Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 267 Awaken!

The stream of [Evil Darkness] poured from Skullius’ finger only to start spreading over the ground as surprisingly, it started to outline what was the invisible construct that Tulnas had mentioned!

Skullius didn’t use much of his [Evil Darkness] but the result shocked him.

A massive magical seal that spanned over the entirety of the depression where the lake had been was seen, tinted in the darkness of the [Evil Darkness] that was released.

‘What’s this…?’ Skullius thought as he looked over at this development.

He didn’t think that the amount of darkness he had used could span over such a large distance.

Gertreld and the others marvelled at this while Tulnas narrowed his eyes.

Ginie’s heart palpated as she was dying to ask Skullius to show her what he knew about Magecraft so that she could more but she knew it was way too risky.

He eagerly waited for the result as it could possibly answer his quandary. Quandaries to be exact.

Soon, sparks echoed out as the magic seal which was traced by the darkness shook, emitting small bursts of light.


Tiny sparks flew as from one section of the expansive seal, a crack resounded, showing a broken section of the seal!


Skullius could see the effect of his [Evil Darkness] shattering the seal as if it was nothing which made him gulp.


The resounding sounds of shattering akin to glass echoed as the dark coloured seal broke entirely, the dark colour it had vanishing as a wild rush of Primus rose up, darkening the atmosphere as it left the formation!

‘I didn’t think it would work that fast! Wait! I didn’t think it would even work!’ Skullius thought while his mind turned back to the reason he had even decided to take up this task of [Evil Darkness] to test the waters in the first place.

Back when he used [Perfect Night Domain], he had seen the purple mist that the Obscene Stalker Ghouls emitted get suppressed.

The last one which had suddenly sprouted the eye at end was an outlier but he had thought that since he had managed to do something like that, perhaps he could do it this time.

Tulnas narrowed his eyes.

His intrigue was beyond peaked. A dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

‘This is way more terrifying than I thought. I assumed this was an affinity towards the darkness element, but no. A mere element can’t suppress such an application of Primus or even raw Primus in general. That must mean….’ Tulnas thought as his eyes bulged for but a moment before he caught himself. ‘Oh my dear Silrat…’

With the seal shattering into fragments that flew like dust, releasing the Primus they used, the ground became a normal patch of dry-ish dirt.

“Alphat, return,” Tulnas commanded, the massive elephant that was overhead nodded its head and vanished from the spot.

The Guild leader raised his foot and stomped onto the ground, with his powerful step calling forth a rumble, as well as golden-brown sand with small sparkling blue spots to jut from the ground and slam down, breaking the surface apart!

Chunks of the ground fell down in a perfect arc, forming a massive hole in the ground.

The sand that had seemingly been conjured by Tulnas’ stomp hurriedly rushed to grab the group and gently lowered them into the darkness underneath.

Skullius looked at this sand which had a unique signature about it which registered in his [Elevated Mana Manipulation]’s sense.

‘Is this from another one of his tamed beasts?’ Skullius thought.

The fact that Alphat had vanished into things air instead of being stored somewhere made Skullius a little suspicious about Tulnas only being a Tamer, but then again this wasn’t a doubt backed by facts.

Besides the Tamer class matched his personality.

The group descended into the far darkness where even the sunlight couldn’t reach even if it grew hands, the sand lowering them with the same fluidity as some kind of mechanic contraption from a distance advanced universe.

With every inch they descended, the group became aware of the thick bursts of Primus that leaked from below, becoming more and more prominent with the distance.

It took almost ten minutes to finally reach the bottom where barely anything could be seen.

However, that wasn’t the highlight.

At this point, the Primus energy became almost as abundant as the air.

Skullius could feel it without straining his senses.

‘I have a really bad feeling about this…’ he thought as he looked ahead where multiple purple objects appeared from view, these objects being none other than purple eyes from different creatures that lurked in the dark.

Tulnas grabbed the hilt to his sword as he looked ahead.

Ginie produced some kind of flare from her spatial storage ring which provided light, though she didn’t need it because her natural sight could see through natural darkness.

But still…

She really hated the dark.

Tens of different creatures turned to them with intelligence as well as eager eyes that spotted only malice.

Tulnas grinned.

“Leave this part to me and recover every bit of your stamina,” the Guild leader said as bursts of beautiful sand poured from his feet and coiled around everyone in a single ring that constantly revolved protectively.

“We still have some ways to go.”



“You could at least try to handle it with care,” Fulina said as she looked at the middle aged man who had just dropped a corpse to the floor.

“You and I both know corpses need no care,” the middle aged man who had tufts of short, leather black hair said.

Fulina sighed, unable to find a comeback to spare to this. She then turned to the man who stared at the corpse before them from behind his mask.

“Why did we have to wait this long to retrieve this corpse, Actuass?” she asked.

The man with the mask answered her without raising his head.

“This? Because our collusion with the Evenfall, of course. With them preparing the body of that Paladin Champion for their ritual, I figured this was perfect tome to handle that pending matter. Besides, our objective concerning this man is unable to travel. At least one of them is.”

Fulina slowly nodded.

“That AND a giant creature was roaming around the place where this bastard was buried, destroying entire habitats just to feed its fat belly, so I had to be cautious. Powerful thing. A wolf. Hmm. Or was it a fox?” the middle aged man said while stroking his chin, reminiscing.

“Well… now we can conclude the matter entirely and learn what we need,” Actuass said as he extended his hand over the corpse.

“Awaken, Eobald.”

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