allowed up.

This kind of handling lets players feel the lively atmosphere of the amusement park without having their time wasted by queuing, sparing them from


It could be said to be extremely thoughtful.

In the Vortex Forum, this kind of thoughtfulness is jokingly referred to as [“Lincoln’s Tenderness”].

[‘Lincoln’s XX’] is a series of jokes summed up by the players, with [‘Lincoln’s Tenderness’] being the latest one.

This series also includes:

[“Lincoln’s Iron Fist”]: refers to Lincoln dealing a heavy blow on the internet.

And such strikes often start by adding someone to the blacklist.

[“Lincoln’s Malice”]: refers to Lincoln’s malice within the game’s story and level design.

Obviously, the story includes the protagonist being cheated on by his virtual girlfriend, “I am your dad”, both Firefox’s biological parents dying…and so on in the plot setup.

As for level and mechanics design, it refers to Lincoln deliberately lying in ambush and scheming against the players when designing the game.

These “insidious” details are very likely to break the player’s defenses.

Especially when you think you’ve come up with a genius idea that should work perfectly within the game’s mechanics, but when you try to put it into practice, you find that Lincoln has been waiting there to counter you…

Super Tomato is very well-spoken on this matter.

Similar jokes include [“Lincoln’s Mercy”], [“Lincoln’s Contempt”], etc…

The shuttle bus, which should not have been very fast, also, thanks to [“Lincoln’s Tenderness”], became very powerful.

The most absurd thing is that it’s not only fast, but also particularly stable even on the plains, completely with the appearance of a shuttle bus and the soul of an off-road vehicle.

Camille Victoria’s journey to find the giant panda has failed again.

At this time, she holds her cheek in one hand and the steering wheel in the other, sitting in the white shuttle bus, feeling a bit listless.

At the same time, she also considers: maybe her efficiency is too low if she only relies on herself blindly.

Perhaps, she should mobilize the masses?

With this thought, she doesn’t hesitate, directly stops the vehicle, opens her personal panel, then switches to Spiritual Rhinoceros, edits and publishes a post:

“Help my child!

Has any friend seen the giant panda in the wilderness of ‘Paradise’?

My child really can’t find it!

If a friend finds it, could you give me some direction?”

After posting, she doesn’t forget to help the viewers in her live-streaming room, encouraging the interested friends to look together.

“My friends, I really want to pet the baby panda, if any of you are free, could you help me look?”

Once Camille Victoria finished speaking, she began chatting with viewers in the comments.

This is already the “chatting segment” before going offline.

Of course, it’s just to go offline for eating, and she’ll come back online to continue broadcasting after the meal.

Camille Victoria, as a responsible professional anchor, always has a high intensity with her live-streams.

After chatting for a while, Camille Victoria bid her viewer-friends goodbye, with her fingers on the [“Exit Game”] option, yet hesitating to click it.

“What’s that noise?” Camille Victoria cocked her head, asking in confusion.

Seeing Camille Victoria’s unusual behavior, the audience also curiously asked in succession, ‘What’s going on? What’s going on?”

Camille Victoria didn’t answer, but stuck her head out the window to look behind.

She noticed a haze of smoke and dust on the distant horizon.

And this smoke and dust, it was quickly approaching!

“What’s going on?” Camille Victoria asked perplexedly, “Is there a sandstorm here too?”

The comments were buzzing with speculation:

“Really? I’ve never heard of it before!”

“It shouldn’t be, have you ever seen such a low sandstorm?”

“Could it be a beast tide? But in the trailer, the beast tide didn’t raise any dust, did it?”

Seeing the strange phenomenon, Camille Victoria did not continue streaming. Instead, she stopped in place, curious to see the dust spread.

As the smoke and dust got closer, before she could make out what was in it, she saw a fast shuttle bus making a frantic escape in the dust cloud.

Seeing Camille Victoria stopped, the bus even crazily started honking its horn.

The distance was closing.

This time, Camille Victoria finally saw it clearly: it was indeed a herd of animals running!

And it was totally different from the scene in the trailer!

Although the animals in the trailer were also running madly, they didn’t seem lively, but rather looked like they were rushing somewhere, not attacking.

Now, those leading lions, tigers, wild boars, and rhinos all looked as if they had fire burning in their eyes!

Behind these beasts, there was a beast tide. Various animals were densely packed together, relentlessly chasing the shuttle bus in front, leaving no room in between.

Even grazer animals like deer, goats, and giraffes were furiously charging forward!

“Holy sh*t!” Camille Victoria rarely swore in her live stream, quickly retracting her body back into the car.

She started the car and immediately pressed hard on the accelerator! After all, it wasn’t her car, so she didn’t feel any heartache over it!

They fled towards the safe zone, which was the amusement park area.

Behind them, a massive wave of beasts, seemingly infinite and without physical limitations like the players, pursued relentlessly.

The number of animals was so large it made one wonder – where did these beasts come from? The wilderness usually seemed to have plenty of space but few animals!

While Camille Victoria was driving, she shouted at the player who had caught up with them: “Did you steal their eggs or something? Why do they hate you so much?!”

Licking Snow on Blade who was driving, amidst the tension, didn’t get Camille Victoria’s “egg stealing” joke, only responded: “There are no chickens here, where would I get eggs from?!”

Just as Camille Victoria was about to ask again, she saw several more vehicles stopping up ahead, the drivers even got out of the car, craning their necks to watch the spectacle.

So, both of them immediately honked their horns frantically, “Run!”

This kind of incident kept happening, and the fleeing crowd grew larger and larger.

One of the significant features of the Internet age is that news often travels faster than the people involved.

Before Camille Victoria and Licking Snow on Blade even reached the amusement park, many people inside the park had already received the news:

“Beast tide is coming, the amusement park is in great danger!”

Adult players, whether they came to play on their own or accompanied children to play, were not concerned, but thought: “They must be coming here!”

After all, there were so many people in the amusement park, many diversion map areas, and nobody knew which amusement park the beast tide was heading towards.

Many players, too impatient to wait, volunteered to drive the shuttle bus out of the amusement park, and headed towards the direction of the incident in a magnificent manner.

The vast and sparse open animal park had fewer diversion maps, which greatly increased the chances of encountering the excitement.

“Come to think of it…” Some players only thought of a problem after rushing out of the amusement park, “Is the wilderness still a safe area?”

However, the question only lingered in their minds briefly before being dumped aside.

So what if we die!

As long as they could hitch on to this big excitement, one life was nothing noteworthy!

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