Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 250 They Are Gone: The Trail They Blaze

Inhone City.

“He’s already left with the Mage, has he?” Erkus said as he took in a deep breath.

This had happened too fast.

It was almost as if his movements were being traced and this plan executed with impeccable timing using them as a basis.

“To think Silrat would do this. No. It’s actually more in tune with his character, now that I think about it. He sure takes action fast and I would give the same praise to Tulnas.”

Terian sighed in exasperation.

Even he hadn’t seen this coming.

Tulnas had immediately left for this mission with Skullius merely an hour and half after they had left the Guilds Association.

At this time, Erkus had been quite busy processing the remaining issue with the feuds that were happening and an upcoming event that would be launched, involving the great families from both this region and outside in one of the large cities.

This particular matter had been blasting at his mind and he had had talks with Silrat about this just a few days ago, venting about how he was unable to take even the shortest of breaks because of it.

To think that the bastard would use this to his advantage…

“No matter,” Erkus said as he massaged his temples. “We shouldn’t be worrying about this. Tulnas is faithful to the City and unlike Eobald and his group, he at least remains a permanent force in the region. He wouldn’t abandon all that prestige over such. He either truly has need of this Festos character or wants to achieve another one of his goals. Either way, we will find out when he comes back.”.

Damilla who was seated beside Terian silent gripped her robe in rage.

‘Terian was right. This man truly has Tulnas in his good books. Such blind trust. What exactly has he done to make his image so clear and trustworthy in everyone’s minds?’ she thought.

“Very well. If you are sure on that aspect, then I will not argue any further. However what I’m more concerned about is the potential repercussions if Tulnas’ proclaimed method of stopping the Clusters is not successful or is outright false. Our collective image will drop not only in the eyes of Pelian but also Maqi and Emeradis. Tulnas said it himself that he was not fully confident in this method,” Terian said with apprehension in his eyes.

Erkus scratched his chin as he heard this, his experienced mind churning in thought.

“That is true,” he said. “But what if it wasn’t true. Who else is more considerate of the strength of his influence than Tulnas? Would he risk it all just like that? He has much to lose and I can’t imagine him gambling it all away.”

“In my opinion, he got you two with a clever lie designed for you to focus more on his failure than his success.”


Terian frowned.

Could that be…?

Erkus leaned back in his chair.

“I expect that he must have high prospects for this mission of his. The returns he plans to attain must be so great, he wants to shove them in your faces.”

Damilla’s turned red as she couldn’t contain her agitation while Terian got even more tense.

All he could think of right now, was that confident and arrogant smile.


Four thick horses galloped ahead, drawing behind them a fortified carriage that was built with sturdiness and lightness in mind more than flashy appeal.

Within it, six figures sat down, three one side and three on the other.

The interior was cushioned with soft and comfortable seats that would alleviate the hassle of constantly jerking back on hard surfaces as the carriage travelled.

Skullius, Red Rage and Natalika sat on one side, while Tulnas, Ginie and Gertreld were seated on the other.

Skullius felt it so strange that he was casually sitting with Red Rage while being out in the open like it was normal.

The Apostle also seemed…pleased to be out after all that time in the ring.

Before they had left, he had taken the ring he had been given by Silrat, which contained the clothes and armour, filled it with the Apostle’s weaponry and returned it to him.

Now he wouldn’t have to carry it all and pass it up one by one to Red Rage in a fight.

His own spatial ring remained hidden with Red Rage supplying it with Null Life Essence that only he and the Apostle could see.

Apparently, the amount needed to keep up this trick was miniscule but Skullius couldn’t be sure with Red Rage anymore.

Perhaps he had mastered a powerful technique that he humbly told to be a simple application, what with his newfound subservience to Skullius because of the over 100 favourability.

The sockethole!

Gertreld was clinging onto Tulnas’ arm as she looked out the window with a smile, her tender face that faked youth beaming with happiness.

She donned armour that Skullius considered, strange.

It was a long red dress made with a material akin to chain mail, but with a less crude appearance and a shiny lustre.

On the shoulders, grey coloured armour plates could be seen forming a path to her neck where they created a well decorated collar.

Gold and grey steel gauntlets could be seen over her hands with a similarly coloured chest plate over her chest.

“Ha~. Such a beautiful day. I hope it ends the very same way. Don’t you think?” Gertreld said as she turned to Tulnas who looked to have been lost in thought.

“That’s right. I hope it ends the same way. After a thrilling battle that is,” the Guild leader replied with a light smile.

Gertreld smiled wildly in response.

Tulnas then turned to his side where the extremely short and shy figure of Ginie was and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

She wore long blue robes that had a red fringe with a set of light armour underneath that peeked from the neck of her hooded robes.

With Tulnas holding her shoulder, she shook, gripping her staff tightly as she shrank.

She was fairly young. Younger than the other ladies of the Guild at least.

She didn’t share a romantic relationship with Tulnas like the others and had joined the Guild earlier this year along with Bustifina.

She was still very glittery around Tulnas whom she would usually called her Genuine light or big brother, both these titles relating to previous events.

“I’ll be counting on your Mage-Form Mimicking Art on this one. Use this time to relax, alright? We’ll all be backing you up, so don’t be afraid,” Tulnas said as he stroked her hair softly, calming her down a bit.

“Un, un. I’ll do my best!” Ginie said determinedly.

Skullius watched this with cold eyes, as he then turned to Red Rage as he expressed his intent through their mental link.

‘If you get yourself blown up again with all I’ve done for you, you can…kiss getting resurrected goodbye! Wait, wait… ah forget it!’

Red Rage merely nodded, this not dampening his spirits in the least.

Natalika who was beside Skullius shifted as her sharp senses were being utilised to constantly check for anything amiss around them.

Her blindfold wasn’t only for show as she truly was blind but had honed her other senses to a terrifying degree, earning her the respect she deserved from her family as she had mastered a powerful technique even with her disability.

She was from one of the smaller families that owned a small portion of land outside this region along with her twin sister, Riyana.

She donned pretty much the same type of get-up she had on earlier, but with different material and colours; a short dark purple dress that reached her thighs with bandages going the rest of the way to her knees, a short but tough lilac robe over the dress with a sword on her lap.

Tulnas turned to Skullius and flung a spatial ring that the Discount Human immediately caught and checked.

Within it, Skullius saw…


“Might as well boost your physicality while we’re on the way. None of us will be helping you out if you get yourself in a tough spot, right? Superficially, at least. While I’m inclined to not take your curse too seriously because your value, I’m not going to risk it all on a whim either,” Tulnas said.

Skullius beamed with joy.

150 red gems were his to absorb!

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