BOSS Transmigrates as a Little Cutie

Chapter 25: Arc 3 - His Singing Voice

Chapter 25: Arc 3 - His Singing Voice

Filled with a sense of absurdity that made Qing Yun dazed, he looked furiously at the star pirates. With a twist of his body, his legs clamped down on the star pirates arm holding the weapon, and with all his strength, he viciously twisted the arm off, snatching the machine gun away.

A trace of consciousness disturbed the balance of energy in the machine gun, and Qing Yun smashed the machine gun towards the incoming star pirates.


Fortunately, this worlds restrictions on spiritual consciousness were slightly weaker. Otherwise, there would be trouble.

Qing Yun picked up Dr. Ramiel on one side and quickly dashed into a hidden corner.

Finally, with great effort, he reached the area where escape pods were placed. With a quick glance, Qing Yun discovered that all the escape pods had been destroyed by star pirates.

What the Dr. Ramiel was visibly surprised to see the pods falling apart, but he immediately came to comfort Qing Yun, Son, dont be discouraged. Well think of something.

This child can be said to have tried his best to protect his old bones along the way, but on the contrary, it made Ramiel a bit uncomfortable. After all, Qing Yun didnt look much better than him. His little arms and legs were broken, and he was even more breathless when he ran.

Although Ramiel was surprised for a moment by the energy riot of the machine gun, he didnt put this suspicion on Qing Yuns head. After all, he looked too weak.

Qing Yun ignored him, searching carefully for the information in his memory. He looked towards a corner and then walked over to it with a frown. With great effort, he moved two destroyed escape pods and found one intact at the back.

An escape pod can only hold one person.

In the worlds original direction, Jorah did not know Dr. Ramiels identity, and his desire to survive led him to kick Dr. Ramiel out of the starship and fly the escape pod himself. Dr. Ramiel was captured by the pirates, but Jorah was not able to escape. Not only was he shot, but he became a criminal to the Federation.

Without any hesitation, Qing Yun opened the hatch of the escape pod and shoved Dr. Ramiel in without saying a word. With Ramiels ability, even if he couldnt escape from the star pirates encirclement, he would still be able to conceal himself.

Kid, you go first. Im an old man Ramiel was startled by Qing Yun, immediately grabbed the hatch, and withdrew to Qing Yun.

Shut up! Qing Yun yelled at him with a stern face, The star pirates chasing us are from Flamingo, for the Federation, you get the hell back!

Dr. Ramiel froze, looking at the soft and weak boy in front of him, apparently not expecting him to say such a thing.

Though confused as to how the boy knew who he was, it didnt affect Ramiels reaction to Qing Yuns words.

Any other person saying such words, Ramiel could understand. However, this feeble child, who had fought so hard to protect him all the way and was still so considerate in the face of survival decisions, gave him a moment of respect.

After allif he hadnt been able to smell the pheromones on the teenager, he almost thought he was an omega based on the teenagers appearance.

On behalf of the entire Federation, I present to you

Ramiel was only halfway through the display of one of the Federations highest rituals when Qing Yun interrupted, Flee towards the southeast!

The Federation attacked the Flamingos main ship but was misdirected and hit in the wrong direction. Instead, an opening was made in the southeast, far from the main Flamingo ship, so the southeast was the least protected.

Slamming the escape hatch shut, Qing Yun didnt have the heart to bullshit with him and turned his head to run in the other direction. To ensure that Dr. Ramiel could escape, he had to distract the star pirates.

While fleeing and sorting out the information in his mind, Qing Yuns face was strangely pale, and he couldnt help but burst out in a foul mood. What kind of messed up world was this? People were even divided into six genders! And he happened to be a man who could have children?

No wonder that in accordance with the gift that comes with this body, the energy carried in his soul by default strengthens the property of fertility.

In fact, the world is not particularly restricted to omegas. Those in good physical condition can still join the military, rather than just stay home and have children. One such omega is General Corsi of the 4th Federal Army.

Jorah was very impressed with Corsi becausehe stole Jorahs fianc, and Jorah made a big deal about it. This time, Jorah injected inhibitors to go back to the Federations capital planet to go get his fianc back.

What the hell is all this

But soon, Qing Yun had no desire to think of anything else, because a group of star pirates, a group of heavily armed alphas, appeared in front of him.

Thanks to Jorahs good quality inhibitor, Qing Yun was brought back intact.

Ow! Boss, we made sure the escape pods were destroyed! Theres no way that old thing Ramiel could escape! A star pirates wailing voice sounded outside the door of the interrogation room.

With his excellent hearing, he caught the sound. Qing Yun dropped his eyes without showing the slightest difference.

The pirates wouldnt expect that there was still an escape pod left, and this time, they probably thought that Ramiel was still hiding somewhere.

Dr. Ramiels ability to escape the Flamingos pursuit is directly related to whether or not Qing Yuns mission in this world fails.

Thinking of this, Qing Yun couldnt help but bite his teeth. Crossing into this body has already consumed a lot of energy, not to mention that he also consumed some additional energy to transform this body.

If he didnt get the energy feedback from this world, he would suffer a significant loss.

His eyes slowly became determined. Qing Yun would never make a loss-making deal!

Yo, I heard you guys kidnapped a cutie.

A frivolous and suave voice rang out, the interrogation room doors opened to either side, and an alpha with long, fiery red hair walked in.

He was the leader of the Flamingo, the protagonist of this world, Apollon.

Apollon is the illegitimate son of a Princess of the Kassa Empire and a high-ranking Federation official. As a result, Apollon was abandoned by his parents as a child and hated both the Federation and the Kassa Empire. After founding Flamingo, breaking the Federation was just the first step in his quest to rule the world.

Qing Yun was strapped to the interrogation chair, his hands and feet both pinned down, finger-thick ropes of glistening blue light sunk viciously into his flesh.

He watched as Apollon slowly approached, his eyes grew cold. This was the first time that Qing Yun was facing the protagonist with this extremely messy image.

Tell me, little one, where did that old thing Ramiel escape to? Hmm? Apollon picked up Qing Yuns chin and asked in a gentle tone. His eyes were like the blue sea, full of drowning gentleness, but the force of his hands was not restrained, which left two bruised fingerprints on Qing Yuns chin.

The young man did not speak. His night-sky black eyes looked at Apollon with disdain, as if he couldnt hide his pride even if he was in such a disadvantaged situation.

Apollon had a burst of anger watching the teenager. The most unbearable thing he couldnt stand was such disdainful eyes.

Thats a shame. Get the psychotropic potion, Apollon said to the man behind him as he withdrew his hand loosely. He was too intent on cracking the gene chip to tease the weak and pathetic Jorah in front of him.

Boss, theres only one psychotropic potion left. The next supply wont arrive for a week. A one-eyed star pirate behind Apollon said with a hesitant face.

An interrogation was now very simple, and there was no need for any psychological or ** torture. A shot of the psychotropic agent would act as a mental deterrent and make the prisoner spit out the secrets the interrogator wanted.

That was why Dr. Ramiel couldnt be caught by the star pirates, or else the way to crack the chip would be known to Apollon.

Only one left? Apollon raised his voice, clearly upset. He frowned as he asked, Are you sure all the escape pods are destroyed?

Yes, absolutely all destroyed to the point where you cant even open the hatch!

Upon hearing that, Qing Yuns thoughts moved. He had to stall the group of star pirates and make them focus on searching the inside of the starship instead of increasing the search on the periphery. After all, it would take at least three to five days for Dr. Ramiel to break through the star pirates encirclement and return to the Federation.

Apollon coldly scanned Jorah, who was sitting on the interrogation chair. The teenagers fine soft black hair plastered to his cheeks, making his skin even more fair and fragile, and his slender neck seemed like it would shatter with a gentle grip.

The boy was simply feeble as an omega. Yes, due to the injections of inhibitors, these star pirates still only regarded him as a beta that had yet to come of age.

Save that potion for Ramiel. Apollon sat leisurely in a chair beside him, Torture him.

As soon as Apollon finished speaking, the guard behind Qing Yun reached out to turn on the button on the interrogation chair.

Wait. Unexpectedly, Apollons words changed, How pointless would it be to use the chairs program? Isnt that right, Chris?

Apollon slowly turned his chair to look at the man who had been standing by the door. Everyones eyes turned together, and Qing Yun was no exception.

The man standing by the door initially was without presence, but this mans appearance in the eyes of the crowd was like slowly removing the dust and becoming sharp.

He slowly stepped forward, his platinum-colored long hair with a cold metallic luster hanging down to his waist and his knife-edged, deep face was stern and handsome.

The sound of army boots knocking against the floor sounded as regular as his unmistakable steps. Chriss silver pupils were completely cold, with no trace of emotion to be found.

Chris Delaware, the Federations First Legion General and candidate to be the next Federal Marshal. However, as an existence like a God of War in the hearts of the Federation, Chris betrayed the Federation when the Flamingo attacked and went into the arms of the enemy.

His betrayal caused the Federations spiritual pillars to collapse in an instant, and all of them were in disbelief.

The case seems to be that Chris has been taking the death of his parents in the political turmoil of the Federation to heart, destroying most of the members of the First Legion, and taking several of the First Legions soldiers with A+ health into captivity and taking them to the enemy.

As soon as Chris stepped forward, Qing Yun felt a sudden rise in momentum behind him. He looked back and saw that this interrogation room was connected to the other cells. Now that the barrier had been lowered, several Federation captives were standing behind the cage, their eyes bloodshot as they looked at Chris.

How much they once believed in Chris, how much they hate him now! They watched Chris destroy the First Legions main ship with a particle cannon, killing the brothers who had fought and died together without blinking, leaving only a few of them behind as a gift to the enemy.

They were injected with psychotropic drugs and were conscious but unable to contain the various secrets about the Federation.

There was no torture, no kind of brutal psychological oppression. They just watched themselves answer questions and betray their country. After the effects of the drug wore off, their spirits were on the verge of collapse.

Ho! One gripped the railing, pounding and roaring like a wild animal, but curled up on the ground howling in pain when he was done.

This is not only the aftermath of a psychotropic agent but also the collapse of faith.

What. Ignoring the scene behind Qing Yun, Chris asked Apollon sideways. Although the words were inquisitive, there was no tone of a question.

He was simply like a robot.

Apollon looked at Chris with scrutiny in his eyes. A character like Chris suddenly defected to the enemy. Naturally, he couldnt believe it with his paranoia. But the benefits Chris brought were undoubtedly massive as he knew almost all the Federation secrets.

To discern whether Chris had truly betrayed the Federation, Apollon injected him with psychotropic drugs as well. Four injections in a row, but the frightening thing was that the man remained as he was now, utterly devoid of any emotions.

With a scowl in his eyes, Apollon quirked his lips and said, Since youve wasted so much psychotropic potion, this little guys interrogation will be yours.

Look at how cute he looks at you with his eyes wide open. Chris, you have to do it gently.

Chris turned his head at the words and looked at the teenager in the interrogation chair whose eyes seemed to sparkle with fire.

He looked calm.


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