Bizarre Fate: An Urban Crime Xianxia

Chapter 19: Night Running

Chapter 19: Night Running

Of course, like any biker gang, we opted to ride bikes to the bar. Bruno saved me from the awkward begging and offered to ride double. Turned out Suzaki owned the midnight blue off-roader, even if it was an old well-loved ride, he was the youngest of us but had something. Downright embarrassing to be in the Brass Kings for so long, without having a bike. But Id never had the spirit chips or the right connections. Unlucky.

Brunos was a sick piece of Schfer engineering. Didnt need the Sects transport-based Soul Abilities or occasional flying artifacts. We zoomed down the road, and I shook my head at the idea of using anything other than these mechanical marvels. Even if someone could teleport you from Southside to the Rust Docks in a minute, what did it compare to the feeling of the wind in your hair? Sects often missed out on the small thingsstepping over them.

I basked in the moment, delighted in the fact that even Eve was failing to catch up to Brunos comet even with her bright yellow VA-203 racing bike. This chrome-trimmed demon left me feeling like I was on cloud nine. Bruno let it flare, running point for the gang, having to occasionally slow down so they could catch up. We zoomed through traffic; who gave a fuck about road laws. Sects didnt enforce them outside of a couple of districts and definitely not against the street gangs. They didnt wanna step on the Segreto Familys toes.

A half-moon flew in the sky when we finally reached it. A club that flashed with blue and pink lights. Id figured wed head to a dive, but Kayson proved me wrong. This place was busy, denizened by fashionably dressed young adults with the pleasant reek of booze and bad decisions. Northern Clan drum music banged from heavy bass inside, each beat loud enough to feel in my chest. I saw a couple of Emerald Serpents wandering into the place. Being on the edge of Uptown, and this close to Downtown, it wasnt our turf. Besides, didnt have to worry about Emerald Serpents.

Felt weird to be going to a club, and I didnt quite trust what was happening given the odd reactions, but our lieutenant gestured for us to follow as we parked. We walked up to the bouncer and got a nod. Suzaki didnt get even so much as a second goddamn glance, despite looking as young as my little brother.

Went to show that the law only mattered if someone was looking to make a point. All the real laws in the city were unsaid. Hell, most everywhere in the Rising Sun fell under a similar ambivalent mindset. It depended on which Sect was technically in charge. Here in the seat of power for the Great Himawari Sect? They let the Segreto deal with any criminal or petty street level-issues, our problems were far too beneath their pompous asses.

Clearing the bouncers, our motley crew scoped out the inside of the club. Lights flared in every color under the sun. Smoke clouded the air from about a hundred cigarettes. I followed Kaysons lead, trying to suppress my natural suspicions. I didnt know their real motives. Kayson directed us to the bar, talking briefly to an overworked woman trying to pour too many drinks for too many customers.

He ordered each of usexcept Suzakia double shot, passing them out and giving the lady a nice tip. For his part, the kid held up well, tugging on his ear and trying to avoid looking around the den of debauchery. There were plenty of things to see, from wild dancing to drunken slobs. But, it wasnt new to me, just a typical night near Downtown New Valentine. I eyed the whiskey in the oversized shot glass. Not my favorite, but Id take it. Thanks.

Kayson raised his glass, the amber liquid glittering as blue light rammed through. To our future! May we rise high enough to meet the Brass King himself.

Then test him in a glorious duel! Bruno clinked his glass against the lieutenants, dumb grin on his face. With a roll of her eyes, Eve joined the cheer. Leaving all three staring at me.

It It felt weird, just going along with them, acting chummy. I didnt know them yet, and I couldnt shake the part of me wondering if they were buttering me up for some kinda fall.

But I dropped it, then joined the cheer. We tipped the drinks back. Bruno and Kayson kept straight faces, while Eve gagged. I almost spat up the disgusting whiskey which burned my throat and tasted like rotten apples.

The next one went down smoother. After the third shot, the taste stopped bugging me.

Kayson, as he promised, paid for all the drinks. Taking Suzaki aside to whisper in his ear as he ordered a round for us three. Afterward, I kept catching the slinky boy glancing around, barely paying attention as the rest of us got progressively more intoxicated. By the end of the fifth round, my skin felt numb. Like Id popped my Soul Seed, my face burned warm to the point I was sure it flushed red.

I leaned on the counter, taking in Bruno carefully. Despite being huge, the booze hit him as hard as it hit me. Out of anyone, Eve carried herself the best. Big guy, I said, drawing his attention. Where ya from anyway? You dont act like youre from the Southside or even Uptown.

The big guy shifted and coughed into his hand. Was that did I just make him uncomfortable? Doesnt matter, does it! The most important part of the journey is where one ends up! And Ill be sitting at the top of the mountain! He squared his shoulders and gave me a grin. Where are you planning to go, once youve gained power?

I fiddled with a squeezed lime, feeling a bit odd about the question. Where did I wanna end up? I dunno. To be honest, I want enough chips to let Ma and Alex live whatever kinda life they want. After that? Never really thought that far ahead.

Well, thats an easy questionyou should want to own it all. Artifacts, treasures, or ancient herbs. All of them. Like a queen! Eve said, more relaxed than at the apartment.

Yea? And just what makes ya need all of that. Thats the problem with everyone who has power. They hoard shit and dont give it out to others. I scowled at her and she flipped me off.

Stay jealous. Besides, I didnt say that thats all Id do if I got power. Awful big chip on your shoulder, slick. Id have thought another Southside rat would know better than to spout idealistic bullcrap like that. There isnt such a thing as too much, were given nothing and have to work hard to earn anything we do get. Whats the problem with enjoying what youve earned? Wasnt born with a jade spoon in my mouth. She leaned on the counter and sighed. Id also like to topple a couple of sects, nice little payback. Well, that seemed a bit petty.

Hahahayou two. Its always one step away from a brawl! I love it! Bruno clapped his hands loudly. How about thisyou compete. Fight on the dance floor!"

I blanched, and Eve shrugged. The hell does that solve? I asked.

They say fighting is a different form of dance! So surely the one with the best moves fights better!

That isnt how it works at all, big guy!

"Then how about you actually fight on the dance floor! It will be glorious! You can spill blood beneath a thousand shining lights" Bruno grew more excited.

Scared? Eve snorted.

As if Id be scared of you, I shot back. Not much of a dancer and I didnt wanna look stupid, but how good could she or the big guy there be? Kayson looked over us all and shook his head.

You all have fun, Suzaki and I will keep our place at the bar. Kayson nodded in our direction, and Bruno gave a little cheer. Like that, my fate was sealed. I leaned over, grabbing the last of my bright neon drink and downing it. A horrible wash of berry and mint. At least itd loosen me up a bit.

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