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Chapter 920 - Immortal-Slaying Sword Array… The Descendance of gods and demons!

Chapter 920: Immortal-Slaying Sword Array... The Descendance of gods and demons!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

“Now... even Kong Xuan was defeated by the Western Sect’s Second Master...”

The viewers exchanged a look. “Then, no one can block the West Qi army from defeating King Zhou...?”

However, they saw the title of the next episode, “Immortal-Slaying at Border-Sign Fortress!?”

“What’s Immortal-Slaying?!” Obviously, there was one more episode today. Eagerly, the members of Mr. Fang’s group tour in Investiture of the Gods began to talk among themselves.

They saw a major array at the Border Sign Fortress before them!

Red light engulfed the Heaven and Earth where the array was. Knowing members of the Chan Sect were here, Duobao Daoist cast a Palm Thunder from his hand and dispersed the red light, revealing the array.

It was as the poem explained:

[Not made of copper, iron, or steel, it was once concealed below Mount Xumi;

Not refined repeatedly with Yin and Yang, its blade was sharpened by water and fire.

Immortal-Slaying Sword is sharp, Immortal-Butchering Sword is deadly, and red lights rose when Immortal-Trapping Sword is launched;

With miraculous variations, Immortal-Exterminating Sword makes Daluo Golden Immortals soak in blood!]

Previously, only the disciples of the Jie Sect showed their powers, but the Jie Sect Master had never showed his hand. But this time, the Jie Sect Master, Sect Master Tongtian finally showed his hand!

[TL Note: Tongtian means heaven-connecting in Chinese.]

In the Immortal-Slaying Array, as the golden bell rang, a pair of flags moved to the sides and revealed Sect Master Tongtian sitting on the Grand Bull flanked by disciples of different generations.

Outside the array, the Primeval Lord of Heaven sat in the middle flanked by his disciples. At noon, auspicious clouds appeared above the Primeval Lord of Heaven’s head. From his jade headpiece with dangling pearls, countless golden flowers rose up, illuminating the whole place.

Previously, the viewers thought that the sect master had bullied the disciples from the other sect. Right now, seeing the two sect masters were going to go head-to-head, they almost screamed silently!

They had never imagined that they could watch a battle on this level!

Following him into the Immortal-Slaying Array, the viewers watched as the Primeval Lord of Heaven stood on the Agarwood Carriage with his hand on the Flight Chair.

A sword was hung on the Immortal-Slaying Gate of the array, and its name was the Immortal-Slaying Sword.

The Primeval Lord of Heaven patted his carriage, and tens of thousands of golden lotus flowers instantly hovered in the air. Sitting on the flowers, the Primeval Lord of Heaven flew in through the gate of the Immortal-Slaying Array.

This series of technique and powers were dizzy to watch. On the day when the Primeval Lord of Heaven broke the Nine-Turn Yellow River Array, he didn’t show any of his abilities. Today, people began to realize that ‘The Dao of Jie Sect and Chan Sect are both orthodox. The two sects both deserve their great reputation!’

At this moment, Sect Master Tongtian launched a Palm Thunder which shook a sword. Then, the sword cut off a lotus flower from the Primeval Lord’s head!

“My goodness–!” The viewers exclaimed.

Everyone looked at this scene in horror. Even Though Sect Master Tongtian had the advantage of the array, they were still shocked by his great power; he even cut off a lotus flower from a sect master whom they regarded as unrivaled.

They were extremely horrified that even the Chan Sect Master couldn’t retreat from this ultimate array unscathed. They had never looked so horrified before!

It felt as if they weren’t facing an array, but an... abyss with countless tribulations!

When the Primeval Lord of Heaven got out of the array, almost everyone was drenched in cold sweat of fear. They shivered involuntarily!

Then, they saw Laozi enter the array.

Three strikes of essence dashed out of his head and turned into Three Pure Ones. Laozi began to battle Sect Master Tongtian.

Then, bells sounds came from the east as a Daoist rode over on a beast. Wearing the Nine Cloud Hat and a bright red silk robe with white crane patterns, he held a sword in his hand and sang, “Since hundun, Dao has taken the priority. Constant possession is constant nothing, which shows the way of nature. Traveling 30,000 li on purple essence from the east, it’s been 5,000 years since I traveled through Han Fortress.”

“Daoist Brother Li! I’m here to give you a hand!”

This was High Pure Daoist!

Bell sounds came from the south when a Daoist rode over on a heavenly horse. Wearing the Ruyi Hat and a pale-yellow robe with Eight-Trigram patterns, he had a Ganoderma Ruyi in his hand and sang, “Coming out Han Fortress and reaching Kunlun, every tribe now belongs to the Dao factions. Living as long as the Heaven and Earth, my spirit will still live on after Mount Xumi collapses.”

“Daoist Brother Li! I’ll help you subdue Daoist Tongtian.”

This was Jade Pure Daoist!

Then, the viewers saw a Daoist wearing the Nine Sky Hat and an Eight-Treasure Longevity Purple Cloud Robe. He rode over on an Earth Lion, and he had a Dragon Whisker Fan in one hand and the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi in the other!

This was Vital Pure Daoist!

“This is...!?” All the cultivators and warriors felt like a huge force was going to erupt in their hearts like a volcano.

This shocking force hammered their hearts like drums.

“They are... the Three Pure Ones!?” Everyone looked horrified.

Naturally, they knew about the Three Pure Ones. In the Legend of Sword and Fairy which gave them the deepest impression, the Three Pure Palace in Shu Mountain worshipped these three figures, the loftiest deities in Daoism!

But they had been summoned by one person!

One essence turned into Three Pure Ones!

The Three Pure Ones each had skills and strength as powerful as those of Laozi! At this moment, everyone felt the chaotic pure essence coming from the beginning of the world. It was the earliest and most horrifying presence in the world.

Not able to think, the viewers could do nothing but worship their super-powerful techniques and strength.

The three sect masters might have different power levels, but a battle like this...

“How come you’re watching on your knees...!?” Suddenly, a voice howled! They almost wept in fear!


“Laozi is so powerful-!” Even though the array hadn’t been broken yet, Sect Master Tongtian was hit by the crutch three times. The beating happened in the horrifying Immortal-Slaying Array.

Not only the cultivators and warriors but also the elves felt dizzy, thinking that every character in the TV Series was powerful.

How can so many horrifying masters appear in this place at the same time!?

Valkyrie Isabela who watched the scene on the big screen felt even more horrified.

Fortunately, she hadn’t recovered yet. Otherwise, she would have been paralyzed by fear and dropped back into the pool.

“This Tongtian, Laozi, Primeval Lord of Heaven... how come they are so horrifyingly powerful!?” She yelled in the pool with hair standing on end while cold sweat appeared on her forehead. “Where the heck is this place...!? It’s so terrifying!”

As a goddess who was born before the Heavens, she never knew what fear was after she was born.

But now, she felt it strongly!

The fear was heartfelt.

Then, it turned into unspeakable awe.

Awe for the Heaven, Earth, mortals, and deities!

Perhaps it was the first time that she had this feeling ever since she became a goddess!


“This Sect Master Tongtian is so powerful!” The viewers yelled in shock.

Although his strength wasn’t as great as those of Laozi, his array was so powerful that even Laozi couldn’t break it until four sect masters combined forces!

“Can we learn this array-!?” Su Tianji exclaimed.

“Can you learn it even if you have the chance?” Mr. Fang rolled his eyes at her. “Silly.”

“It seems like I can’t learn it...” Then, she glared back at him. “You’re the silly one!”

I’m only a bit lazy, not silly!

“Don’t slander me!”



– At this moment –

At the Demon-Slaying Platform in Innumerable-Immortal Sea, many immortals gathered with flags flapping in the wind!

-In Gods’ Palace-

Golden light gathered as the gods stood proudly between Heaven and Earth!

In the endless darkness at Nine-Fold Darkness, tens of thousands of demons lowered their heads as horrifying dark gods woke up in the primeval tombs.

“Once I descend to the mortal world... Heaven and Earth will submit to me...!”

“Our plans that have lasted tens of millions of years can finally be accomplished...!”

“The mortal world will be the battleground...! Even if we have to destroy the Heaven and Earth and crush this world, we must seize that ultimate holy item of fortune...!”

“I’ eternal!”

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