Becoming the Luna

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Again, for the second time that night, Dale finds himself wondering if he hadn't saved an entire city in his past life for this to happen to him.

Dream eagerly tugging him in the direction of his apartment as they tried to remain quiet so they wouldn't get caught.

Dream feels his blood run hotter, this wasn't particularly illegal or dangerous but explaining to whoever they ran into why he was sneaking around so late with the other Alpha would be a bit of a mouthful, good thing Darian wasn't around.

They hurry down the dim and silent hallways, Dale's clothes steadily dripping as the rain picks up in intensity outside.

He pulls Dale in and clicks the door shut, hurrying to grab a towel for him to stand on, after this he rushes to his bedroom and goes to get his biggest sweater, as well as a warm towel and sweatpants he hoped would fit the other.

He brings this to Dale who is still standing patiently at the centre of the laid out towel, like a shivering puppy.

"Tell me your phone isn't anywhere on you." Dream inquires in apprehension.

"No, I left it behind." He admits, shaking his head to get some of the water out of his hair.

"Ah! Don't do that, it's cold." Dream scolds him when some of the water gets on him, keeping the dry change of clothes close to him and rushing out if the living room while Dale changed.

He paces a little in his bedroom, bringing out his phone to check for any wetness, his clothes were splattered with water so he changes out to a different sweater and pajama bottoms this time, gathering his slightly damp hair up with a scrunchie.

He paces for a while more, unsure if Dale had fully changed or not, it didn't quite feel right to snoop plus the fact that he's not ready to see Dale in any state of undress.

The meeting back at the woods was haunting his dreams enough.

He hurries to the kitchen though to go get some hot chocolate going, making sure to not look in Dale's direction, anxiety amping when the Alpha remains silent as he scurries by.

Dream reigns in his erratic breathing as he goes through the motions of making the hot drink, his apartment had been stocked although he thought it excessive seeing as he wouldn't be staying there long but now it was coming in real handy.

He takes out both steaming mugs, uncaring if Dale was still half naked, changing shouldn't take so long.

He steps out of the kitchen however to find Dale sitting quietly at the edge of a sofa as if unsure of how welcome he was, his wet clothes bundled up nearly in the towel.

"Does it fit okay?" Dream asks.

"Yeah, thanks." Dale replies hoarsly, the sweatpants were a little snug but he wasn't about to complain.

"It's well past eleven." Dream was saying, handing him a mug, he knew that Dale could still leave even though it was raining really hard out but he couldn't bring himself to make him leave.

Dale hums, taking a small sip of the hot beverage, his wavy dark hair in damp clumps, no doubt the result of trying to dry his wet hair with the towel.

"There's um... an extra room if you want to... stay." Dream's words fades into a whisper, he hunches into himself, gripping his mug tight for emotional support.

Dale's eyes widen as he looks over at Dream seating cross-legged beside him, he had expected to be kicked out on his ass after he finished his drink.

Dream was offering for him to stay the night? And was thinking that Dale would pass up on that? Hell no!

"Thank you." He beams at Dream, his current damp state unable to dim how bright his expression becomes, eyes glowing green. "I hope I'm not an inconvenience, I could just..."

"Don't push it, Dale." Dream mutters dryly, hiding behind his mug and wondering if he hadn't just made a terrible decision.

They sit in relative quiet for a while, sipping on their drinks while the rain drowns the world outside, leaving just the both of them existing in that moment.

Dream finishes up his cup first and goes to drop it in the sink, planning to throw Dale's wet clothes in his laundry basket, he would deal with that later.

He comes out to not find Dale sitting where he left him and soft tinkling sounds coming from the kitchen - he couldn't be drowning himself now, right?

He reassures himself as he continues on to the kitchen, ready for the worst case scenario and sees Dale duitiful cleaning out both mugs.

A weird sensation thrums in his chest as he watches Dale and the homeliness portrayed but he's quick to push it to the side and bury it under a couple layers of cynicism.

"Ready for bed?" He asks when Dale finishes up.

"Yeah." The Alpha replies, drying his wet hands on a hand towel and trying to ignore how adorable Dream looks in sleep clothes, calling the Omega that was most likely going to earn him a shoe or vase to the face.

Dream formally shows him to his room, apparently all the single roomed apartments were taken by Leon and Darian and Dale wishes otherwise.

They distantly exchange goodbyes and Dale watches Dream go down the hallway to his room before closing his door, the rain still raging outside.

He makes his way over to the neatly made bed and flops on it, the night had gone in ways he couldn't have predicted.

After having his mother nag him for what would hopefully be the last time about getting mated, specifically to a female, Omega and if that didn't start off his migraine.

He didn't recall walking out on her until he was back at his apartment and then he hadn't thought twice about sending a text to Dream, mood sour and had felt instantly better when he received a positive response.

The Omega was making him a better person without even trying, he grimaces to himself and he tucks himself in, praying to get at least some shut eye.

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