Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 68: A Chance Encounter by the Way

Chapter 68: Chapter 68: A Chance Encounter by the Way

Translator: 549690339

Doctor Feng cured himself with his own urine!

News like this spread through Small Lake Village without legs, and it instantly became known everywhere.

Upon hearing this, Chief Jia’s face immediately relaxed, and he couldn’t help letting out a sigh of relief, “Good thing, thankfully we didn’t offend this person.”

However, curing the illness was only one aspect; soon, there were rumors in the village that Doctor Feng had undergone a complete change in appearance, and moreover… he could start fires barehanded.

Rolling smoke was another hot topic of discussion. In this space, there were tobacco leaves, but no one had ever used paper to roll and smoke. Everyone used smoking pipes or water pipes, so of course, roll-your-own cigarettes were a rare commodity.

Even Lang Zhen, upon hearing about it, came over to ask for a roll-your-own cigarette—he was a smoker, and upon learning that there was such a way to smoke, he definitely wanted to broaden his horizons.

After finishing the cigarette, he didn’t comment on the roll-your-own but stood up to return to the village, only leaving behind the words, “There’s no need to leave too early tomorrow, we can head down the mountain together.”

Lang Zhen had a high prestige in the village; when he made a decision, others usually followed without question.

Even Lao Er could only mutter quietly, “We were planning to head down the mountain at noon.”

However, Feng Jun didn’t plan on listening to Lang Zhen. After he had dinner and night had fallen, he quietly instructed Lao Er, “I’m leaving now, I’ll wait for you on the road tomorrow.”

Lao Er was unwilling to agree, his eyes widened as if he wanted to shout.

“Shut up!” Feng Jun rebuked in a low voice, “I’ve brought some other supplies that I have to fetch; it’s enough that you know this, don’t mention it to anyone else.”

After a moment of stunned silence, Lao Er spoke in a hushed voice, “You can go, but you’ll have to take me with you. I made a promise to ensure your safety.”

“There’s no need,” Feng Jun dismissed with a wave of his hand, speaking indifferently, “I don’t want you to see where I’m getting the things from.”

These words carried a hint of mistrust, but Lao Er held no discontent. In his eyes, not only were Doctor Feng’s medical skills astounding, but the objects he possessed were also exceedingly extraordinary; it was completely within his right to say such a thing.

So he only chuckled dryly, “Can’t I just move far away from you and not look?”

“No,” Feng Jun slowly and firmly shook his head, “Brother Lao Er, it’s not that I don’t trust you, but sometimes, it’s better not to know certain things.”

Lao Er was a resourceful hunter, but he had not experienced an era of knowledge explosion. His experiences were naturally limited, and after hearing Feng Jun’s words, he remained baffled for a full five minutes before he roughly understood the logic behind them, and even then it wasn’t very clear.

In any case, he felt there was some reason to Feng Jun’s words, but exactly where the ingenuity lay, he couldn’t articulate.

Seeing that he had fallen silent, Feng Jun stood up and walked down the narrow pathway.

Lao Er lifted his hand, intending to stop him, but after pondering for a moment, he ultimately gave up.

After walking for about a mile down the narrow path in the dark, Feng Jun stopped. He took out his infrared binoculars and looked back.

A white figure hesitated at the entrance to the village for a long time before ultimately not following.

After seeing the white figure return, Feng Jun finally let out a sigh of relief, “Luckily I was cautious.”

He waited another half an hour before starting to move towards the mountainside; he planned to pack up his shelter in the night.

The next day, close to noon, a group of more than ten people from Small Lake Village had traveled about ten miles from the foot of the mountain.

They originally planned to set off at noon, but since the Divine Doctor had left early, Lao Er and Younger Sister Lang were eager to catch up, so everyone began descending the mountain at the time of the third lunar hour.

As they walked, Lao San called out, “The one in the grey clothes by the roadside, that’s the Divine Doctor, isn’t it?”

Feng Jun had been waiting here for a while. There was a lot of stuff in his shelter, and although he had a heavy-duty motorcycle, the effectiveness of a motorcycle on mountain roads was truly better left unsaid.

Bringing the motorcycle up was a tremendous effort, taking no less than two days.

So he sent the motorcycle back to Earth and came here alone.

Only after ensuring that the road ahead was clear did he retrieve the motorcycle and other supplies.

The Bidirectional Gate really was convenient. Having gotten used to this method, even if it used a bit of electricity, he couldn’t help but want to take the easy route, which just goes to show “it’s easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but hard to return to frugality from extravagance.”

After the group converged, Feng Jun realized that this time many people from Small Lake Village had come out for the market—seventeen or eighteen in total. Just from the Lang Family, there were Lang Zhen, Younger Sister Lang, and Younger Brother Lang, three people; and from the Jia Family, there were Lao Er and his wife, another three.

Chief Jia and his son Jia Xingwang also came out, but Jia Xingquan did not come —there needed to be some defensive power left in the village.

Younger Sister Lang was very interested in the motorcycle equipped with a front loader and volunteered to push it.

Seeing this, Jia Xingwang couldn’t help muttering softly, “It’s just a two-wheeled vehicle for carrying things; what’s so special about it?”

Lao Er gave him a look, “Your family only has the wheelbarrow; you really don’t have a two-wheeled one.”

Lao San also joined in the tease, “Look at those wheels, they’re elastic and make pushing easier. It’s impressive… Don’t even compare it to wooden wheel carts.”

Jia Xingwang was left speechless, and Feng Jun merely smiled without saying a word, thinking to himself that the motorcycle could actually be ridden, but he didn’t want to scare them.

Because they had started coming down the mountain early, they emerged from the mountainside just before the end of the morning watch, not even three o’clock in the afternoon.

However, everyone decided not to continue traveling. After leaving the mountain, the sun was quite harsh, but the ground was still somewhat soft. It seemed better to rest early and get up tomorrow morning to travel while it was still cool, when the ground should also be easier to traverse.

They chose a large, flat area to rest, a place that had been smoothed out by human hands, yet still retained some large trees.

Feng Jun took some stands from the cart and set up a canopy, then he took out a portable camp bed, unfolded it, and lay down to cool off.

Such gadgets were commonplace on Earth, but to the people of Small Lake Village, they were the epitome of high technology.

Younger Sister Lang showed no hesitation and plopped down on the camp bed. She felt a bit of give in it and bounced on it a few times for good measure.

Feng Jun smiled, but in his heart he was secretly worrying, “My dear little auntie, please don’t break the bed.”

Jia Xingwang found a rock to sit on and glared venomously towards the canopy.

Everyone rested lazily until the hour of You, when the sun was not so toxic, and only then did Younger Sister Lang lead the women and children to gather dried firewood to bring back, planning to boil water and cook.

Lao San’s wife took out a flint stone, just about to strike a fire, when Younger Sister Lang suddenly turned her head and shouted towards Feng Jun, “Brother Feng, come here quickly… light a fire for us.”

Feng Jun pulled out a cigarette, handed one to Lang Zhen, took one for himself, then took out a lighter, lit the cigarettes for both of them, and with a flick of his wrist tossed it to Younger Sister Lang, “Press that little button!”

With lightning speed, Younger Sister Lang stretched out her hand and firmly snatched the lighter from the air.

She had already seen how Feng Jun used it to light a fire, so such foolproof operation was no challenge for her.

After igniting the firewood, Younger Sister Lang looked at the lighter and was somewhat reluctant to return it to Feng Jun; it was truly too convenient.

However, she eventually handed the lighter back to him.

Heading out to the market, everyone brought some dry food with them. Starting a fire was simply to boil some hot water and to provide some illumination, to avoid any unwelcome creatures stumbling upon them in the dark.

As it turned out, this flat piece of land was not exclusive to Small Lake Village. Before it got dark, two more groups arrived, also seeking rest. They were from two other villages.

The people from the three villages were familiar with each other, and meeting in the wilderness, they all struck up lively conversations.

One of the villages, called Qjnglong Valley, had a lean middle-aged man leading them, whom everyone called Brother Hao.

His prestige was extremely high, and not just among the people of his village. Even Lao San’s brother Lao Er treated him with considerable respect.

Brother Hao braved this excursion with a gourd of alcohol, cheerfully calling out to everyone, “Come, try some fruit wine I brewed… Lone Wolf, would you like some?”

Lang Zhen glanced at him, shook his head slightly, and said nothing.

Brother Hao was not annoyed but continued cheerfully, pointing at him, “I mean, walking around with such a stern face all the time, what’s the point?”

Lang Zhen glanced at him again and actually stood up, walking away into the distance.

His blunt lack of courtesy visibly displeased the people from Qinglong Valley, but considering Lone Wolf’s reputation was on par with Brother Hao’s, they could only inwardly fume.

Brother Hao, however, didn’t take it to heart and continued to invite others to join him. He even greeted Feng Jun, “This young brother, it’s rare to see you… quite the unique character, care for some wine?”

Feng Jun wasn’t familiar with him and felt a bit strange why this guy would offer a drink to someone dressed so peculiarly, so he smiled and shook his head, “Forgetit, I can’t hold my liquor, one glass and I’m gone.”

“Tsk,” a girl from Qinglong Village scoffed disdainfully, “Turns out he’s a foreigner… If you can’t drink, can you even call yourself a man?”

Before Feng Jun could react, Younger Sister Lang jumped up, “Lian Jiaojiao, do you know how to talk? Whether he drinks or not is none of your damn business!”

Lian Jiaojiao was slightly apprehensive inside—Younger Sister Lang was quite infamous for her fighting ability. But she thought for a moment, with so many people around her, why should she be afraid?

So she laughed lightly, “I’m talking about the foreigner, what’s it to you, Big Sister?”

As she spoke, she glanced at Jia Xingwang and spoke in a teasing manner, “Brother Xingwang is so enchanted by you that he’s lost his appetite; when you speak like this, consider his feelings, will you?”

Jia Xingwang was already filled with frustration, and her words only fueled his anger.

But just then, Chief Jia cleared his throat lightly, “Young Master Feng is a rare sight, a divine doctor. You little girl, best not cause more trouble.”

Lian Jiaojiao, seeing Small Lake Village’s chief speaking out, didn’t dare to say more, grudgingly closing her mouth.

But upon hearing this, Brother Hao looked at Feng Jun with interest, “Oh, I’m really sorry then, such a young and handsome divine doctor.”

The words weren’t said with good intentions—on this martial plane, commenting on a man’s good looks was often a doubting of his martial prowess.

And speaking of a young physician, the malice became even clearer. Who wouldn’t know that being a physician was all about experience?

A good doctor not only needed to have an excellent lineage but also sufficient cases to practice on.

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