Birth of the Demonic Sword

Chapter 2229: 2229. Void

Chapter 2229: 2229. Void

"Don't use words you don't understand so lightly," Sword Saint scolded. "None of you knows the true form of a sword. Even I have merely gazed upon the immensity of the path."

"Who cares about the sword path?" The privileged cultivator responded without letting go of his long grey beard. "I didn't claim to know about blades or the true meaning of your power. I only said that you can't cut me."

Sword Saint loved to talk about blades, but that wasn't the right situation for that. Besides, he had something better than words to prove his point.

Sword Saint waved his hands, and his while figure lit up before unleashing a torrent of silver light. The attack released whooshing noises as it flew through the void, but those sounds vanished once it crashed on the privileged cultivator.

The sharpness radiated by the silver torrent was so intense that even the void couldn't remain still during the exchange. The peculiar space-time array bent and shattered, making the attack almost impossible to dodge. Sword Saint had almost cut through the void during his offensive.

The privileged cultivator didn't execute any defensive technique. He stood still and let the wave of silver energy seep into his figure. Sword Saint could sense that nothing tried to block his sharpness, but his offensive didn't inflict any damage anyway.

"I should probably introduce myself," The privileged cultivator sighed. "I'm sorry for forgetting my manners. I'm Euclio, and my world imitates the void."

Sword Saint didn't need that explanation to understand the nature of Euclio's world. He had seen enough by keeping track of his last attack. His sharpness had entered Euclio's existence, but it didn't find anything to cut.

Most experts would usually feel disappointed or bored to face a similar opponent. Noah and Divine Demon had felt like that against Philto, but Sword Saint was different.

Sword Saint's aura surged in excitement after hearing Euclio's statement. The expert had confirmed Sword Saint's guess, which opened the path for an interesting experiment. He could finally test his power against something theoretically impossible to cut.

"Why do you react like this?" Euclio sighed. "There is nothing to cut inside me. Don't get so worked up about it."

"Do not tell me what to do," Sword Saint announced. "You have given me the chance to sharpen my path. How could I not get excited?"

"The void can't sharpen anything," Euclio declared. "It merely exists in its immensity."

"I sense only ignorance about my path in those words," Sword Saint laughed. "I'll show you how wrong they are."

Sword Saint's aura condensed before gathering in his right palm. That silver radiance slowly took the shape of a blade as tall as him, and he didn't hesitate to wave it.

No attack came out of the blade, but a sharp torrent of silver energy abruptly engulfed Euclio. His entire body ended up immersed in a raging wave of power that desperately tried to cut his very existence, but he didn't show any reaction.

Euclio remained immersed in the sharp energy for a few seconds before lifting an arm to show his palm. He closed his hand into a fist, and the silver attack instantly vanished without leaving a single trace of its past presence.

"I am nothing," Euclio declared. "You can't cut what has no form."

"That's what you think!" Sword Saint laughed as more power flowed into his long blade.

Sword Saint didn't even wave his weapon at that time, but attacks materialized around Euclio anyway. The privileged cultivator found himself immersed in multiple waves of sharp energy that created a bright star-like shape with six tips.

The void seemed to light up. Nothing could stop the light radiated by the star, but Euclio didn't suffer at all while he continued to float at the center of the structure. Waves of energy cut their way through his body, but no injury opened.

"This is pretty," Euclio commented as he inspected the silver structure. "I'll send it flying in my world for a few millennia."

Euclio opened and closed his hand, and the star disappeared. The void reclaimed its dark appearance, and Sword Saint's power stopped affecting its emptiness.

"Can you give up already?" Euclio asked when he saw that Sword Saint gathered even more energy in his blade.

It didn't take long before another star enveloped Euclio. Sword Saint didn't even stop there. He proceeded to wave his blade to create similar but bigger structures that immersed the expert in even stronger waves of sharp energy.

Euclio couldn't hide his surprise when he inspected his surroundings. Three massive stars with no solid edges had enveloped him, and the energy inside them intensified as it continued to flow through their insides.

Sword Saint had created something similar to a formation, but he had only used slashes during the process. That allowed the sharpness to fly freely and intensify as it attempted to cut what dared to stand in its way.

Sadly for the sharp energy, Euclio wasn't really there. His world imitated the void. His existence was the closest thing to non-existence that a cultivator could reach. He was basically empty even if he carried power in the solid stage.

Of course, those features barely affected Sword Saint's mindset. He had found something that he couldn't cut, so he was ready to launch attacks until he succeeded. His devotion knew no bounds. Sword Saint wouldn't stop even if he had to spend eras in that condition.

Euclio didn't mind keeping Sword Saint busy either. After all, that was the main purpose of those reinforcements. Everything would end as long as he bought enough time for Heaven and Earth.

Nevertheless, Euclio wasn't a normal underling. He was a privileged cultivator with desires and plans that went beyond Heaven and Earth's projects. It was better to stand still and let Sword Saint have fun, but he also wanted to play a role in that battle.

Euclio made the three stars disappear, and Sword Saint prepared himself to launch an even stronger offensive. Still, he interrupted his actions when the privileged cultivator teleported in front of him.

"I don't want to be a punching bag now that I've finally joined the battlefield," Euclio stated.

"That's not up to you to decide," Sword Saint snorted as silver energy exploded from every inch of his figure.

The attack passed through Euclio without hurting him in the slightest. He could raise his hand calmly and slowly until his fingers touched Sword Sant's forehead.

The fingers' silhouette trembled when they touched Sword Saint's silhouette. The latter's figure could express a form of sharpness so pure that even Euclio couldn't hide his surprise.

However, that event didn't stop Euclio from following his plan. A strange aura came out of his fingers and enveloped Sword Saint. Sharpness continued to shoot in every direction, but those attacks didn't affect Euclio's energy at all.

"Have fun in my void," Euclio uttered when he finished enveloping Sword Saint in his power.

Nothing special seemed to happen, but Sword Saint disappeared. His presence completely vanished from the battlefield, and his sharpness also stopped expanding through the void.

"That was so boring," Euclio exclaimed before caressing his beard and glancing at the battlefield. "Now, who should I help?"

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