Becoming the Luna

Chapter 260

Chapter 260

Explicit Content: (again, I hope it's not getting too much but I really had to write one with Hayden as a Werewolf)

Breakfast is done with soon enough and they retire back to the bedroom, the early morning softly illuminating the lived-in space.

Hayden was still wrapped up in his thoughts, trying to come to terms with everything that had happened since he woke up that morning but it was particularly hard to concentrate when Virgil was plastered up against him like this, the cool tip of his nose pressed up against Hayden's neck.

"Why do you keep sniffing me?" Hayden asks lazily, limbs still weak from the internal change that had happened the night before.

"Hmm?" Virgil hums distractedly, stumbling slightly.

"I'm sleepy." Hayden mumbles, knowing that Virgil was clearly out of it. "Don't hesitate to wake me if you need to."

He wanted to talk to his mom but that would have to wait because his Alpha needed him, he shakes his head at this thought, it was definitely a new one.

He couldn't stay awake even though his eyes struggled to stay open, Virgil as well seemed to be in the same situation.

They settle on the bed, Hayden melting into Virgil's arms who spooned him from behind to have full access to his scent gland.

Hayden didn't mind, this was warm and comfortable, an uncomfortable shiver ripples through his skin when what has to be his wolf purrs in contentment, it would take a good long while to get used to sharing his mental space with someone else who was as much a part of him as they were different.


Hayden wakes up with a gasp to the feel of sharp teeth pressing into his neck and a hard length against his butt, he's barely assessed the situation before Virgil is flipping them over and pushing him down into the bed.

He's stunned by the flurry of events but his wolf easily takes over, whimpering when Virgil rolls his hips downwards against him.

His momentary peace is shattered when he feels something wet between his legs, it was too slick to be cum and yet he instinctively knew it wasn't pee.

Virgil seemed to be in a world of his own, pushing up his mate's sweater so he can run his hands over his bare skin, drowning in his scent that was heavy with arousal.

He lifts his head from the crook of Hayden's neck to kiss down the soft skin of his body only to freeze when he gets hit with the intoxicating scent of Hayden's slick.

A possessive growl rips out of his throat, eyes melting to a flaming gold, in a split second he peels himself off Hayden and angles his hip upwards so that his weight rests on his chest and knees, face in his hands.

The need to knot his mate was like a ticking bomb at the center of his consciousness but the temptation to have a taste was greater.

He parts Hayden's legs slightly and leans forward to lick a wide stripe up his inner thigh, swooning slightly at the taste, it was like a concentrated, liquid version of Hayden's scent, it was perfect.

Hayden whimpers at this, pleasure tingling, it's like his usually sensitive body went up a couple notches.

He cries out on a shudder, fisting his bunched-up sweater when he feels Virgil lick higher up, right over his dripping hole, greedily lapping up his sweet-smelling slick.

Choking on a soft moan when Virgil uses his powerful tongue to pry open the wrinkled, wet, pink skin, firm hands digging into the soft skin of his thighs and butt when he tries to get away from the onslaught of pleasure.

After a while of constant shuddering from Hayden, he decides to give him a break, leaning back to glance down at the glistening hole winking up at him.

Hayden drags in gulps of air at the brief respite only to choke on it when Virgil delves in again, this time going in deeper.

"A-alpha!" Gets wrenches out of Hayden on a cry when he feels the tip of Virgil's tongue nudge the bundle of sensitive nerves deep in his body, eyes tearing up.

Virgil freezes up for the second time that morning, heat licking through his body, he rather liked Hayden calling him that, especially while he was shaking and trembling.

He pulls out his tongue, watching more slick spill out with a small smirk, he uses a thumb to smear it around, plopping a second thumb in his reddened hole to urge more slick out,

Hayden was done with all the teasing, an achy pit in his tummy that needed to be filled urgently, the spike in Virgil's arousal hadn't gone unnoticed when he called him 'Alpha'

That was his wolf talking but he wasn't against using that to get what he wanted.

He takes away the sweater paws hiding his wet face, angling his face to the side so that he can get a good look at Virgil who's two thumbs deep in his ass, a casual air about him as he watches Hayden gradually come undone.

Hayden fixes his glassy eyes on Virgil, small pink tongue peeking out to slide over spit-slicked lips. 

"Alpha?" He says softly, needy. "P-Please..." He wiggles slightly to convey his message. "A-alp... Ah!" He cries out, hiding his face again, when Virgil swiftly replaces his fingers, sliding home in one thrust.

Virgil leans over to grab a hand. "Don't hide from me, baby." He growls softly, angling Hayden's head for a deep kiss.

He starts to move, each thrust precise and brutal. Hayden had gotten what he wanted but at what cost?

Whatever was causing the wetness made the slide smoother even though it also drenched his legs and most definitely the sheets as well, he's honestly surprised he hasn't cum yet with Virgil nailing his prostate head in with each thrust in.

Most likely his body adjusting to accommodate Virgil's rut, this was just the start of it anyway, they would be doing this for a while.

Just when he thinks he can't take anymore, Virgil starts to swell, his body producing more slick to accommodate the growing girth.

Hayden's mouth falls open, eyes rolled back in his head as Virgil's thrusts become slower with how big he's getting.

Soon, movement is almost non-existent, Virgil pushing in the entirety of his knot deep in Hayden's body.

His sweater was long gone, damp hair sticking to his face as he clutches at the sheets, his hole spasming wildly around the near fist-sized appendage lodged in his body.

Virgil covers Hayden's body with his, kissing over his mating mark, he needed the other to cum which wasn't a difficult task considering that Hayden was already teetering on the precipice of an orgasm.

He sinks his teeth gently over his mating bite, not wanting to break the still tender skin again and Hayden implodes under him, body going rigid as his tumultuous orgasm washes over him.

Virgil holds him through it, following soon after although his knot still keeps them together.

He tilts them to the side so that his weight isn't resting on Hayden who looks like he's a couple extra thrusts away from passing out.

"I-I ha... have so m-many questions." Hayden pants out after he catches his breaths.

Virgil chuckles and places a gentle kiss on his shoulder. "They might have to wait." He says, meaning it.

He had a little control over himself this time but that wouldn't be the case again.

"Are you okay?" He asks reflexively.

Hayden stiffens at this. "Virgil?" He warns in a low voice.

Virgil clutches him closer, taking in a deep shaky breath. "I know, I can't help it."

"Then you should put some effort because we'll be here a while." He moves slightly earning a strangled sound from them both.

"Um... h... how l-long is... is this..." Hayden asks awkwardly after a short silence, a warm glow encircling them.

"Not long." Virgil replies sleepily, hands constantly trailing over Hayden's heated skin, it was still the early stages of his rut and soon enough his knot comes down, dick still hard.

"Virgil?" Hayden asks very softly into the quiet, warm morning. "Will I get to mark you too?" He asks anxiously, hope shining in his voice.

Virgil however was far gone, his rut hitting hard again.

His response is a dark growl, thrusting up into Hayden's cum filled hole which elicits a wail from the Omega as he buries his hands in Virgil's hair to ground himself.

He gasps when he feels Virgil slip a hand up and around his neck, not inflicting any damage, just holding him there possessively as he thrusts in brutally, growls ricocheting.

Hayden submits easily, particularly enjoying Virgil going all out without any of his ridiculous worries over Hayden ruining the situation.

His sweat-slicked body arching with each particularly hard thrust, gasping when Virgil flips him over onto his face only to grab him by the hair and tug him upright to sit on him, body bouncing with each thrust.

He also instinctively knew that Virgil wouldn't hurt him so he hung on for the ride.

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