Becoming the Luna

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Hayden thinks he passes out on the fourth or was it the fifth orgasm now, this was definitely not the way to find out your partner was insatiable but he wouldn't do it again without question.

Although the regret would be high in the morning, he was very open to the idea of falling asleep while they were still joined but blacking out, albeit briefly meant he wasn't able to ask for that.

Not like asking for something like that would come easy to him, they had shared the most intimate of acts, and yet

He must have dozed off because when he wakes up later at night Virgil is cleaning him up and pulling out the soiled top covers, he sleepily makes grabby hands up at him.

Ass still slightly numb and sore, he's probably going to spill out on the bed but he doesn't have it in him to take a bath and lose all the delicious warmth still thrumming through his body.

He's so blissful, throwing his leg high on Virgil's body and curling into him like a satisfied cat that he doesn't notice the apologetic look on his lover's face.

Already exhausted with jelly limbs, it doesn't take too long before he falls asleep, wearing nothing but Virgil's shirt.

He wakes up feeling as blissful as the night before, shirt rucked up to his chest in his sleep as he stretches languidly like a cat, yawning slightly as he arches off the bed, hands thrown over his head.

He opens his eyes with a soft smile on his face with falls off when he gets a good look at Virgil sitting beside him.

His lover looks traumatized, that's the only description that he can match with that expression, hands clenched into fists by his side, blue eyes stormy.

"V? What's wrong?" He tries to sit up and winces at the sharp pain that shoots up his lower back, that was to be expected considering what went down the night before but it doesn't stop him, his shirt dropping to give him some measure of modesty.

Virgil flinches when he reaches for him and this makes Hayden frown, trying again. "Darling? Are you okay?"

He sighs when Virgil lets his hands make contact this time, placing his palms against his bare chest.

Virgil gulps but nods, albeit hesitantly, his eyes constantly trailing down on Hayden's body.

This catches Hayden's attention and he looks down with him wondering what could be the matter and why Virgil is so jittery this morning.

He doesn't see anything out of place, except perhaps for the ridiculous amount of dark love bites tattooed across his bare thighs, he thinks they look pretty against the backdrop of his legs.

But Virgil might not think that way. "I don't mind those you know." He tells him slowly climbing on his legs, walking without taking a couple hours long hot soak would be suicidal.

Virgil just cradles him gently, a sharp contrast to the way he had held him down the night before to fuck him into the bed, he feels his ears burn at the memory.

"You might think differently when you see this." Virgil finally speaks up, adjusting Hayden so he's sitting with his back to his front.

Hayden blinks, wondering what the other man is going on about until Virgil slowly pushes up the shirt he has on.

He glances past his flaccid cock sitting between his legs, slightly pink and his eyes widen at the bruises on his hips and waist where Virgil had gripped him, delicate skin unused to that kind of handling.

Hayden just looks at the bruises, up at Virgil's plaintive look like he expects his boyfriend to yell at him, and down at the bruises on his lower body again.

"I don't mind either." He shrugs. "Now be a good future husband and carry your fiance to the bathroom because I don't think my legs will work."

He sits gingerly on the toilet seat to relieve himself, not trusting his jelly legs to hold him up while Virgil prepared the bathtub.

There was no way he would make it to work today, too bad and he had just hired someone newly, he would have to ask Mae to watch over the bookstore for him, he was sure she wouldn't mind.

He stands up slightly to drop the cover so he could comfortably settle on it and smiles gratefully when Virgil wordlessly comes in and hands him his phone like he could read his mind.

He's slightly unsurprised to see a text from Mae saying that she didn't want him coming anywhere near the store today and she would take care of everything, it was just like the sweetheart to do something like that.

There's a text from Jennie too saying 'congratulations' and that they would throw a party when he came back.

And a final one from Dream, querying him about getting married without his knowledge and saying that he would be coming over later to yell at him.

He replies to all the texts with happy smiles, Virgil holding a conversation on the phone catching his attention.

"I don't care if you're bored, Dale, stop fucking ringing my phone, it's still nearly an hour to the meeting"

He smiles wider at this, placing his phone on a hanging shelf when he gets carefully and gently placed in the blissfully steaming water.

The dark bruises painting his skin go higher most likely stopping at his jaw but he couldn't be bothered about that at the moment.

He makes grabby hands at Virgil for a goodbye when he's done making the bath quite comfortable, with a waterproof neck pillow, bubbles, and soothing music.

"I'll be fine." He reassures Virgil after their kiss who looks stricken. "I'm just slightly sore besides I can always ring you up if I need to."

This seems to ease Virgil's worry, leaning forward to gently kiss him again.

Hayden frowns slightly when Virgil makes his way out, he didn't mind the soft love but he can't help but feel like something is off, that troublesome thought dissipates though as he settles deep in the sweet-smelling, bubbly, and hot water.

He knows he has to clean out the cum in his ass eventually but it doesn't have to be now.


"Yes, mom, for the seventeenth time, I used my scent depressants and I'm carrying a couple of spare bottles which are carefully hidden." Dream complains. "Honestly, with the way you're going on about it, one would think I'm infiltrating the enemy's base."

"I'm just worried, Dream." Dia says with concern, her brow furrowed.

"I know, mom." He sighs, giving her a quick hug. "But I'll be fine, Hayden stays on the top floor, most Werewolves stay out of the Alpha's floor and I'll stay inside his apartment the entire time and Darian can come pick me up again when I'm ready to go."

It was still a little early, just minutes past ten but he was eager to see his friend, not to mention the fact that he wanted to spend some quality with his friend.

He hurries out the front door after a quick wave of goodbye to his sister, he's not close to any of the other workers because he spent most of his time in the kitchen.

"What took you so long?" Darian complains when he eventually gets in the passenger's side.

"Sorry, mom was being herself again." He apologizes sheepishly, unsure of the important job it was that his older brother had in the Pack but it seemed pretty important because he even had to get an apartment at the Pack House and weird tattoos down his spine.

The journey there is quick and over faster than Dream had expected, he stares up with parted lips at the two huge buildings sitting majestically side by side, it's was still a little hard to wrap his head around the fact that Hayden was engaged to the Alpha of one of these Pack Houses.


It takes nearly half an hour of getting bugged by Jaxie with Leon as a side package and simultaneously hitting Virgil's phone off for Dale to realize that he left his documents back in his office.

He could have easily rung up Erin to get her to bring it but it wasn't like he was merrily occupied either way, eager to be gone from the crackheads that Virgil surrounded himself with, it was always hard to relate to the fact that said crackheads were older than he was.

The documents are sitting unharmed on his desk when he gets to it and he snatches them up with a sigh of relief, his mom has been advocating that he get a personal assistant but he knows it's just another one of her ploys to get him married.

So naturally, he disagreed, Erin handled things just fine.

He makes his way back to Virgil's office, distracted with the issue at hand, some asshole real estate company wanted to mow down half the woods to build a housing complex and they had found out that while the woods in Pine Creek didn't belong to the government, it belonged to some old geezer so they had to act fast to gain ownership over it before the company did - it was a literal pain in the ass.

He catches pale pink from the corner of his eyes, someone or some people rounding a corner but he pays it no mind, striding down the hallway.

Dream tugs nervously on his lucky pink sweater as they make their way through another turn, this floor is quieter than the others, the ambience imposing.

Darian makes his way around easily, no doubt accustomed to moving around, stopping in front of an apartment before making himself scarce.

"Call me when you want to go." Are the only words he says before disappearing around the corner.

Dream takes in a deep breath, wishing on crossed fingers that he didn't bump into Hayden's annoying Alpha before reaching forward to knock.

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