Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 264 Turning The Tide!


They had all been shrunken down!

Tulnas hadn’t been wasting time while staring down the carp.

He had been analysing everything about and it had been doing the same as it felt that this man was different from the others.

Tulnas had been the first to notice that these creatures gained an extra boost to their abilities from the purple eye they sprouted on their foreheads.

In truth, extra boost, as the term, was a heavy understatement.

It was a massive boost and in the case of the carp he faced, it seemed to have gained a unique ability on top of this, no doubt the mutation caused by the Primus it continuously absorbed to hide the location of their enemies.

The unique ability to shrink all living things within a certain range down to minute sizes!.

Tulnas didn’t know the duration for this ability or its full scope, but he did know it was extremely potent as it even affected the amount of efficacy of everyone’s mana!

It was no doubt a high grade Special skill!

The fish seemed to also have telekinetic abilities that it used to pull everyone into the waters after shrinking them at a speed that was so fast, Skullius thought it was teleportation.

However, he hadn’t figured out everything about this fish as the mystery of why it had shrunken itself too was still at large.

Still though, with his manifestation of the beast behind him which changed the battlefield, the powerful carp seemed to react quickly as it used its telekinetic powers to make all the other carp float and avoid falling prey to the nearly two hundred meter drop before they fell back into water which was plenty of time to get killed!

The fishes flew as they looked around in confusion.

Skullius who was still looking up, saw a massive hill in the distance from the gap afforded by the bubble they were in, along with the clouds which looked so absurdly large that it seemed unreal.

It was impossible to fully wrap his mind around how such a thing was possible without stacking a massive amount of power leagues away into a skill.

‘No wonder the water felt so strong and dense. It’s all because we were made tiny!’ he thought.

“Fascinating,” Gertreld said as she looked up for a few brief moments before cracking her gauntleted knuckles and flashing a classy smile as she looked at her opponent who had been having fun while chasing her in the waters. “My love said to not waste this chance by taking note of meaningless things. I shall happily oblige!”

In her battle dress, Gertreld bolted ahead, her figure becoming wrapped in a blanket of bright mana that made her look a divine Knight!

Beautiful in all her rapid steps as she ran!

She scaled over many the hundreds of ice chunks which exuded a thin frosty mist and towards the carp that barely registered her speed in its eyes so fast, that her travel only lasted for a brief second, her gauntleted fist sinking into the carp’s forehead in an grimace-worthy overhead punch!

Weirdly, as the punch connected, slamming an intense downward force into the carp’s skull and flesh, a peculiar effect overwhelmed the creature apart from the crisp, resounding noises and distorted shockwave of force!

It wrinkled as the pounds of strength chubirnibg Gertreld’s fist ran through it, making the carp grow shorter and…. uglier.

This was the Form Using technique exclusive to Gertreld, Classic Bombshell Beauty!

Few could actually appreciate what an ugly fish looked like but a vividly painted image of such would be hard to describe as the main takeaway was how the fish grew quite a few inches shorter from the resonant force of the bright figure’s assault!

The carp flew down at an astonishing speed while screeching as its eye bled, bones having cracked from where it had been bashed!

“You still have to grow SHORTER than that!” the lady said before she dashed after her opponent using the frozen slates, overtaking the carp which flew down at an immense speed and launching an upper cut into its face which produced another resounding noise as the creature pitifully cried and turned uglier, slime oozing from it as it also lost its length!

Gertreld giggled unnervingly as she bolted at unnatural speeds and started playing pinball with the fish, watching it turn unsightly and short!

Natalika also didn’t waste this opportunity as after taking in the fact that they had been miniaturised immensely, she immediately drew her sword and attacked with a sharp killing intent that oozed from her encirclement of mana!

‘Demented Blindsword Technique, Sharp Step Kill’

Natalika’s advancing figure warped as her entire image became something akin to an elongated mash of colour towards the carp, instantly reaching the creature which instinctively dodged to the left!



The warped image of Natalika which looked as if it was spanning countless timelines had already slashed its sword, the carp’s arm getting ripped off as it barely evaded death!

The carp’s purple eye flared with light as the creature bulked up to almost double in size even as it screeched in pain, its remaining arm launching a clumsy punch that still reeked of immense physical might towards Natalika!

The woman’s image vanished as she moved like a light breeze, appearing on the creature’s large scaly and slippery arm that catapulted the terrifying punch, her striped sword arching in another graceful slash as she softly announced…

“Demented Slash.”

The extremely sharp edge of the sword was brought down vertically towards the creature whose third eye constricted in fright, but contrary to its expectations, it wasn’t split in half by the blade’s clear downward descent!

Instead, a lateral incision rang from one side of its torso, through its arm onto which Natalika stood on and over to the side of its body!

Right then, it was split in half from the middle!

Blood spewed as the creature looked at Natalika in terror, its body preparing to spill all of its mana to her.

Ginie had it the easiest, as right after Tulnas spread the massive bubble, she had been able to toy with the creature before her without much effort as its mind wasn’t protected as much as she had thought!

Skullius on the other hand had taken a lot longer to fully take in the fact that he was smaller now, and it was only when his floating enemy barrelled towards him that he focused as he stood over a chunk of ice.

‘Alright. I’ll save my mana for [Perfect Night Domain], [Bead of Malevolence] and ‘Radiant Awakening’ later. For now, I might as well get used to this. Surely it can help me cut down this thing, right? Besides Red bro is here,’ Skullius thought as he gripped his sword.

The golden hilt was pulled as he focused on the sword technique buried within him and the sword.

The moment the blue, curved blade showed from the sheath, Skullius felt his auburn hair rise with all his might exploding as mana literary burned from his core in response to him merely releasing the intent to slash!

The vibrant waters a distance away quaked and everyone felt the chilling presence of the sword as the Swindling Death Dance was finally used…

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