Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 85 - 84 Restart of Glasswort Herb

Chapter 85: Chapter 84 Restart of Glasswort Herb


Translator: 549690339

“Link, there’s a beautiful woman looking for you,” said Jasmine as Link walked into the lab. Her expression was radiant with enthusiasm and her smile was as bright as a blossoming flower.

“She came looking for you but couldn’t find you. Insisted she had to meet you. I said you weren’t here, but she insisted she would wait,” she added.

Link, however, thought he could sense a hint of sour undertone.

Raising a laugh, he retorted, “How could you tell she’s beautiful when her face is veiled?”


Jasmine glared at Link, pulling a face before grumbling, “How dare you think of lifting her veil? You pervert!”

Link chuckled loudly, but refrained from teasing her further, “Even if she is beautiful, she might have ulterior motives. I’ve already sent her away, ignore her.”

“Is that so?”

Jasmine, half in disbelief, didn’t continue the subject any further, “Why did you return so early today? Have you had lunch?”


Link nodded, “I finished my work, so I came back. It’s pretty relaxed. Plus, I have a rough plan for further development of Glasswort leaf extract.”


Jasmine immediately leaped up in excitement.

She had been fully involved with the series of research and conjectures involving Glasswort Herb.

Moreover, the discovery that Glasswort leaf extract had a calming effect had a lot to do with Jasmine.

One day, she had offhandedly remarked how fresh the air felt in the lab, giving her a sense of calmness.

That was what led Link to discover the calming property of Glasswort leaf extract.

With the research on Glasswort, Jasmine played an integral role even if she wasn’t the leading force.

“So what are we waiting for? Let’s get moving!”

Jasmine waved her hands, emotional and impatient.

She was now following Link’s footsteps in learning, researching and experimenting.

However, to do good work, one must first sharpen one’s tools.

Link needed to compete for a position at Wizard Serene’s potion shop while Jasmine was the main force for conducting the lab research.

As a vital part of this, she needed a comprehensive understanding of the upcoming research.

Link thoroughly briefed Jasmine about his inspiration to develop the Glasswort leaf extract into Aromatherapy Essential Oil, his research plan, and his anticipated results.

Collecting and reading scholarly articles related to aromatherapy and essential oils were of significant importance as well.

Research and development are smoother when there are references to guide the way.

So called aromatherapy, carries the medicinal effects of essential oils through the skin and respiratory systems.

Link and Jasmine were about to start their venture in developing a perfect recipe for the Aromatherapy Essential Oil using Glasswort leaf extract by blending and proportioning its components.

There is a wide variety of aromatherapy essential oils available in the market, each with its unique abilities.

The ones that Link could get’s their hands on, which helps in calming the mind and promoting meditation, suitable for wizard apprentices, were fewer than ten.

Each priced at 3 standard one-level magic stones per bottle.

A bottle could only be used 8 to 10 times.

A wizard apprentice, if they could afford it, would need at least 10 magic stones per month to use the essential oil for each meditation.

The market potential and expected return of this business were considerably promising.

Despite Link never using any potions to aid in meditation, it didn’t prevent him from seeing the profitable future of the Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential oil.

It wasn’t that he didn’t know about these potions or renounced their usage; he simply couldn’t afford it.

By the time he could afford it, to maintain the purity of his spiritual and magic power and prepare for the third-class wizard apprentice promotion, these potions did not suit Link.

Jasmine would have been suitable, but her magic stone budget couldn’t handle such expenses, and she hesitated to borrow a large amount of magic stone from Link.

Moreover, once the product is produced and launched, it is sure to be sold not only in Ravensmouth College and Ravensmouth City.

Throughout the Mitchell District, the entire Tudor region, even the entire West Coast, wherever the college’s commercial channels could reach, could be places for sales.

On that note, to quickly transfer or sell the patent after the research has yielded results, Link must have a competitive advantage.

Either lower the cost, enhance the benefits, or do both.

Research outcomes should not only be limited to the lab production phase. A feasible plan for mass production should be formulated, or at least the direction of industrial production processes should be pointed out.

Only then, can a patent quickly be cashed in.

This is not a trifling matter, the research process must be rigorous, the experimental data must be reliable, and the resulting formula must be potent.

The workload is large and the experimental projects numerous.

It won’t produce results in a short time.

Being busy will be the tone for quite some time to come.

Without any trouble, the remaining five days of the first week of vacation passed quickly.

In these five days, Link’s life was very regular.

Every day, he would get up early, wash up, eat, and take the rail train to the East District of Ravensmouth City, to the Serene Pharmacy;

Checking in at the store, changing clothes, verifying the type, number, and weight of the plants and herbs to be processed;

After confirming everything, he would pre-process the plants and herbs;

When all the plants and herbs were properly handled, he would hand them over to Wizard Tina, who was responsible for the finishing touches;

By then, it would usually be lunchtime, where he could enjoy a staff meal in the store’s restaurant;

During which, he could occasionally overhear the chats of the three official employees and learn something about the official wizards, the senior college, or the front-line information;

After a short rest after the meal, he would say goodbye to Serene and leave work;

Taking the rail train back to the college to research and develop the leaf extract of the Glasswort herb;

Eating dinner in the cafeteria to fill his stomach;

After dinner, he would go to the library to study on his own, searching for information and literature in the Advanced Literature Library, mainly related to Potion Studies.

What? Mina Havcheck?

The gap was too great and she couldn’t bear Tina’s cold violence, so she voluntarily gave up on the second day.

What was thought to be a fierce competition turned out to be much ado about nothing.

Link looked down more and more on the current “New Blood Mutual Aid Association”.

In addition to the above schedule, Link also continued to deepen his mastery of witchcraft.

The newly purchased 4 Zero Ring witchcraft reached the proficiency level.

The original 8 Zero Ring witchcraft all reached the perfection level, which could be “instantly cast” (casting completed within 1 second).

“Secondary Misty Rain Technique,” “Thorn Entanglement,” and “Water Shield Spell” are very close to the “Breakthrough” level.

However, Link always felt a thin but tough layer was preventing him.

Several attempts to break through have all failed.

Deep thinking, learning from mistakes, analyzing the reasons for failure.

Link guessed that he might need an opportunity, a spark of inspiration, to make a breakthrough.

Hard work and gradual understanding are useless when it comes to making a breakthrough from “Perfection” in witchcraft.

Therefore, Link is not hung up on this point and calmly enjoys the long-lost peaceful life.

Comfortable, happy, and extremely satisfied.

What a joke!

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