Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Edited by Squid

The red merman evenly swam along the water surface while carrying Shu Jintian under his armpit. It was a little strenuous for the little snake to follow and it fell behind a ways before shaking its tail and catching up. It was only when a dark-coloured hill appeared over the horizon that the merman sped up, swimming over to it. It was only a moment but the distance from the little snake grew again.

Although the little snake was male, it was young after all. Seeing the distance to female father grow bigger, he did his best to chase after him, yet was unable to close the gap at all. In the vast blue water, female father and that mans figure was turning smaller and darker, and soon disappeared.

Father! The little snake spat out his tongue and chased after them. Up ahead was an island; that male should be bringing female father ashore ba!

The little snake dragged his beaten body and crawled ashore, panting, and searched everywhere for female father.

The island was full of very unfamiliar scents, making the little snake both panicked and excited. Little snake crawled back and forth on the ground, carefully distinguishing female fathers scent, wanting to search for him by following the scent. But he was now both tired and drowsy, and was unable to focus, so he couldnt find father no matter what.

The little snake was extremely scared. Where was female father kidnapped to?

After a long search with no results, the little snake was thoroughly spent, and negligently found a corner with fertile weeds before falling asleep peacefully. Lets sleep first ba, well continue searching tomorrow!

The sky was already bright, to the point that it was stabbing the eyes. Even with ones eyes closed, the piercing sunlight couldnt be concealed. The various bird cries were also exceptionally noisy, and seemed to be echoing in his ears, covering the nearby sounds of crashing waves.

Hanyu~ Little snake Shu Jintians eyes were tightly shut, and he kept mumbling and crying out. His eyes were rapidly darting, as if immersed in a nightmare.

Youre awake?

Seeing that the female finally have a reaction, the merman crawled out of the pile of water plants in delight. He didnt even have the mind to clean up the few water plants stuck in his hair. Hu! Even thought he was dead ne; he finally wakes after being unconscious for so long. 

Once Shu Jintian heard a language like the liger beasts, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Just as he opened his eyes, sunlight shone into them. Shu Jintian shed some tears involuntarily, his vision a little blurry. He could only see a human figure with long, red hair who was bowing his head and looking at him.

Wu~ Who are you? Shu Jintians throat was a little hoarse, and once he spoke, he felt a dull ache in his chest and coughed in pain.

The sunlight was a little harsh and Shu Jintian blinked uncomfortably before he could see the person before him clearly. Although just hearing the voice made it obvious that it wasnt that vile beastman, Shu Jintian was still stunned by this persons exceptionally exquisite face.

This person had an exceedingly beautiful face, his features were well-defined and his skin was fair. His neither thick nor thin lips were cherry red, and his upturned nose was tall and straight, followed by a pair of rather large eyes. The corner of his eyes were slightly upturned and his irises were a slightly transparent red with long and curly eyelashes of a similar shade. He was very good-looking, but he didnt appear flirtatious.

The most flamboyant feature was his head of long fiery red hair, draped on his body in curls like seaweed. He had a perfect human torso, yet his lower body was a red fishtail, the flowing fishtail resting on the ground.

Was this a merman? Shu Jintian thought of how this world already had two types of creatures that could become people, then the existence of mermans was also pretty common ba!

He was now in a messy grass pile, and beside this place was a brook. He couldnt see the figure of little snake or Shu Hanyu, making him feel very uneasy.

How were they? Hanyu definitely would be able to beat that beastman, but what about his wounds? And the little snake? He seemed to have seen the little snake jump down with him.

Who are you? Cough cough~ You- have you seen anyone else? Cough cough As Shu Jintian spoke, he kept coughing. His lungs ached from the coughs. He only felt a little better when he coughed out a small mouthful of salty seawater.

The merman watched the female cough painfully and didnt know what to do. He raised his hands and then put them down, hesitantly in a tangle for a while. Finally, he patted Shu Jintians back gently.

Are you alright? You definitely drank a lot of water yesterday; youll be fine after coughing it out.

The red merman was a little uneasy. Although he had seen many females, this was his first time having such close contact with one. Although this female didnt look good at all, and could barely be considered having proper facial features. After all, he also had a nose and eyes.

In the beastman mainland, if the Spiritual Snake clans appearance were blessed by heavens, then the merman clan were spoiled by heavens. For the merman clan, each fishs appearance was absolutely the perfect existence. mermans even utilised their bright-coloured and beautiful body to attract their target of admiration. But the merman clans lived in the depths of the blue water, so beastmen of the merman clan were very rarely seen.

Shu Jintian instinctively avoided the stranger mermans touch, but the movement caused his bodys pain to ring out and he directly fell into the mermans embrace.

Ngh! There was a pain in his chest like he was being repeatedly hammered, and Shu Jintian whimpered with furrowed brows.

The red merman instantly stiffened and nearly pushed Shu Jintian away.

Ah! My bad. Shu Jintian recovered and hastily withdrew from the mermans embrace.

The merman could not understand Shu Jintians words, his face a little heated. He changed the topic and said, What are you saying? Why cant I understand at all? Is this you guys language?

The mermans words also sounded like obscure language to Shu Jintian. Shu Jintian couldnt get the answer he wanted, and didnt want to waste time on him, so he laboriously propped his body up and prepared to leave. It was better to find the little snake and Hanyu ba; he didnt know where they were, but they were probably looking for him ba!

Forget it, Ill go look for them myself ba! Thanks for taking care of me. Shu Jintian spent a lot of effort to speak, then couldnt help coughing.

The merman kept a hand on Shu Jintians body and disapprovingly said, Youre injured; dont move about. Ill support you. Right, my name is &~**^%.

The merman emphasised on his name. Afraid that Shu Jintian wouldnt be able to understand, the merman pointed at himself and then said his name once.

What? Even if the merman had spoken slow enough, Shu Jintian still couldnt fully decipher his pronunciation.

Hong~ Zao? Your name? Shu Jintian said uncertainly. He could only hear the two most obvious sounds, which was the words Hong and Zao.

Merman Hong Yao supported his forehead with a hand.

Its &~**^%. the merman patiently taught.

Hong~~~ Zao.


Hong Zao! Shu Jintians tone became impatient. He still had to find Hanyu and little snake ne, so he was disinclined to bother with this guy. But this merman was mostly red all over, so he was quite like a Hong Zao.

The merman Hong Zao helplessly sighed and defeatedly said, Fine, Hong Zao it is; its more or less the same. Whats your name?

The merman pointed at Shu Jintian and asked. Shu Jintian easily understood his meaning.

Shu Jintian!

Shu Jintian glanced at the merman called Hong Zao impatiently. If it werent for the merman saving him, he wouldnt even tell him his name.

If it were in normal times, he might want to make friends with a merman when he saw one, but he didnt know where Shu Hanyu and the little snake were. He didnt have any interest in making friends at all and could only think about finding them as soon as possible.

Shu~ Jintian?The merman repeated. Not only was his pronunciation clear, he even learnt Shu Jintians tone.

Shu Jintian was a little startled. Were all the people here language geniuses? The big snake learnt fast, and this merman called Hong Zao also learnt very fast. However, this person had nothing to do with him, so Shu Jintian no longer bothered with the merman and staggered upright while holding his chest.

I told you not to move!The merman was a little annoyed that Shu Jintian was this uncaring of his own body, and tugged Shu Jintians arm.

A faint rustle came from the forest, followed by a hiss.

The little snake had only slept for a short while before being awakened by itchiness. His whole body was feeling all crunchy and itchy, making him unable to help but want to find something to rub against. But female father hadnt been found yet and the little snake dare not delay any further, rubbing against the ground while looking for female father. When he reached this place, female fathers scent grew richer.

Female father! The little snakes eyes brightened. Seeing that this person was pulling and tugging female father again, he was very angry, and swiftly dashed towards them.

Shu Jintians body paused and he turned his head back in disbelief only to see the little snake slithering towards him with a swaying tail. Shu Jintians body stiffened and his legs unconsciously took a step forward.

The little snake that was approaching him suddenly flew up, his overly long body tumbling in the air and forming an arc before finally landing on the grass with a patter.

It turned out to be that the merman raised his tail and flung the little snake out.

Little snake! What are you doing? Shu Jintian glared at the merman angrily before staggering to the little snake with hands clutching his chest.

The merman inwardly said: Damn it! Yesterday he threw too casually. Now he was used to tossing aside the little Spiritual Snake when seeing him. Shu Jintian was a Spiritual Snake; he would definitely be mad ba!

The little snake was dizzy and twisting and turning on the ground; his body was both itchy and numb.

Little snake, whats wrong? Does it hurt from the fall? Shu Jintian was at a complete loss and cupped the little snakes head with his hands, speaking in distress.

Seeing female father come over, the little snakes twisting instantly grew even more enthusiastic. He kept hissing, and he didnt forget to gently rub his head against Shu Jintians head, appearing extremely aggrieved.

Cough, hes still okay ba!The merman was a little embarrassed, both hands braced against the ground as he laid on his stomach to look at the little snake.

Get out! Shu Jintian angrily punched the mermans exquisite face. But the heavily injured Shu Jintian didnt have much strength and his punch was weak and powerless. It didnt cause any harm or pain to the other, which made Shu Jintian even angrier, and he fiercely said, If little snake has any accidents, I definitely wont let you off!

The little snakes twisting body paused and it seized Shu Jintians inattention to give the merman a proud look.

The merman was suddenly punched by Shu Jintian and couldnt help becoming stupefied. Ugly ass! Why so fierce? There must be no males that want him.

The merman stared at Shu Jintian stupidly until he received a little snakes provocative eyes again.

There cant be anything wrong with him. I even tossed him yesterday ahem! Look, isnt he perfectly fine now?The merman suddenly changed the topic  and gestured with his eyes at Shu Jintian to look at the little snake.

The little snake hastily twisted up again, but this rubbing didnt stop again. He had previously resisted for a very long time to find female father, but now his body was getting increasingly itchy.

The adult arm-thick body kept rubbing against the ground, already tossing up some of the dirt, but it still couldnt stop the itchiness on the little snakes body. So itchy, its really so itchy ah!

Shu Jintian was already a little curious as to how the little snake became so weak. Understanding the look in the mermans eyes, he glared at him again before turning back to look at the little snake.

Little snake, whats wrong? Shu Jintian saw the little snake frantically drilling into the ground, appearing like it didnt hurt yet did.

Along with the little snakes rubbing, his snake skin began creasing somewhat. Shu Jintian suddenly came to a realisation and placated him, Dont be scared, little snake, youre probably about to molt!

The little snake nodded to indicate that he understood, then continuously twisted his body on the spot.

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