Bjorn Yandel the Barbarian

Chapter 720

Chapter 720 : Audience (3)

At first, I couldn’t believe my ears.

Did I hear correctly?

I froze in a daze without even thinking about managing my expression, and then I thought.

‘How does King Gaebyeok know how to speak Korean?’

He tried hard to find an answer to the question, but perhaps because he was so shocked, his mind couldn’t move.

Even if there were dozens of ninjas jumping out of the ceiling and walls, I don’t think it would have been like this…

‘Let’s come to our senses.’

I somehow managed to focus on the current situation.

This was the first possibility that came to mind.

King Gaebyeok is an evil spirit of Korean origin.

Of course, this was the first thing that passed through his mind, but was quickly destroyed by the words of King Gaebyeok.

“Why are you so stiff?”

When I listened again, my pronunciation was very slurred to be considered Korean.

It sounds like something a white man looking for a paper towel in the bathroom would say.

Thanks to this, the second, at least plausible, hypothesis was completed.

King Gaebyeok is neither Korean nor an evil spirit.

You can only speak Korean by learning it.

To ‘someone’ who was dragged into this world while playing a game.

The moment this hypothesis was completed, I began to understand the ‘elevator’ to some extent.

No, not exactly…

“Hmm, I thought you expected this much.”

Did you understand how it came to be in this world?

King Gaebyeok abandoned his slurred Korean pronunciation and spoke in his native language.

“Looking at you, you seem to be more innocent than I thought. If you think about it, it’s natural. “Why do you guys torture aliens when you see a company that has achieved rapid technological advancement?”

“… .”

“We just did that too.”

Maybe I was just as naive as you said.

Just because it’s a barbaric world doesn’t mean that all people in this world have low intelligence.

Just because she was an ‘evil spirit’ from a distant dimension, there was no way he would have executed her without asking, as if burning her.

Because that is never reasonable.

‘There must have been a lot more than it seems.’

‘Ghostbusters’, a community of evil spirits.

The evil spirits that belong here are not the only evil spirits.

As you can see just by looking at the first sentence of the letter I received.

[This letter is sent randomly to an explorer presumed to be a player.]

These are the ‘few’ who have survived well in this world and have distinguished themselves in some field, so they have been able to receive an invitation and become part of the community.

As the saying goes, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There must have been far more modern people drawn into this world than I know, and there must have been people with specialized knowledge.

Among them, there may have been people who knew how to make mechanical devices using electric power or steam.

Of course, from their perspective, they cannot just make such an item and present it to the world at the risk of their identity being revealed…

‘It’s different.’

How much knowledge was the royal family able to acquire by using the secret police and other agencies to catch those evil spirits countless times over several decades?

And how far could he develop that technology?

I was able to see the results with my own eyes.


Soon, King Gaebyeok, who was sitting on the throne, held something in his hand and pressed a button, and a familiar melody played in his ears.

Although the accommodation was slightly different from what I was used to, it wasn’t that difficult to figure out what the song was.

A song by a famous British band that hopes everything will go as it should.


As soon as I realized that the song was being output through the ‘speaker’ in the corner of the throne room, I froze.

And looking at me like that.

“Why do you make that face?”

King Gaebyeok asked quietly.

“Like someone who has seen some kind of magic.”



The back of my head feels tingly.

Those expressions were insufficient to express my current state.

It feels like watching video evidence of a loved one cheating.

The trust that I thought could never happen was betrayed.

‘… ‘I wonder where science appears in fantasy.’

Even that in the world where [Dungeons & Stone], which I have enjoyed for ten years, is set.

“Looking at your expression, I guess this is music you know?”

“… .”

“It was an American who sang and recorded this song. So it may have a different feel from the original song… but what can I do? Still, people who heard it said that it captured the feel of the original song well, so I guess I should do that.”

After remaining silent for a moment, I just asked outright, as King Gaebyeok said earlier.

“… “What happened to that American?”

There was no point in him pretending to be a barbarian in front of this guy anyway. That’s because this guy had figured out not only that I was an ‘evil spirit’ but also that I was a ‘Korean’.

“The words have become shorter in the meantime.”

“Wasn’t it you who told me so openly?”

“Hahaha! So, does it really seem like your brain has become a barbarian?”

“Answer me… .”

“Hmm… Well, what happened… ”

Soon, the guy trailed off, and the escort driver in front of him answered instead.

“As soon as a report was received from the Dimensional Technology Department that there was no valid information remaining on the subject, it was immediately discarded.”

“Oh, that’s right.”

Listening to that nonchalant muttering, I realized something again.

Other Media All media, including novels and comics.

In it, modern people who have been summoned to this world are the center, and the natives are no different from minor roles that make modern people shine.

But in reality it was completely different.

The main characters of this world are those guys.

To them, we Compared are just a part of a very small world, an ‘event’.

I realize that painfully today.

“… Could it be that that’s why you slay evil spirits? To capture them and take away their skills?”

When I gritted my teeth and asked, the answer came back with a small, mocking laugh coming from beyond the silk.

“It can’t be. It is an immutable truth that evil spirits are beings that must disappear from this world. “We just took advantage of the process.”

“… .”

“Oh, of course, the reason is that the fox with the tiger on his back is very angry. “About the existence of ‘evil spirits.’”

… A fox carrying a tiger on its back?

It was a car that made me frown without knowing who exactly it was referring to.

“Oh, so you don’t know about that story yet?”

“… .”

“Then I cannot tell you here. Since time immemorial, a story is most enjoyable when told to oneself.”

Okay, so I have no intention of saying this.

Well, if I were to guess from the context, it seems that fox means ‘prime minister’.

First of all, that’s not what’s important right now.

Instead of asking about ‘foxes’, I brought up another topic.

“Does the ‘she’ you mentioned earlier refer to the ‘witch’?”

“Correct answer.”

“What does it mean to be chosen?”



“There is no reason to answer, so the answer is wrong, savage.”

“Honestly, I guess you were the one who asked me to be honest with you?”

“Isn’t this what we’re talking about openly? “Even after all this, I am the king of a country.”

“… .”

King Gaebyeok was so different from what I imagined.

I had no idea that a person called the King could be so frivolous. Well, is it still better than holding on to your weight and speaking in a high-handed manner?

‘No, like Lee Baek-ho, he might just catch the opponent off guard.’

Anyway, whatever the way he speaks, his name and name is ‘King’.

A being with the power to turn everything I myself into nothingness with a single wave of my hand.

But I know.

A crisis can sometimes become an opportunity.

‘perhaps… .’

Today, I may be able to take a big step closer to discovering the secrets of this world that I have harbored for so long.

[You were chosen by her, right? It’s obvious she’ll be angry if I kill you, so how could I do that?]

If what I said earlier is true, then at least my safety is guaranteed.

Therefore, we decided to take a slightly more proactive stance.

“Why have you been hiding under the excuse of illness?”

For now, let’s use this opportunity to continue asking questions.

There’s nothing to lose even if you don’t get an answer, and it’s a gain if you get at least one answer.

“Huh? It’s not really hidden, is it? “It’s just that I tend to sleep a lot so I couldn’t go out.”


“There is such a thing.”

King Gaebyeok responded as if it was a bother to answer rather than a secret, and I didn’t ask too much.

Still, there was one thing I wanted to point out.

This guy said this as soon as he saw me.

[My servant, Baron Bjorn Yandel.]

A baronet, not a baron.

What if this isn’t just a memory issue or a slip of the tongue?

If I really only knew information about the past because I was ‘sleeping’, would that be a leap forward?

‘… I’m awake, but there may be some restrictions.’

Even though it was still just a guess, it was precious and valuable information as the subject was the subject.

“Why did you call me here?”

“That’s a strange question. “Do thieves who come in through the back door usually say things like that?”

“But in the end, I guess he was the one who called me to the throne room.”

“ah? Is that also true? But honestly, I’m a little curious. “How did you end up there?”

“Do you have any intentions other than that?”

“There was one thing I wanted to check, but that was already done.”

“… .”

“So does that mean there is nothing left to do?”

“No, not really.”

“… Then tell me.”

“That will come a little later.” “When you eat food, you usually eat the most delicious part later, right?”

Well, I don’t know anything else, but it’s hard to agree with that statement.

I always tend to eat the delicious food first.

Because there is no guarantee that the delicious food will still be there later.

Anyway, this is done.

“Are you the one behind the current war?”

“No, I’m just a victim. I won’t say I had no idea, but I definitely didn’t initiate it. “Did you get an answer?”

“Then who is behind it?”

“This has to do with the delicious part, so later.”

King Gaebyeok, who was quickly answering my barrage of questions, suddenly cut me off and spoke firmly.

“Aren’t there too many questions than that? I know it’s because I’m only going to answer one last question. Oh, of course, I won’t answer questions that are too much of a violation of my conscience.”

Okay, last question…

If you listen to what he says later, it seems like he will never give you an answer even if you ask for really important information.

So what would be a good last question?

Among those that do not cross the line, which question is the most reasonable?

Tap tap… .

After thinking briefly, I slowly opened my mouth.

“Why are you answering my questions one by one?”

Witches or war.

That question may be of much more value right now than talking about such a distant country.

“Oh, that?”

King Gaebyeok, who received that question, answered through silk.

With a very natural voice.

“After all, appeasement is better than threats, right?”

I expected it, but this guy called King was also a screw-up.

“So, let’s try to appease first.”

“… .”

“Before I tell you that if you don’t do what I say, I’ll trash everyone you know.”

Just because you say it with a smile doesn’t mean it’s not a threat.

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