Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 176 176: Tugging! [R-18+]

Power stone guys☺️☺️☺️


The glass of cum proves to be an unconventional substitute for wine, yet Mia and Aria embrace the experience wholeheartedly, refusing to hold back their enjoyment.

With each sip, they explore the unique flavors and textures, immersing themselves in the sinful indulgence that the glass holds. They relish every moment, savoring the sensation as the thick, velvety liquid coats their tongues and lingers on their palates.

Unperturbed by the explicit nature of their beverage, Mia and Aria demonstrate their commitment to fully embracing this unconventional dining experience.

They exhibit no hesitation, continuing to sip and savor the cum-filled glasses until only a small residue clings to the bottom, its viscosity forming a tantalizing film along the glass surface.

Undeterred, they eagerly capture the final remnants with their lips, ensuring that not a single drop goes to waste.

As dinner progresses, the conversation becomes more lively, and we share laughter and light-hearted banter. However, the memory of what had happened earlier remains fresh in our minds, lending a playful energy to the evening. Mia and Aria seem to be enjoying themselves, and I am pleased to have provided them with a unique experience that they will not soon forget.

The atmosphere at the dinner table is relaxed and comfortable as the two couples engage in pleasant conversation. Mia and Aria, still sipping from their glasses of cum, participate actively, sharing anecdotes and laughter with the group.

The initial shock of the unconventional drink has given way to a sense of curiosity and intrigue, and they seem to embrace the experience as a unique part of the evening.

As we finish our appetizer, Annalie gracefully serves the main course, presenting plates of succulent grilled salmon. The aroma wafts through the air, tempting our taste buds. While the others eagerly start enjoying their meal, I, on the other hand, find myself unable to resist the allure of indulging in more than just food.

Taking a moment to appreciate the exquisite flavor of the salmon, I quickly devise a plan to satisfy my growing desire. With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I devour a substantial portion of the dish, savoring its delectable taste.

However, my focus remains on a different kind of indulgence, one that involves exploring the depths of pleasure with one of the women at the table.

As the conversation continues to flow and laughter fills the air, I discreetly signal my intentions to Mia. A subtle touch of my foot against hers under the table conveys my desires without anyone else noticing.

Mia, her eyes meeting mine, reciprocates the secret invitation with a subtle nod, her own excitement mirroring mine.

I take a bold step, deciding to initiate my intimate encounter with Mia. As she stands up gracefully, unfazed by the movement of her chair, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The room is enveloped in a haze of electrifying tension, each of us aware of the boundaries we are about to push.

With a gentle yet assertive touch, I pull Mia's chair slightly out of the way, creating the space we need.

As Mia leans forward, her body eagerly inviting my intrusion, a potent combination of desire and primal instincts surge through me.

She meets my actions with a confident demeanor, fully receptive to the unfolding desires. The fabric of her dress yields under my hands as I lift it, revealing her enticingly perky buttocks. Without hesitation, I deliver a firm spank, eliciting a pleasurable gasp from her lips.

Driven by the intoxicating combination of passion and consent, I guide Mia to bend forward over the dining table. The anticipation builds as our bodies inch closer, merging into a seamless connection. With deliberate precision, I part the delicate fabric of her pantyhose, ensuring nothing obstructs our intimate union.

As the head of my throbbing cock grazes against her velvety entrance, I'm met with an exquisite tightness that only heightens my desire.

A moan escapes my lips as I voice my appreciation, "You possess a wonderfully tight and virgin-like pussy, Mia." With a shared understanding, we give ourselves over to the primal urges that have ignited between us.

With a seamless motion, I thrust forward, immersing myself in the depths of her warmth and wetness. The rhythm of our bodies intertwines, merging into a symphony of pleasure and fulfillment. Every stroke becomes a testament to our carnal connection, each movement punctuated by the symphony of gasps and moans that fill the room.

I find myself irresistibly drawn to Mia's enchanting allure, the intoxicating sensations of her moist and inviting pussy captivating my every instinct. The magnetism between us compels me to step closer, driven by a profound desire to unleash the depths of passion and pleasure that lie within.

In the throes of our carnal connection, I revel in the sheer intensity of our encounter, allowing myself to be consumed by the raw ecstasy that unfolds. There is no holding back as I surrender to the primal urge to ravish Mia with unyielding vigor, my moans of pleasure harmonizing with her steady touch.

The unspoken connection between Aria and me becomes apparent as our eyes meet, the unquenchable flames of desire flickering in our gaze. In this moment, there is no room for inhibition or fear of exploration. Instead, we embrace the exhilarating freedom that accompanies unbridled sexual experiences.

With an unapologetic hunger, I delve deeper into Mia's trembling core, my thrusts an embodiment of unyielding passion and unwavering desire.

Each forceful movement leaves an indelible mark, a testament to the profound connection shared between us. The unpreparedness that washes over Mia only fuels the fire within, igniting a symphony of pleasure that resonates through our bodies.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle🏰 . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. 🏰

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