Blue Core

Day 184 - Keri

Day 184 - Keri

Keri still wasnt sure it was a good idea to get involved in the summit. Neither she nor Annie were properly part of the Village or Queen Iniris court, nor were they direct representatives of Blue. The only real reason for them to come instead of heading out to Wildwood with One-Eye-Green and avoiding the whole thing was that her family had asked for her. Annie had still objected, and Keri had agreed, especially after how her uncle had acted when Nivir had tried to invade, but apparently her mom and dad really wanted to talk. Theyd brought cousin Sheryl, who was the one person she actually really missed from home, which was completely unfair.

So, she and Annie were grudgingly going along. At least Shayma had reassured them that Blue wouldnt let them get forced into anything, and of course they were physically safe inside of Blues and Tarnils territory. She thought. Maybe. It depended on who else was in the party. Some of her relatives didnt have half as much sense as they needed.

At least she got to see Annie in her clan outfit! It was even chilly enough to wear the surcoat, so she looked very stylish. Keri knew that Annie really didnt think she looked particularly good, especially in comparison to Keris own looks, but the patterned outfit really was striking. Keris dress was boring by contrast.

She was mostly distracting herself from having to see her family again by watching Annie, waiting for Shayma to come and pick them up from a little room in Blues Tower at the Palace. Annie paced back and forth, fingers twitching now and again toward the place at her waist where she normally kept her bowgun. Keri was glad that Annie had ended up with a more potent weapon and was making some progress shifting her Class over, but that didnt help much now. At least the room in Blues tower at the Palace was comfortable.

Ready to go? Shayma asked, popping in from nowhere instead of arriving by the door, but Keri didnt blame her. Shed teleport everywhere too if she could!

No, Annie grumped. But we might as well anyway.

Im ready, Keri said, touching her Source necklace and then grabbing Annies hand, the one that kept trying to grip a nonexistent weapon. Lets go.

Shayma gave both of them a smile and turned to head back out into the Palace, this time normally. The building was enormous, and Keri probably would have gotten lost in it if it werent for Shayma, though she was pretty sure Annie knew her way. Even with their status as Shaymas adventuring companions, they didnt actually spend much time together outside of Wildwood or Blues territory.

They took several twists and turns, going through the long corridors and passing more people than they usually would. All the various delegations had actually filled out the Palace and made it less empty and echoing than the last time shed been there, though it was weird to see the occasional non-human-kin. Their goal was a small conference room on the third floor, which was better than being summoned to Nivirs suite, but then of course Shayma wouldnt have stood for being summoned to a suite to begin with.

Her stomach was tight as they walked into the room and saw her mother and father in conference with Uncle Gerum. That wasnt a good sign, especially not after the last time Gerum had seen her. Shayma went over to talk to them while Sheryl came running over to give her a hug, and Keri couldnt help but smile. It had been over five years since shed seen her favorite cousin and Sheryl looked good. Also heavily pregnant, her swollen belly bumping Keri before she stepped back and smiled.

Its so good to see you!

You too! Keri beamed, ignoring the rest of her family for the moment, and gently put her hand against Sheryls rounded belly. When did this happen? She demanded, trying to think who she might have gotten married to.

Um. Sheryl blushed. When you left, they ended up switching the betrothal contract to me. Ive been married to Lucien for two years now.

What? Keri stared at her. Really? Her guts twisted. It was all her fault Sheryl had ended up that way, even though she never would have been able to stand the man herself.

Oh, hes wonderful! Sheryl said, laughing as she gave Keri another hug. Im actually glad that it happened. Youd be amazed at how boorish most of the peerage are! Or maybe not. You did leave, after all. Keri just blinked at her, not entirely certain what to think of the news. She was glad that Sheryl was happy, of course, but it was hard for her to reconcile that emotion with the family mess shed left behind. Not that shed ever really known Lucien well, but still.

I guess thats good? She couldnt be as enthusiastic as she would have liked, reeling as she was from both little Sheryl being pregnant and married to her old fianc, but she wanted to be positive. She wasnt sure she made it; the idea was just too weird.

How about you and Annit? Sheryl said, casting a look over at Annie, who was doing her best not to scowl.

Its been interesting, Keri admitted. More interesting lately, since I got involved with Blue. Sheryl nodded at that, then leaned in conspiratorially.

Whats it like? She whispered, as if that would stop Blue from listening in on them. What does Blue make you do?

He doesnt make us to do anything, Annie said, with a bit of a snap to her voice. He asked us to join up with Shayma, and we have. Keri suppressed a grin at Annie actually defending Blue. Her mood had improved so much since One-Eye-Green had arrived.

Oh. Sheryl blinked, a little taken aback. I just thought Keri touched Annie on the arm and she unbristled ever so slightly.

Well, youre here to learn about Blue, arent you? Keri told her. Hes very fair! But hes also kind of scary with what he can do.

I saw that last night, Sheryl said with a shudder. That such a place even exists is terrifying.

Really, Annie and I dont have special insight, Keri assured her. We mostly work with Shayma. If you want to know about him, you have to ask her. Like mom and dad are doing. Her parents actually seemed to be about done with their discussion, drifting their way, and Keri shuffled her feet slightly before turning to look at them. She really didnt want to talk to them, but she knew it was inevitable.

Keri, her mother said, and to Keris surprise pulled her into a hug. Uncle Bertram didnt look particularly happy, but he didnt say anything while her mom clung to her. Then it was her dads turn, and he practically lifted her up, which was very confusing! She had been expecting them to yell at her more.

I havent seen you for so long, her dad said, putting her down and looking at her. Hows my baby girl? Keri was practically speechless. She hadnt been expecting anything like this at all!

I thought youd be mad, she blurted out, then immediately regretted saying it, but dad just shook his head.

We were for a while, he admitted. But that was years ago, Keri.

Oh, she said, feeling very small and silly. Then Annie put her hand on Keris shoulder, and she straightened up. Things might be fine now, but they werent then, so she couldnt unwish what shed done. If she hadnt done it then, it wouldnt be fine now. Well Im good now! Ive been doing really well actually! She pulled back far enough to show them the Source hanging around her neck. I even got a healing Source.

Oh, that is amazing, her mom gushed, giving the Source an admiring look. When we found out about the summit, we had to take the opportunity. Its not like we have many chances to get out of Nivir, let alone go to Tarnil!

I suppose there arent, she admitted. Even if her parents didnt qualify for the throne, her dad was First Councilor and really couldnt get out of the country.

Im glad we did though, and not just to see you, her dad put in, the smile he was aiming her way sliding to something more serious. Its been too long since we had real discussions with our neighbors. You know how it is, probably better than we do! After all, you have an outside perspective.

Which we dont blame you for, dear, her mom hastened to assure her, sensing Keris tension at her dads statement. All the marriage stuff, leaving, all thats in the past. We wont bring that up any more.

Oh, Keri said. She had never thought that would happen, and she felt almost lightheaded with relief from a tension she hadnt even realized shed been carrying. Good! She added, feeling far more cheerful. Maybe she could even visit her family again someday!

Yes, being here has given us an entirely new perspective on the state of things in Nivir, her father said. Especially since Tekaomi mentioned her talk with you.

Oh, she did? Keri beamed, amazed that Tekaomi had remembered. Maybe it wasnt that surprising since Keri was an Esox, but Tekaomi was a fourth tier!

So, you know there arent many people with healing Affinity, her mother began, trailing off and waiting for a response from Keri.

Yes? She said uncertainly, glancing back at Annie. Annie told her that she didnt have any idea where this was going either with a brief lift of her eyebrow and Keri looked back at her mom.

Im not sure exactly how to say this, but well, Tekaomi is getting on in years and Nivir doesnt have many good prospects for fourth-tiers. Tekaomi was favorably impressed with you and said you were actually fairly advanced in levels

Im level forty-one, Keri told her. Most of those levels had come from healing people after the various battles, but a few of them had come from heading out into the wildwood with Annie and Shayma. Actually, shed gotten more levels recently with the addition of One-Eye-Green, who had a tendency to grapple things much larger than herself.

Beyond that, her Skills were growing in unusual directions. Between the Primal Source and the occasional comments that Blue dropped, through Shayma, she was starting to feel out her own path in healing. Tekaomis interpretation of healing Affinity had been based on the nourishment of rain and water, but Keris was leaning in the direction of, well, Blues knowledge.

Knowing there were so many parts to the body, that there were incredibly small creatures that helped and harmed, that the difference between poison and cure was the dose and when Blue had mentioned that offhand she could practically feel some of her Skills realigning meant that she had a different approach than anyone else. She didnt know if that meant she could get to fourth tier, but it did mean that Tekaomis advice hadnt been as helpful as shed like. Oh, Tekaomi knew a lot about adventuring, but when it came to healing, they were a lot more different than Keri had ever thought.

There you go, youre in sight of third tier already, her dad said. We were hoping we could convince you to come back to Nivir and work on trying to make your fourth tier.

Um, she said, and wasnt really sure how to take that. She glanced back at Annie and then looked around for Shayma, since she didnt want to answer it right away, if at all. Shayma was keeping Uncle Bertram and the rest of the Esox retinue at bay, but Sheryl was still nearby, and she put in her own plea.

Lucien and I are just worried about Nivir. Without a fourth-tier, how can we be really safe? How can my baby be safe? She asked, which was just completely unfair.

At the moment, Shayma said, coming to her rescue as she popped across the room in one of her short-range teleports, Annit and Keri are in debt to Blue.

Which wed be willing to buy off, Uncle Bertram interrupted, calling across the room as he hastened after Shayma. Shayma, for her part, ignored him.

Regardless of what Keri is willing to do, she will be leveling up with me so there is no need to rush things.

But we can provide more Uncle Bertram kept arguing, until a glance from Shayma and a flicker of Presence silenced him. That gave Keri long enough to think it over, because while she didnt like all the political stuff, she had been raised with it, and wasnt stupid.

Im not saying no, but Im not saying yes either because I cant, Keri told them. Annie and I need to square things with Blue before we make any real decisions.

If you people decide to get on Blues good side, you dont need to worry about fourth-tiers or whatever, Annie said bluntly. Tarnil sure doesnt.

Annies right, Keri agreed. The friendlier you are with Blue, the less you need to worry about the future. Her dad still looked hesitant, and she gave him another hug. Ill think about it! She promised. But I cant give you an answer right now.

But, her mom started, and this time it was Annie who cut her off.

The more you try to convince her now, the less shell listen, Annie told her, and her moms face made a complicated, unhappy expression.

Maybe we can talk about other things? Like what plays are at the theatres, back in Nivir? I havent had the chance to go to one for ages. She couldnt really call it home, but she still missed it sometimes.

Very well, her mom said, then shook her head and smiled at them. Why dont we sit down? That relaxed things a bit, and Sheryl looked grateful to have that part over with. Keri knew that theyd never really accepted Annie, and probably never would, so this was maybe as close as theyd get.

Despite what shed said to her mom she couldnt see any way that she could turn down the offer, in the end. Maybe delay it for several years but, if Nivir needed her, she wasnt going to turn her back on it. Which didnt mean she was stupid; it was obvious that they wanted to control her and thought they could do it since she was part of the royal family. Maybe they thought they could even pry her away from Annie, which would never happen. She would make sure of that. When she did go back, she would make sure that Blue was behind her.

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