Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 253 The Noble Soul?

“Hmmm… are you sure, Tulnas? While I admire your desire to save as many lives as possible and surely every one of those you save will be very grateful to you, don’t you think that getting on with the operation is more important?” the Town leader who had been silent as Scorta gave a report finally spoke, questioning whether the cost to benefit would be in any way worth considering.

“The last time you tried to heal even one of those who were ill, it took almost half a day and a ton of resources.”

Tulnas looked to pause for a moment, everyone’s eyes turning to him.

“Give me an approximate number of all those that are still deathly ill or frenzied,” the Guild leader said with a serious expression that told everyone that he meant business.

Scorta quickly reported, struggling to maintain a formal and profession front.

“Around a hundred are in critical condition while a few more are in non-life threatening conditions. As for the frenzied and mad, there are a few dozen who have been detained. Guild leader, there’s quite a lot of them to tend to…” she said.

“Don’t worry,” said Tulnas as he stood up, taking split-second glance at Skullius before he continued to speak. “I’m not being reckless. I believe I have a way to solve this in a shorter span of time.”

Scorta’s eyes widened.

This was no small claim.

The ailments that were inflicted upon the civilians were not induced by any spell crafted by mana or by a Special technique.

It was caused by the leakage of Primus..

A form of divine energy.

The exposure to such a potent energy was harming the normal civilians who couldn’t protect themselves by coating themselves with mana as they lacked the ability to do so even with their underdeveloped white mana cores.

Using powerful special herbs harvested from high ranking Clusters and foreign lands closer to sources of divine energy in addition to special healing techniques that utilised Special skills had managed to ward off the illness in the bodies of the victims as the leakage of this cruel divine energy from the unknown source was extremely limited.

Now, it seemed that Tulnas had a more effective method to protect the civilians.

However, a few things bothered the man.

‘Is this leakage on purpose, or is it some kind of slip-up that those bastards just let go. Still, I’m quite sure they are confident in whatever they are doing. Though, the purpose of plunging all three nations into chaos like this must serve some greater purpose. A distraction perhaps?’ he thought but shook his head to clear these thoughts.

He only needed to focus on the immediate problem which was also a grand opportunity.

‘If I manage to further consolidate my position here, then it will be beneficial when Silrat finally…’

Tulnas smiled inwardly, not finishing the sentence.

“Let’s go,” he said, Gertreld confidently following after him, as did Ginie who walked on his other side.

Skullius couldn’t help but feel that there were many things going on in this young man’s head.

He and Red Rage followed, the Town leader also scurrying to see what the young man wanted to do.

As they exited the building, Tulnas turned to Scorta.

“Gather all those who are affected and bring them here. It would also be great if the people in the city gather around too,” he said.

Scorta was confused by this order, but she immediately nodded and rushed away to execute it.

Tulnas looked around the city where several individuals noticed him and waved with smiles, a few of the people who had gathered around before having still been waiting outside.

Tulnas gave them light nods to them as he plotted his next move and all its intricacies.

If all went well, he could even kill two birds with a single stone or perhaps even three, which was his goal.

His eyes darted to and from while he twitched his head, making a variety of faces with the occasional clicking of his tongue.

While Ginie, Gertreld and Natalika didn’t seem bothered by this, Skullius was deeply curious.

What the flesh was going on with this man?

The Discount Human gathered together all the weird things that this man had done, including his whole ‘I’m not talking to you’ thing which irritated the heck out of him.

Was he partially insane or something?

Skullius wanted to nudge Natalika and enquire about this peculiarity but he decided against it.

‘I’m starting to get too comfortable with asking questions because of Tulnas. Things may go very wrong if it’s another person,’ he thought.

Soon, it came to pass what Tulnas had ordered.

The plagued and those trapped in madness and frenzy were brought to Tulnas, laid down on mats so that he could do his thing.

Bigger crowds began to gather, trying to find out just what was happening now after they had been summoned.

It didn’t take long for the crowds to settle and Tulnas remained silent as if waiting for the perfect moment.

Those with the peculiar illness wiggled and writhed as they suffered from the astronomical amounts of pain brought on by the disease.

On their bodies, boils could be spotted with a dark and bloody colour that repulsed even the multitudes a short distance away.

Their skin seemed to also bubble, stretched thin by other growths that rose from under the cracking skin, a faint purple aura rising from their bodies.

The frenzied yelled out in loud voices, their eyes rolled back as they reddened, creating for a very hair-raising scene of despair.

Tulnas watched as those related to these people had their faces contort with grief and concern, a mother even rushing up to her son who was frenzied as she wept bitterly.

She hugged him tight and turned to Tulnas imploringly, her eyes practically bleeding with tears before she was dragged away.

Everyone turned to the Guild leader, wanting to see if he could do something for these people on the spot.

His blank face gave people a lot less hope than they would have expected.


The Guild leader suddenly brought his right hand to the ring that was on his left hands ring finger.

He inserted a bit of mana wordlessly, causing for something to emerge from the ring.

As everyone squinted, looking closely at the object that Tulnas had pulled out, they saw…

An egg.

An egg as large as a human head lay in Tulnas’ hand!

It was golden in colour with a three-pointed star carved into its surface in a dark blue hue.

It shone with a glossy sheen, reflecting the images in its immediate surroundings like a mirror.

The crowds watched with awe as Tulnas raised this egg up high, inserting mana into it which made the star on its surface glow brightly.


Rays of light shone intensely, flashing from the egg as they then rushed outwards, passing through everyone in the entire city with a gorgeous white-blue light!

With its emergence, Tulnas became like a radiant existence from a transcendent race in appearance, his voice bellowing out in a stern and authoritative tone.


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