Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

Chapter 233 - 233: 231: Failed to Qualify!

Chapter 233 - 233: 231: Failed to Qualify!

Translator: 549690339

Entering the inner circle, the map range continues to shrink, and the battle becomes more frequent, with hardly any breathing time.

Moreover, the battle seems to be getting a bit… muddy.

And the positioning of the car has flipped once more.

In the previous two areas, anything seen moving, whether it was a car or a person, didn’t need to think, just shoot directly, they were all enemies anyway, hitting would be a win!

But after entering the inner circle, it could also be an NPC moving.

It’s okay for individual people, as players’ heads will have name tags, making it hard to mistake, but if the opponent is driving a car, then it’s quite troublesome.

If a player hides in the car, it’s impossible to tell from the outside if it’s an NPC or a player.

This means you can’t shoot recklessly, after all, if you hit the wrong target,

you’ll lose points!

Once again, the car becomes very useful, serving as an effective disguise, as opponents are afraid to shoot easily, which allows players who drive to often take the initiative in skirmishes.

The coach of the eSports Club watching the live stream records in his notebook: distinguishing between player and NPC driving habits – targeted training.

The simplest method of distinction: most players in the virtual world drive as if traffic rules don’t apply.

Red light stop, green light go, all fake, completely fake!

Since violating traffic rules won’t summon the Metropolis Police, it means the game doesn’t forbid it.

Even for many players, the Metropolis never had traffic rules, and things like traffic lights, zebra crossings, and traffic police are all just decorations!

All is void, all is permitted!

Although this classic line doesn’t exist in this world, what players do in the virtual world is pretty much the same.

Emphasizing unfettered recklessness and lawlessness!

Entering the familiar map of Metropolis, players feel like they are back home and are incredibly familiar with the city.

Landmark buildings, shops, hospitals, and gun shops, not only do they know where they are, but they are even overly familiar with the layout inside.

Purchasing is a breeze.

For open stores, they follow a fixed routine, and if they’re not open, it’s even simpler: which team doesn’t have one or two lockpickers now?

Even if the teammates trained in lockpicking died earlier, it doesn’t stop the players from breaking the doors violently, and they still collect the incoming goods as usual.

Of course, being familiar with the terrain is not just about making purchases smoothly.

Familiarity with the terrain can sometimes be turned into an advantage during battle.

Especially for those hardcore players who are fond of PVP and confrontation training, they practice live battles in Metropolis every day.

In the competition now, they’re extremely familiar with the possible enemy positions, movement paths, shooting angles… and so on.

Particularly near the Metropolis Central Plaza in the core circle, their muscle memory is highly attuned to the fight.

For them, everything returns to the familiar track.

As everyone’s [Shooting Specialization] skill level is maxed out, the shooting accuracy gap can no longer be widened, so the use of tactics, the influence of terrain, the firepower of weapon equipment, and the number of fighters on both sides may all become crucial factors in winning or losing!

In this regard, heavy-duty players who often participate in PVP undoubtedly have a considerable advantage.

However, the overly intense combat in the inner circle also causes devastating blows to casual players who have come this far relying on good luck.

They are quickly eliminated from the battlefield.

By [11:00], when the earthquake comes again, all that’s left are players who have participated in at least 10 hours of PVP combat.

Moreover, these players are already bloodthirsty, and not even an earthquake can stop them from continuing to fight.

One team with 7 players left, dropped their guns, each pulled out two long knives and charged towards the crowd. Almost effortlessly, they killed the opponents like slicing through melons and vegetables, under the lead of their bulletproof vest-clad captain.

Another team took homemade Molotov cocktails from their backpack, lit them, and threw them with difficulty into the house where the opponents were hiding, causing the entire building to be engulfed in flames.

Then they blocked the door, shooting down one person randomly as they came out.

It could only be random shooting because the vibration was too strong, and no one could do precise shooting.

Some teams even got their hands on explosives, had a teammate strap them on, lit them up, and charged towards the opponents during the earthquake, pulling off an ugly but statistically impressive I-for-5 trade.

But their tactics were only a little ugly. The enemy that “I’m Really Called Wu

Di” was facing now was the real definition of “ugly.”

They were already fighting a five-person squad before the earthquake happened.

After finally taking down two of the opponents, the remaining three opponents broke the door lock of a private house, rushed in, and huddled with some NPCs.

“Despicable scum!” Wu Di was so angry that he was about to explode, but he didn’t want to kill both the people and the NPCs, so they ended up in a stalemate.

But after the earthquake, without any hesitation, he pulled out his knife and engaged in melee combat!

“NOOOOO—” Yi let out a heartbreaking scream.

He wasn’t screaming in despair for Wu Di, but in fact, he didn’t even care about that team—even though he himself had been killed by Wu Di earlier.

Yi was wailing for the death of his last teammate.

When the earthquake arrived, this teammate desperately wanted to find a hiding spot and, without thinking, barged into a nearby house.

The teammate was about to rise after a smooth roll, but when he looked up, he saw a dark gun barrel pointed at his head.

“Wait, I can explain…” The teammate hurriedly tried to plead for mercy.

But the bearded NPC didn’t give him a chance, with a “bang,” shot him out of the competition map.

It was this scene that made Yi unable to hold back his scream.

Because it meant that the opportunity to raise their survival rank by relying on teammates had completely vanished.

The only hope now was that everyone’s scores would be relatively even, and after taking down about a dozen teams, they would get killed themselves.

But that hope was slim, as only 10 teams would advance out of the virtual city, which was extremely demanding.

The teammate continued to shout on the team channel: “I’ll remember you,

Bearded Man! You wait for me! I’ll be back to get my revenge!”

“Revenge, my ass! Stop messing around and come join us in praying!” The other teammates chimed in.

“God, Buddha, Confucius, Taoist, Boss Lin, please give us a chance to advance!” Even at this time, comments in the live broadcasting room were still gloating:

“Making a plea to five different targets? It would be strange for them to succeed ! ”

“Loyalty that isn’t absolute is absolutely disloyal!”

“I bet two cents that the anchor won’t get to play for another week.”

After the collapse of the inner circle, the fierce battle in the core area lasted only a short ten minutes, and the competition was coming to an end.

With one team’s annihilation, beams of light shot down from the sky and enveloped all the surviving players.

Fighter jets flew through the sky, leaving colorful tails, and huge colorful balls exploded in the air with confetti raining down.

A spectacular and celebratory scene.

The IDs of the advancing teams’ members were displayed on the sky screen, and the top ten teams settled!

Wu Di stood on the edge of Metropolis Central Plaza, raising his arm and cheering.

Not only him, but all the surviving players were celebrating!

Only Yi looked at this scene sadly and suddenly shouted hysterically, “I don’t accept this! Where’s the resurrection match?! Where’s the Loser’s Group?!”

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