Becoming the Luna

Chapter 297

Chapter 297

Hayden makes his way back to his apartment, hands cold and wrapped around himself, he had gone through a many diverse emotions in so little time that he just felt odd.

He got to the door of his apartment and just wanted to turn around and go somewhere else, anywhere else, he didn't think he had the mental or emotional capacity to address the elephant in the room.

Sleeping with it there wasn't an option either.

He pushes open the door with a heavy sigh, locking it from within as he turns around to find Virgil waiting for him in the living room, elbows braced against his knees.

Hayden doesn't know how to feel now that he has confronted Virgil, it was easy to be mad at his mate when he wasn't there and all he could see was how Virgil had kept the truth to him.

But now he sees not just the wrong but the reason behind it and he's just sad.

He crosses the living room over to where Virgil is seated and climbs into the other's arms, curling up into his welcoming warmth.

They remain quiet like this for a good long while, just listening to the other breath and breathing in deep their blended scents.

Virgil leans back against the backrest of the chair, gathering Hayden up to him, arms trembling ever so slightly.

"Baby?" Virgil's voice breaks the cold silence, trembling getting worse. "I love you." He says steadily in a pain wracked voice.

Hayden lifts a small hand to Virgil's face, eyes stinging. "I know."

Virgil reaches up as well with his free hand that isn't supporting Hayden's weight to cover Hayden's hand on his face, shoulders slumped.

"And I'm sorry." He added sincerely.

Hayden just hums a little, knowing that his mate meant that and was truly sorry for causing him pain but it didn't mean he would give up trying to stop him from getting pregnant.

He had bowed over for a lot of things, letting Virgil have his way but he was getting that child even if he had to drug his husband

Is what he would have wanted to say but he didn't want to leave Virgil in his haze of terror, he would just have to convince his mate that getting him pregnant would be one of the best decisions ever.

"Let's get married." Hayden hums, head resting up against Virgil's chest.

Virgil glances down in surprise, he hadn't exactly been sure how he expected the night to turn out but it wasn't this.

Thinking about it now, he doesn't think he had ever since Hayden got angry and tonight, at dinner at least, his little mate had been livid...

He didn't deserve Hayden.

He is swift to agree, heart full to bursting with love but for some reason he couldn't relax.

He wasn't stupid nor did he think his mate stupid to think that the matter was over like that, Hayden still wanted a baby and Virgil was just being an obstacle.

He wasn't ashamed of admitting that he was scared shitless of losing Hayden, he didn't think his mate would accept that as a suitable reason for denying him a child though, that didn't mean he wouldn't try.

"Aunt Candy should be ready to come down to Pine Creek in a month." Hayden mumbles, sleepy. "That'll give us the time to plan.. it."

"Sure." Virgil agrees, at the moment he would have agreed to whatever Hayden wanted no matter how ridiculous if that would make him give up on getting pregnant.

He had half been hoping his mate would adopt a child before realizing and at least then he would have a plausible argument, he knew he sounded cruel but what was he to do if he got his mate pregnant and

He winced at this point like it hurts physically to even think about it - no! He couldn't let that happen, he would just have to keep trying to get his mate to see reason.

"Now let's get you to bed" Virgil starts to say only to be cut off by Hayden's soft, sleepy voice.

"Will you not make love to me anymore?" He asks forlornly, voice miserable.

Virgil doesn't even realize he's being played, heart twisting at his mate's unhappiness. "I will" he's quick to say, thank fuck for condoms.

"But you'll use a condom, won't you?" Hayden half pouts, closing his eyes to hide the sneaky light in them.

He was a bad liar but at least he was pretty okay at hiding the truth.

"Baby" Virgil says softly, miserable.

"I-It's fi...fine." Hayden stutters lightly, curling tighter into Virgil, a soft dangerous smile on his face.

His mate would have to give up when Hayden got pregnant and then he would show Virgil that he could take care of himself too.

Virgil heaved a sigh of relief at this, he had been expecting more of a rebuttal but he wasn't complaining at whatever stars had aligned that night to make his mate so agreeable about something so controversial.

He scoops Hayden up in his hands and makes for the bedroom beyond relieved that in trying to protect the one that he loves most he hadn't ultimately lost him or pushed him away.

They had already shower together that evening so it is to bed straight for them, Virgil appreciated the way Hayden instantly snuggled to him, seeking comfort which he was quick to provide.

Hayden rests in his arms, head against his chest, their legs tangled up under the sheets.

Virgil wants to think that if anything, lying with Hayden like this was the physical definition of peace.

He could remain here forever or as long as his mate wanted and he wouldn't even mind.

"Baby?" He calls into the darkness, voice soft, half expecting Hayden to be already asleep. "I love you."

A small hand finds his face unerringly in the darkness and his heart swells to bursting.

"I love you too." Hayden sighs, his eyes slipping shut.

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