Becoming the Luna

Chapter 56

Chapter 56


((/This chapter might contain some upsetting themes such as sexual abuse and violence, please if you're sensitive to such just move on to the next chapter and don't forget to request if you want a summary of this chapter, thank you./))

I make my way unnoticed to the other end of the room, luckily most of the students are occupied with other things so no one pays attention to my tiny frame as I maneuver through.

I get to the bar and it's thankfully deserted at the moment, everyone still in the heat of the dance.

"Could I get some w-water?" I stutter over my words as I see who is manning the bar.


One of Elise's henchgirls.

She gives me a bright smile and quickly gets me a cup of cool water which she slides across the counter to me, she's in a professional black and white tux, and her bleached blonde hair is up in a tight ponytail.

I can't seem to drink the water fast enough and I feel like she's about to bring out a bottle opener to stab me in the throat.

I'm pretty thirsty so I have no problem going through the water pretty quickly but still not fast enough, Mia just stands there grinning at me, her brown eyes watching me like she expects me to choke on the water.

"T-Thank you." I stutter out when I'm done with the glass of water, bowing unconsciously as I slide the empty cup back to her.

"My pleasure!" She waves at me but I'm already running, no matter how nice Mia is to me I know where her loyalties lie and that's enough proof for me.

The hallways are still as quiet as when we first came in, although I can hear giggles and hushed whispers from behind doors and in dark corners. Whatever they were doing there, I'm pretty sure they did not want to get caught by teachers acting as chaperones so it didn't make sense how they could be giggling so loud like they were at a comedy show.

I easily find my way to the familiar restroom through the well-lighted corridors, I pray that there wouldn't be anyone in the bathrooms because I was sure to die from mortification if I were to walk in and interrupt something.

I gingerly place a hand on the doorknob and place my ear at the door to listen in for any suspicious sounds, when all seems clear I throw open the door and walk-in.

Just like with the bar, it's deserted and I can't help but congratulate myself on choosing the perfect moment where everyone is busy dancing to step out.

It's good I don't feel pressed because there is no way I'm taking down my pants with the garters on, I just walk over to the sink and wash my hands, making sure to dry them properly so that I don't get my clothes wet.

I peek into the mirror and note that my mother's work was still mostly in place, I tuck an errant lock of hair that keeps dancing in my face behind one ear and pronounce myself ready to return to the ballroom. I'd better hurry before Virgil comes barging in.

I look at my reflection one last time and blink when I can't see my face, when did the mirror get s-so b...blu... blurry.

I place a hand on my head as the room starts to spin, something was wrong, something was very wrong. Alarms start to go off in my head and I scramble for the door, I need to get to Virgil and fast.

I don't make it far because my legs give out on me and I sprawl across the counter beside the sink, the marble surface the only thing keeping me off the ground.

I shake my head because my vision is working right and maybe if I shake my head hard enough, it'll jolt back into focus but the motion only serves to make me dizzier and I quickly stop.

I throw my gaze to the door, planning on getting to Virgil even if it means crawling all the way there when I hear a faint rustle behind me.

"When she said she had a present for me, I wasn't expecting a boy." Tyrone's slimy voice floats to me and my heart stops dead in my chest, my blood turning to ice.

My brain is still working double time and pumping loads of adrenaline into the rest of my body but my body won't do what I tell it, it's like I've gone boneless.

"But you were always ridiculously pretty so this is even better." Tyrone continues his monologue, sounding pissed. "Do you know why I always beat you up?" He asks.

His voice is closer now and I shut my eyes to the oncoming moments because nothing can hurt me with my eyes shut, right?

"Because" He starts to say, slipping an arm around me to straighten my limbless body, I end up leaning against him, terrified tears in my eyes, his beefy arm the only thing keeping me upright.

"I wanted you all for myself." He says into the crook of my shoulder. "That bastard was always around you, it pissed me off."

I'm shivering hard even though whatever made my body act like a string of rubber is still very much active, his words slowly sink in because the panic swirling around doesn't make room for much comprehension.

Did he say 'she?' I think with a dry mouth, both of Tyrone's arms are around me now and I feel nausea tickling the back of my throat, it wouldn't help me if I were to throw up.

Tyrone has always been the bully that I magnified to a larger than life villain, he's supposed to be hitting and kicking me in disgust, not wrapping his arms around me and saying things that shouldn't be possible.

"But now, he's not here is he?" Tyrone laughs, an evil sound, and the first tear drops down the side of my face, falling into the folds of the perfectly done cravat that my mother had done for me.

"P-Please let me g-go." I whisper slowly in a soft voice, grateful that at least I hadn't lost my voice along with the control of my body but it strains me to talk so talking loud enough to attract any attention or help would be next to impossible.

"When I've finally gotten you all to myself?" He asks rhetorically and then there's more of that sickening laughter.

Slowly, he moves to the side so that I can see him in the mirror and I have to swallow copiously so that I don't throw up, the sink might be in front of me but my head is tilted backward so the best I'll do is to throw up all down the front of my clothes and his arm.

His other hand goes to the cravat around my neck and starts to undo it, my arms lie lifeless by my side and if I thought I couldn't hate Elise before, that changed right now at this moment because it would have been a hundred times better if she had spiked my drink and I went unconscious but she just paralyzed my motion while still keeping me aware of what was to come.

My ability to speak starts to wane but the tears don't, another tear drops and he raises the hand undoing my cravat to wipe it away, this just makes more fall.

"No, don't cry." He says softly with twisted concern. "You don't want to ruin your pretty face do you?" He asks with more of that hurtful gentleness, leaning forward to kiss my cheek.

I screw my eyes shut at this and the tears start to fall hard and fast, where is Virgil??

Closing my eyes doesn't take away the image of Tyrone with his crooked nose and deep-set dark eyes, the cravat is loose now and he yanks it off my neck no doubt throwing it over his shoulder.

He places one hand at the top of my shirt and applies pressure, making the buttons pop, and the shirt fall open.

My eyes fly open in terror at this but Tyrone doesn't even notice my panicked state, instead, he leans forward again to the side of my neck.

"I've always wanted to do this." He murmurs, licking a fat stripe across my neck and collarbones.

I choke on a sob, my hands twitching helplessly by my side, I hear people passing the front of the restroom and I wonder how no one has come in yet.

"That annoying spot, always standing on the pale skin of your neck." Tyrone says, apparently talking about the beauty mark on my neck. "This mirror is a pretty fun place but I have a better place in mind."  He says in his slimy voice, a smug smirk in his voice as he leans forward to lick my neck again, it feels like a snake is wrapping itself around me.

I blink at this, a panicked screaming starting up at the back of my head, I couldn't leave the restroom, how would Virgil find me then??

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