Becoming the Luna

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Oh! There it was!

She exclaims to her self mentally when the device she had been looking for in a flurry for like the past five minutes had just been laying on the bed... most likely laughing at her.

She lazily rolls over to her side to blindly reach behind her for her phone, bringing it up to her face to peer into it.

All her rolling around was causing the loosely tied towel on her head to come apart but she couldn't even be bothered by that when she finds out that she had a couple missed calls from no one but her baby himself.

Almost like he knew that she planned to call him as well, it had only been an hour ago when he called and she was most likely beside Renee's bed when that happened.

There was no texts or anything else to show that it had been an emergency, which made her wild imagination calm down.

Her son could call her just to greet her, nothing bad had to have happened.

She redials his number and stares up at her familiar ceiling as it starts to ring, the fairy lights that she had put up while she was sixteen, were still winking back at her, barely visible from the reflections of the other bulbs put on in the room.

It was no secret that her mom changed the lights every year, managing to find a similar design each time. Maggie thought her youngest daughter didn't know, Renee wasn't going to tell her mom that she knew.

Hayden picks on the fourth ring and she could tell he was worried by the rapid fire questions he throws her way.

"Mom? Hello? Are you okay? Is everything fine? You weren't picking and I was worried."

Renee laughs softly at his eagerness. "I'm fine, baby, something did happen though..."

She could hear his gasp loudly through the speaker. "Oh my..."

Renee laughs again. "Calm down, love, something happening doesn't always mean something bad."

Her words make Hayden fall silent, his worry for his mom easily pushing aside the mind blowing news he had to share and now trying to decipher what could have happened was taking a longer time than usual to click.

"Is it Aunt Candy?" He asks with bated breath, unsure.

"Of course, it is!" Renee cries out, sitting up in excitement. "You have the cutest little cousin, a little vixen named Pixie..."

Hayden was already in the clouds on the other side of the phone, barely staying still to listen to the rest of his mother's speech.

"Your Grandpa is back and I'm so sorry I haven't called in the past couple days but you didn't either and I figured that you were equally as busy as I was..."

Hayden blushes a violent red at his mom's choice of words. "Yeah..." He mutters shakily. "I've been a little busy but I'll come over first thing tomorrow, send all my love to Auntie for me, you sound a little tired, I should let you get some sleep now."

"That is true." Renee sighs tiredly. "It'll be better if I tell you everything in person anyway, I won't tell anyone you're coming over, especially Grand-daddy, let him get a little surprise."

Hayden just laughs at his mom's scheming, he could also see how important it was to explain everything to his mom in person.

"Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, mom."

He had been planning on changing his mind about going to town the next day seeing how visibly upset Virgil was over it and just telling his mom over the phone whenever she called.

But now that she had called with news of his Aunt's birth and his Grandfather's presence, there was no opting out of the journey.

He would make Virgil come along with him if it would ease his mate and that's about all he could do about the matter.

All that however, couldn't dampen his bliss about his Aunt birthing her baby safely, he understood the risks of Werewolf pregnancies and was beyond relieved because his Aunt was quite old for her first child.

He trudged to the kitchen to grab himself a cool drink, a hand absently going to his flat stomach to unconsciously pet it as he remembers his Aunt being so energetic even while being heavily pregnant.

Werewolf pregnancies also lasted slightly longer than human ones, the difference wasn't that much though so it just seemed like the baby came out a little late.

He settles for juice, wondering if he should have gone for milk so he would fall asleep faster because heavens knew when Virgil would come back from his office.

He could always go keep him company though, Hayden thinks to himself, he's been sleeping all day anyway that emptying the carton of milk wouldn't do much but strain his bladder.

His mind is easily made up, hurrying back to the room to grab pants which he pulls over his bare legs that still had hickies littered over them, his neck wasn't any better but wearing anything high necked was pure torture.

Because the material would keep rubbing against his still tender mating mark that he might have encouraged Virgil to bite over more than he probably should have... still, he regrets nothing.

There was the littlest chance of bumping into someone anyway and hickies were a whole lot better than having a noticeable limp.

He locks up and dangles the keys from a finger as he makes his way down the hall, he had good news to share with his mate plus, if he was able to be of help then Virgil would come to bed early.

There was no bad conclusion because even if he couldn't help out, he would still get to spend time with Virgil, it was a win-win for him.

He hums distractedly under his breath to keep himself company as he walked down the empty hallways, it wasn't really late but the fourth floor didn't house a lot of people to begin with so it was expected.

A hand drifts to his stomach again without him realizing it, he couldn't wait to see his mom's reaction to finding out that he was now part wolf.

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