
Chapter 117

Chapter 117

The balcony of the common building was nice and quiet. A gentle breeze washed over the distant trees and across her face as she sat behind the railing, looking out over the grass and the other buildings that made up the training grounds. She could have eaten downstairs, with the others, and frankly she wasn’t even supposed to be up here. The only entrance to the balcony was the one through the sponsors hallway and only aspirants going in for an interview should be going through it. She didn’t really care at the moment, though, she just wanted a little time to think.

Lillian took another piece of brisket off her plate and handed it to the hawk that sat next to her. It pulled it carefully from her fingers before eating in silence. She smiled at it and popped a piece into her own mouth, chewing quietly as another breeze ran through her hair. 

She’s still in surgery, it’s been hours, She thought. Dr. Carter had seen her out after Snow had gone under for the operation. She had wanted to hang out outside the lab but Miss Chernovna had swung by and insisted that she get something to eat and clear her head a little. She was grateful, there was still so much to think about. So much that she was still digesting from her enlightenment, her vision. She took another bite of her food and let out a breath before glancing at the hawk that eyed her patiently. “Thanks again for the help earlier,” She said.

It inclined its head and she got the feeling that it was saying something along the lines of; ‘Well, it goes without saying that I would help’.

Her lip twitched, Now I’m imagining stuff.

She shifted a bit on the ground and leaned back, resting her arm on her knee and glancing towards the spot where her teacher had been undergoing the tribulation. The lightning was long gone but she hadn’t seen her. She scratched at her neck a little then paused, a tingle moved through the air behind her. She lowered her hand as the feeling from it registered in her senses. She smiled and went back to her meal, plucking another piece up and handing it to her bird friend. “Hello, Teacher.”

Black Lotus walked in next to her and sat down, “You’ve made a new friend.”

Lillian glanced at the hawk, “Seems so, no idea why but he helped me find my way back after-”

“After you ran off to go through your first stage of enlightenment,” Black Lotus said, “I heard that you saw my tribulation and bolted shortly afterward.”

Lillian turned to Black Lotus and looked up at her. The woman was more serene than before, her dark eyes seemed even deeper and her smile easier. She didn’t seem much different physically, a little more toned, her face a little more defined, her hair just a bit longer. It was the energy moving inside of her, though, that was dramatically different. Where there had been a steady if fast-moving whirlpool, now it was beginning to move through her body in a distinctive pattern, following her meridians and moving towards a centerpoint at her waist.

“Did you see her?” Lillian asked.

Black Lotus nodded, “We spoke.”

The Lillian of just a week before would have jumped in and probed how to get to that point faster, now, now she knew better. It took time, and she could already feel that there was something off with her ability. She was approaching a much more difficult cliff and she had only just achieved the first stage. It would be some time before her second. She nodded slowly and looked back out over the trees, “Sometimes I can see it, mana.”

“See it? Visually?” Black Lotus asked.

Lillian nodded, “Sounds like that’s not something that comes with your ability?”

Her teacher shook her head, “I don’t know whether I’d want that or not,” She said ruefully.

“It’s hard to turn on,” Lillian admitted, “But when it is, I can tell when a place is primed for a monster. I just feel it in my gut.”

Black Lotus went silent for a moment before reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a small sphere and held it out to Lillian, “Can you hold this for me for a moment?” She asked.

Lillian tilted her head and took it, “An RTE? You think something’s up with my ability?”

“I suspect your ability is a bit different from others,” Black Lotus said, “It’s not even been two years since the flash, we understand so little about abilities, but a general rule seems to be that Abilities do not change tier except under extreme circumstances,” She explained as she pulled a phone out next, tapping the screen a few times.

“Extreme circumstances?” Lillian asked, confused.

“Are you familiar with Ishtar?” Black Lotus answered with her own question.

Lillian frowned and looked down at her plate, her stomach twisted a bit at the taboo name, “Who isn’t?” She snorted, “What does she have to do with it?”

“Ishtar claims to be able to awaken the abilities in people or even give them out, it’s not exactly common knowledge but it’s also not hard to hear about it,” Black Lotus said, “More specifically, she can do it in exchange for payment or services. That is information that the Pandora Committee is keeping closer to its chest, the only reason I’m discussing it with you is your situation.”

Lillian tensed and looked down at the RTE in her hands, she looked up at Black Lotus and felt her heart sink a little, “You think-”

“I think? No, you wouldn’t make a deal with someone like her,” Black Lotus said with a shake of her head, “I was instructed to make regular reports about high potential aspirants and when your situation came up I was asked to observe and test you with an RTE if you began exhibiting more and more functionality,” She exhaled, “Your ability has the functionality of a mythic, Lillian, but you still feel like a rare to me.”

Lillian squeezed the ball a little, “So if I read higher than rare, it’ll be suspicious?”

“Not so black and white,” Black Lotus said, “Let’s just have a look. This is a Pandora Committee phone, it’ll record the result and send it back regardless of what happens so I can’t tamper with it,” She warned Lillian before placing a hand on her shoulder, “We need to do this before I resume training you.”

Lillian nodded, “Go ahead.”

Black Lotus nodded and tapped the phone. The sphere in Lillian’s hand began to glow, first a dull gray light, then white, then green, then blue, a strong brilliant blue. It glowed brighter before flickering purple and blue several times. Finally it rolled back to blue and settled. Lillian watched it with a mixture of awe and concern, “I don’t-”

Her teacher let out a sigh of relief, “Rare but it’s trying to encroach on Epic. A function of your ability then. Thank goodness.”

Lillian looked up at her, wide eyed, “So I’m okay? I never met, I mean, I-” She stammered before her teacher chuckled and squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.

“I’ll put it in the report, you’re going to be fine, Lillian. You have a very unique ability, that’s all. Be proud of it, develop it, and figure out what it takes to move on to the next level. If anyone can, it’s you,” She said with a smile.

Lillian flushed and looked down at her plate again before glancing at her new bird friend, “Thanks, teach-” She glanced back at her teacher and saw the woman relax before plucking out a white bottle out of her coat. She pulled a cork out and drank a sip before letting out a sigh. “Are you drinking?” Lillian blurted.

“Second stage was a lot to take in compared to first,” Her teacher chuckled and sipped again.

Lillian shook her head with a laugh and looked back out over the grass again as the two sat in a comfortable silence. They sat for nearly half an hour before her teacher sat up and tilted her head, her eyes fixed on a spot out in the trees. She slid to her feet with a grunt before patting Lillian on the back of the head, “Make sure to sleep tonight,” She said before hopping onto the railing, “I’m going to stretch my legs.”

Lillian didn’t believe that for a moment but she wasn’t going to push the issue, she just nodded, “Right,” She said and Black Lotus was gone.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, startling her, I thought there was no signal, what the heck? She pulled her phone out and looked at it.

<It’s Dr. Carter, figured you’re probably still awake, worrywart. We’re done. She’s fine and in recovery now. She’ll be out for a while, be patient and get some damn sleep.>

Every muscle in Lillian’s body relaxed and she fell back onto the surface of the balcony, staring at the words on her phone with a big smile on her face, “Thank goodness.”

Sonya shifted on her feet in the undergrowth, the trees above her head. She checked her personal watch, she could have used her HUD but it was good to keep up normal habits. Right on time a message from mephisto came through and she focused on it. It popped open in her vision.

<I’ve arranged the meeting, The Spice King is looking forward to finally meeting you in person. Next week at the Styx. You’ve also got a few requests from some others. Blight wants a word. I still haven’t been able to contact August. Pretty sure she’s just crazy.>

She smiled, <I can’t wait. I hear he’s been very kind to you.>

<Quite the gentleman. Give Amos my love. I’ve got a few suckers to chat with while I’m here. Talk to you later.>

<Have fun.>

She took a few steps and leaned against the pylon of the dungeon, resting her head against it and crossing her arms as she put out a call. As it rang she glanced up at Marta who was standing stoically off to the side. Their eyes met and they exchanged a smile before the other end picked up.

<“Kingshark here!”> Barry grunted on the other end.

<“How are things?”> She asked.

<”Almost done with this one, then we’ll move on to the next. Had a few military ships swing by and try to check us out yesterday. No big deal, I took care of it,”> He said, <”How’s she doing?”>

Sonya glanced surreptitiously at her bodyguard who raised her eyebrow at her with a knowing stare. <”Statuesque and observant as always.”>

<”Give her a big ol’ kiss for me,”> Barry joked.

Sonya barked out a laugh, drawing a frown from Marta, <”I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t appreciate it from me.”> Sonya chuckled, <”I’ll give her the message, though.”>

Barry laughed, <”That works, thanks boss.”>

Sonya tilted her head, <”What about the rest?”> She asked a bit more seriously.

There was a pause, <”I’ve got people in every country she does, we’ve got our eyes on them. I set up a few ‘incidents’ to force some of her people into a fight. You were right, her followers are enhanced somehow. As strong as uncommon or even low rare. All physical improvements though.”>

Sonya nodded, <”As expected, her light-touched followers will be more difficult to get a measure for. Their abilities will be amplified by her ability. Don’t waste men on them right now.”>

<”Got it,”> He grunted, <”It’ll take a while but we’ll be ready when the time comes. Blackrazor’s people are a big help and its nice having Charon for getting my people around.”>

Sonya grinned, <”Those taxis are nice aren’t they?>

<”Damn right they are, I use them all the time,”> He laughed.

<”Jealous, I didn’t get to enjoy it while I was in The Hague. Too many eyes,”> Sonya grumbled as she felt fast movement in the air ahead of her. She glanced up and smirked, <”We’ll talk more later, I’ve been meaning to reward you for your work, be safe.”>

<”Who do you think you’re talking to? The Lord of the Deeps is out at sea, here, I’m invincible.”> He laughed and cut the call. <”Looking forward to that present, later boss.”>

She shook her head and pushed off the dungeon pylon, stepping out into the middle of the clearing as Marta moved to stand next to her. She tilted her head towards her beloved friend, “Barry told me to give you a big ol’ smooch,” She snickered.

“That idiot,” Marta chuckled, “She’s here.”

Sonya smiled as Chunhua burst through the trees and landed ahead of them. She was still dressed down but had her sheathed sword in one hand. She glanced around for a moment and frowned, “Sonya? What are you doing out here? Is everything alright?”

“Glad you could make it, figured you’d come if you sensed us near the dungeon,” Sonya quipped before gesturing towards the rippling portal, “Come on, let’s go inside and talk.”

Chunhua raised an eyebrow and read Sonya’s expression before nodding, she walked past her without hesitation and went straight through the water-like surface of the portal. Sonya pursed her lips and exchanged a look with Marta. The both of them shrugged before they went through as well. The next thing Sonya felt was the tug of her everything as she was pulled from one place to another before stepping out into an almost identical forest. Unlike the real one, the area with the portal was formed of trees grown so thickly together they formed a near complete circle. An opening on one side just wide enough for three people to walk side by side was the only exit.

Sonya stepped out and brushed off her arms before glancing up at Chunhua who was standing off to the side, watching the opening, “Did you clear out the first wave?” She asked.

“Marta did just a bit ago,” Sonya said before frowning, “We need to talk about this dungeon.”

Chunhua nodded, “Fill me in.”

Sonya crossed her arms and quickly explained what Cass had reported to her. Chunhua nodded along and glanced around thoughtfully, “It doesn’t feel much different.”

“I’m not sure what that bastard did, but he did something to it, I’m worried about the aspirants, I’m going to start taking them in here soon for the scouting classes, then there’s the final exam we need to consider,” She let out a breath, “It’s best if we have a look around.”

Chunhua nodded, “Good idea,” She said before raising an eyebrow, “That’s not all though, is it? You never go somewhere with only one purpose.”

Sonya smirked, “Well, after you moved on to your second stage I got motivated to get stronger myself,” She said and rested her hands on her hips, “Figured I’d invite you to my little merger party.”

Chunhua blinked and her eyes went wide, “Here? You’re going to do that here?” She paused and scowled, “You’re going to overdo it, aren’t you? I have your memories, you realize, I know exactly how painful it is.”

“Well it’s a good thing you and Marta are here!” Sonya barked out a laugh, “You can keep an eye on me, because it’s happening.”

Marta crossed her arms and stared at Chunhua, “She’s putting a lot of trust in you being here,” Marta said defensively, “You could-”

Chunhua frowned further, “But why? You’re already power-”

“Because it isn’t enough,” Sonya said flatly, her expression going hard. She glanced at the portal behind them and clenched her fists, “Not for him,” She looked sidelong at Chunhua, “My memories are a lot to go through, and some of it may be a blur for you, but for me it’s all crystal clear. That buffoon may be a bumbling idiot now, but he’s an invincible bumbling idiot,” She said and ran her fingers through her hair, “Natural Selection should have done its job with him a long time ago, but it didn’t,” She said, “He barely understands how whatever his power is works.”

She paused and she looked at Chunhua, “But, even an idiot can adapt and learn if he lives long enough.”

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