Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 239 Are You A Man of Culture?

“I see,” Silrat said while stroking his chin. “HammerDown Gruff, huh? That’s interesting. I hoped this kind of thing would be something you’d have already shared with me.”

Skullius had explained how he had [Demion’s Dance] way overdue at HammerDown’s shop.

The sword was probably completed by now and he had intended on getting it himself after he was set free.

One would then wonder why Skullius didn’t simply ask for Silrat to collect it for him.

Well, Skullius was rather cautious with his items.

[Demion’s Dance] was sword he picked up in the Labyrinth of the Yoke and from its labelled value, he didn’t want people seeing it.

With him seeing how much items were valued, he began taking their rarity seriously and the history behind the sword was something he had heard from Frock, which meant that someone with their historic facts intact could potentially recognise the sword.

He was yet to trust Silrat and frankly, he would have preferred to fix the sword himself if he could instead of resorting to having someone else do it for him.

But, he couldn’t have it all.

The sword was the last piece to perfecting the templates he had created.

At least the ones based on his current abilities.

“We can go right there and pick it up on our way to my residence,” Tulnas said, making Skullius hesitant.

He nodded in the end as there was no other option, especially when dealing with such; his secondary benefactor.

“Right! I managed to procure a new set of sturdy armour that fits your stature, Festos,” Silrat said as he shot from his seat and scanned Skullius from head to toe with his eyes. “Perhaps a fresh set of casual clothing is also in order.”.

Silrat walked out the door and returned after a few minutes.

He threw a spatial storage ring at Skullius, the Discount Human receiving it quickly and checking what was inside.

He smirked as he saw the contents.

“I assume it’s to your liking,” Silrat asked in a proud tone.

“Meh…” Skullius replied with a shrug.

A throbbing vein popped on Silrat’s smiling face.

“It’s actually pretty good,” the Discount Human said with a refined, awkward smile that seemingly appeased the Head of the Association branch.


Skullius walked through the street with Tulnas, their destination being only a few dozen meters away.

The easy-on-eyes Discount Human donned a new shirt, white in colour with a thick and elastic fabric while below his waist was a slightly baggy pair of dark pants.

These were the clothes that had been gifted to him by Silrat, completing his overall young and energetic looking figure.

His auburn hair which he choose to let grow was rustling in the wind, his twinkling silver eyes being nothing short of gorgeous.

Skullius’ appearance had taken Tulnas aback when he first barged into the room.

This wasn’t what Skullius looked like days ago.

He could only vaguely make out that it really was him from recognising the colour of his hair, distinct face and through the verification given to him by an odd force that constantly nagged him.

“You’ve turned quite handsome over the last few days. Your body was that greedy for change?” Tulnas asked, striking up a conversation.

“I guess you could say that,” Skullius replied awkwardly.

Tulnas emitted a short laugh.

Skullius turned to this man and posed a question of his own that had burned at his soul for the past ten minutes.

“What did you mean when you said something about me sharing the same cultural whatever with you? And that thing about cheeks?”

Tulnas smiled gracefully and slung his arm around Skullius’ neck, drawing him closer.

“That was just to annoy those two idiots. However, I do wonder…” Tulnas said before turning serious. “Do you also appreciate women as much as I do?”

Skullius’ didn’t know how to respond.


So far, he could say with confidence that the women he had seen had not impressed him.

Save for Elita of course and perhaps Stylla.

It was right down the middle really.

“I don’t have much experience with them and I don’t see why you think of so highly.”

Tulnas nodded sagely.

He needed to evaluate this man.

As they walked along the lively streets, a woman donning a tight fitting, red silk dress that slid over her beautiful porcelain skin smoothly and outlined her bombastic shape each time she took a step, came from in front of the two.

Her dazzlingly shiny dark hair that draped over her back like a cape drew quite the amount of attention and her upturned emerald green eyes causes a thrilling shock to any man that gazed into them… as well as causing a certain member of their body to stand at attention.

The woman walked gracefully as when she reached within close proximity of Tulnas and Skullius, her gaze focused on the muscular man and she winked with a seductive smile.

Tulnas gave a short nod of acknowledgement to the lady as she passed them, going on her way.

The Guild leader pulled Skullius’ head to make him turn around and appreciate the woman’s view from behind, as were most of the men in the street.

“Now tell me. What do you see?” Tulnas said as he ensured that Skullius’ eyes were gazing at the woman’s lower half which stood particularly out like a sore thumb.

“Hmmm…” Skullius hummed as he thought.

His eyes suddenly turned round with shock.

“That… that…” he stammered.

“Yes?” Tulnas said with a cheeky smile.

“It’s… it’s… she’s got a….”


“She has a blue core! I couldn’t even sense it when she passed us! She must be very strong and-“


A resounding slap interrupted Skullius’ string of euros

Tulnas had face palmed.

He was extremely shocked that this was what the Discount Human would derive from this experience.

Then again.

It was his own fault for assuming so crudely.

This man was a Mage.

Unlike other Energy Formers, Mages were regarded highly and they too focused on their studies of the energies quite stringently to bolster their value and strength, culling most of their physical lusts in the process.

Tulnas looked at the confused Skullius.

This wasn’t a man of culture.

“I agree…” he said as he shook his head.

“Agree with what?” asked Skullius as he tilted his head.

“Never mind, I wasn’t talking to you.”

Tulnas suddenly lost his spunk for the rest of the way to HammerDown Gruff’s shop, initiating small bursts of conversations here and there that uncovered surface level information about Skullius.

The earlier disappointment weighed on him heavily, killing his social spirit.

Soon, the two arrived at a shop that was, as always, occupied with a long line of some distinguished and undistinguished personages who wished to order from HammerDown Gruff.

Tulnas led Skullius to the very front.

Some of the people in line wanted to object but after seeing Tulnas’ face and smile, their attitudes turned upside down.

“Ohohoho! Young man, how have you been doing? It’s been a while.”

“Young Tulnas, you’ve been so scarce of late! Share a meal with me tomorrow.”

“Hahaha! Our young hero, go on and get your order in. This much we can allow.”

The classy and annoying voices of the rich, some of whom brought fancy chairs to sit on made Skullius cringe.

Still, he kept his mouth shut and when the two reached the entrance to the shop, Skullius came face to face with the apprentice that had wanted to throw him out last time.


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