Becoming the Luna

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

"So, why don't we try this again?" Dale slips his hands into the front pocket of his slacks, nervousness tinting his words.

"Huh? Try what?" Dream asks, bemused.

"Mind if I buy you apology food?" He asks cutely.

Dream's mouth drops open, stunned. Was the Alpha dumb? Apology food was what got him into this mess in the first place. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He bites out, standing up. "No, thank you, Alpha." He replies dryly, walking out.

"How about a date then?" Dale calls after him.

Dream whips around at this, mouth open in a wide 'O'. 

"That's even worse." He says blankly. "Bye, Dale." He says dismissively, leaving the anteroom.

Dale slumps on a couch briefly, he had been expecting that but they had a truce so he wasn't giving up, unsurprisingly, he's not in the least bit heartbroken.

He doesn't recall ever trying this hard for anyone, he thinks to himself as he peels himself off the chair again, he had a couple of things to deal with, the most important one was to call an impromptu Pack meeting, he never imagined he would have to scold his Pack members like bratty kids but here they were.

He had already sent out the orders and he decides he needs a shower to calm his head down before dealing with them.

He steps out tentatively, unsure of if he wanted to bump into Dream again so soon. 

Mixed feelings bloom in his chest when he steps out and doesn't see the other but he pushes it to the side, striding down the hallway.

Dream peeks from a corner as he watches Dale leave, he had no idea where Hayden and Virgil had gone and he wasn't about to wander off, it would take some getting used to the fact that he didn't have to hide his status anymore and people now knew.

There was no mistaking the obvious way the Alpha had searched around, no doubt looking for him... Dream was stumped, why did the Alpha seem so hooked up on him? They just met the day before, well if he's counting back at Brenwich, that would be twice but they had just bumped into each then, it couldn't count.

Well, whatever, he wasn't interested in being another notch on his bedpost.

He walks back into the office to wait for them, pulling out his phone while he's at it to call Diedre, he knew that they would be busy so he waited till the slow hours to call, which were usually afternoons.

Deidre picks on the third ring, her voice tired and concerned. "Hi, little bro, are you okay?"

Dream seats up straighter on the sofa without thinking, gripping the phone tighter. "Of course, the Luna made sure of that, I should be asking you that."

"Strangely I was just about to call you." She pipes up, relief in her voice. "Well, the girls hung around all day, it wasn't bad for business but their gossips gave me a migraine and made mom upset..."

Dream frowns at this, he couldn't believe Dale was seriously asking him out to eat again after the first time caused all this.

"...but just like a couple minutes ago, a couple guys from Dark Moon Pack came over, and just like magic, all the girls cleared out." She says.

"Really?" Dream asks with wide eyes.

"Yeah, Darian spoke to the guys for a while and although they said that they weren't authorized to say what was going on, he figured out that it was probably the work of their Alpha."

"Oh." Dream mumbles, leaning back into the chair.

"We're actually packing up, mom says we're closing up early so I'm sneaking around to talk to you right now, she'll..." Deidre trails off and Dream hears his sister converse distantly with someone else.

"...oops! She caught me, mom wants to talk to you, Dream, I'm giving her the phone." She continues in a rush.

Dream winces at this, he wasn't sure he was ready to face his mom just yet, expecting her to scold him thoroughly.

Static crackles a little and then Dia is panicking into the cell phone. "Dream? Baby? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asks frantically.

Dream freezes momentarily in shock, not expecting any of that but it made his heart swell in happiness nonetheless. "Yes, mom, I'm just fine." He immediately reassures her. "The Luna came for me and the Alpha is also very nice."

"He is." Dia agrees instantly. "I should pay a visit to the Pack House with some pastries to thank them both, and also Darian's good friend..."

"He's not my friend, mom." He hears Darian interject from the background.

"But he said he was sent by the Alpha and you two seem to know each other so well." Dia immediately argues, putting the call on loudspeaker so that Dream could be a part of the conversation.

"He's more of his boss." Deidre cuts in, snickering.

"Can it, DD." Darian snaps at her.

Dia on the other hand is mind blown. "The young man that came in here, is the Head Warrior?" She starts to instantly inquire. "The Alpha sent the Head Warrior just to check up on us? He's so wonderful..."

"Mom, don't..." Darian groans.

Dream hears rustling on the other side and soon just Deidre is talking to him. "Well, that's not ending anytime soon, are you sure you'll be fine?" She adds softly. "Darian says it'll be better for you to stay at the Pack House for a while."

"Yes, DD, don't worry about me, I'll come over to the bakery tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure, bye Dream."

"Bye." He murmurs, hanging up.

He expels a breath and slips his phone in the pocket of his jeans, ruffling his hair, at least that was out of the way but what is this all about him having to stay here for a while?

A knock raps on the door and he perks up, surprised at the person on the other side when the door swings open.

Leon... Darian's boss.

Dream had actually not seen him before except for earlier today but he knew about him, it was a little hard to believe that he was the Alpha's older brother.

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