Battle of Ascension

Chapter 52: Restaurant

Chapter 52: Restaurant

Didn't know how long he fainted, he felt that someone was washed his face.

He opened his eyes slowly. Looked like his head was on someone thigh, his view still blurred but somehow he could look the person who wiped his face. The person had long black hair the rest he didn't know.

He blinked his eyes a few times, his view became clear and he heard the person talking,"You awake?"

Randy recognized the voice. It was his wife voice, Zhen Yi. He looked at his wife's face and asked, "How long I have been unconscious?"

"Hmm, about 20 minutes. Can you stand up?" Zhen Yi looked at him with a worried look.

Randy tried to stand up with the help of his wife. He looked at his surrounding. He was at the lake where he used to training with Zhen Yi.

"I don't bring you back cause I afraid your mom will worry about you, so I brought you here," Zhen Yi explained after she saw Randy looking at his surrounding

Randy nodded his head and said,"It's almost night, let's go home,"

They walked back slowly to the Jakarta city. On the way, Zhen Yi asked him.

"Is the roar from the ruined city caused by you?"

Actually, she just finished hunting and wanted to go back to Jakarta city. But on the way she heard a roar of the beast from the ruined city direction. Then she decided to take a look. After walked for a while, she heard another roar. She immediately rushed to the ruined because she remembered that Randy was hunting there.

Just she arrived at the 200-meter front the east gate, she saw a green man running at very fast speed. At first, she didn't recognize him. She looked carefully at the green man, then she looked at the sword and she knew it was Randy's sword. She immediately chased after him and caught him when he fainted. So she didn't see what happened inside the ruined city and carried him back to the lake where they usually training.

"It was me, my skill. I already told you right? [Dragon Roar], the skill I got from Bloodline Transformation. The roar you heard was my skill," Randy explained.

Zhen Yi nodded her head before she continued to ask,"Then why are you running? you ran so fast, it's difficult to catch up,"

"It was my blunder," Randy said bitterly before he told to his wife what happened to him inside the ruined city. He explained how he managed to kill the Demon Kolor Ijo with one hit. Afterward, his plan about to lured the Demon Kolor Ijo with food and about how Demon Kolor Ijo surrounded him.

"I am just like a kid who is dreaming when I said that I can defeat Long Tianyu is just a matter time and now, I almost die against level 14 monster," Randy said bitterly.

Zhen Yi sighed and said,"This morning I just said to you that confidence is good but overconfidence is bad, cause it can bring you to your own demise,"

"It's good that you can go back alive and know your limit, though I won't comforting you," Said Zhen Yi with a smile on her face.

"Ugh!?" He thought by said this, his wife would console him. Or maybe even encouraged him.

In 10 minutes they arrived at Jakarta city and went straight teleported to the East city. Just Exited from the Teleportation Site, he and Zhen Yi noticed that his Almira, Wisen and Sun Xiu at the entrance of the Guild Area.

They approached them. Wisen, Almira, and Sun Xiu looked at the building in the front of them. On the top of entrance building, there was signboard "Happy Restaurant" written on it.

Wisen noticed his son and daughter-in-law was behind him,"You guys back?"

Randy and Zhen Yi nodded their head.

"Dad, don't tell me this is our restaurant?" Randy whispered to his father while looked at the building in front of him.

Wisen nodded his head.

"Ugh, then who gave the name of the restaurant?" Randy asked again.

"Of course your mom, looks," Wisen pointed to the building beside the restaurant. On the top entrance of the building also there was signboard "Happy Blacksmith" written on it.

"Even my blacksmith also your mother the one who gave the name," Wisen said bitterly.

He wanted to establish a guild, maybe if his mother knew about this she would be named his guild the same as her restaurant too. So he didn't want to let his mother know about this.

"Then what about my building that I asked to buy?"

"Two building on our back is yours," Wisen pointed to the back with his thumb.

Randy turned back. The building the opposite of the restaurant was the same as the restaurant, three floors building. Beside the three floors building was two floors building. Of course, the building was built from the wood, the same as his house.

"Two building? I only asked to buy for me right?" Randy only asked to buy for him. He wanted to make this building headquarter his guild.

"Ask your mom. "while we have a lot of money buy more," she said," Wisen said while shook his head.

"The money is enough to buy 4 building?" Randy exclaimed with a surprise.

"Yeah, the three floors building is 2.5 million Gold and the two floors building is 1.5 million Gold. The total cost is 8 million Gold and 2 million Gold left for the decoration, kitchen tools also the tools for my workshop blacksmith," Wisen explained.

Randy nodded his head and said,"If the money is not enough, I will give more. I still have 13 million Gold,"

"Of course I will ask more if the money not enough," Almira chimed in.

"All right, lets go home, I am already hungry," Randy said while rubbed his stomach.

"Go home? we are already in the front of our home," After said that Almira walked to the Happy Restaurant.

"Why do you mean by we are already in the front of our home? What about our house in the Residential Area?" Randy asked his mother while followed her from behind.

"Why we should live there while we have a better place here. Also, we don't need to pay to live here. All right I will use my new kitchen to make dinner for tonight," Almira answered casually.

"Mom take this recipe for our main dish for dinner to taste it. This is the recipe I bought from the auction house, we can put this to menu our restaurant if it's delicious," Randy took out a green scroll, The 'Thunder Olive Bombe' recipe that he opened at the auction house.

"Oh!?" Almira quickly took the green scroll from Randy hand and opened it. She became dazed for a while.

"What happen mom?" Randy asked when he saw Almira in a dazed state. The rest also looked at Almira.

"Oh, nothing. The information about the ingredients and the method of cooking just transferred to my mind. We need deer meat to cook this dish," Almira shook his head and answered.

"We cannot change to other meat?" Randy asked her. He thought it didn't necessarily follow the ingredients and could change to other meat, as long as his mother followed the method to cooking from the scroll.

"It's possible. Do you still have the rabbit meat? I think that meat appropriate for this recipe," Almira contemplating awhile before she asked him.

"I still have many in my System Storage. How many you need, mom? Are five rabbits enough," He counted the people and took out five Demonic Rabbit carcasses.

"It's enough, take it to the kitchen," Almira nodded her head before she entered the restaurant building.

Randy followed to inside the restaurant. The decoration already finished. The table and chair had been arranged. The biggest table was for 12 people with a roundtable at the middle restaurant and the rest was mostly for 4-6 people. 2 round table for 12 people at the middle and 8 square table for 4-6 people.

He followed his mother to the kitchen which was in the deeper restaurant and beside the door of the kitchen was a counter.

He walked beside his mother and whispered, "Mom, have you invited Michael and Widi's mom?"

"Not yet. I just want to stop at their house tomorrow morning," Almira shook her head, "I planned to open the restaurant in 3 or 4 days. I need to choose the dish for the menu our restaurant and looking for the attendant too. Oh, put the rabbit meat at the sink,"

Randy put the rabbit meat at the place where his mother pointed. Then he took out 4 green scrolls and 2 blue scrolls.

"Mom, I have 4 more recipes from the auction house," Randy gave the 4 green scrolls to her mother, "Each recipe only can be learned for three people. You just learned the recipe for 'Thunder Olive Bombe' so only two left people could learn that recipe. You should learn this each recipe and then become the head chef in the kitchen while the rest you divide to Michael and Widi's mother to help you in the kitchen,"

Then he remembered there was also his mother-in-law, "Also my mother-in-law too. She already too long been locked up, give my mother-in-law some activity too so she can forget her stress,"

"All right all right, stop talking already. I know what I should do, just get out already from the kitchen. I want to cook now," Almira grumbled after hearing her son long speech.

Randy ignored his mom and continued to say while gave the two blue scrolls to his mother, "Also this is cutting skill for cooking. The same as the recipe, this skill also only can be learned by three people. You..."

Before he finished his words, his mother took one of the blue scrolls from his hand and opened it. After a while, she said, "Oh, so there is also a cutting technique that makes the food more delicious,"

Almira nodded her head. Afterward, she immediately opened the second scroll. The same as before, she dazed for awhile before said, "Also there is a technique to process ingredients too,"

"Maybe with this technique my food will become more delicious," Almira murmured.

Being ignored by Almira, Randy went out of the kitchen. Just after he exited, he heard his mother shouted.

"Son! What happened to the meat?"

Randy entered the kitchen again and approached his mother, "What's wrong mom?"

"The meat, why there is no blood in this rabbit? Usually, there is blood in it, and from the condition of the rabbit, you also didn't clean the blood. Is there a problem with the meat?" Almira Asked.

"I don't know too why the blood dried up. But the meat still fresh when I ate in the afternoon. You also can look at the meat, it's still fresh," Randy answered. He too didn't know what happened to the meat. He asked Shana and she too didn't know what happened to the meat. But she said it was impossible for the meat to rot inside System Storage so he didn't think much about it.

Hearing that, Almira checked the meat. Like what her son said, the meat was still fresh.

"All right, you can go now. Don't disturb me in the kitchen," After she knew there was no problem to the meat, she immediately chased her son out.

"Ugh!?" Randy became speechless. The one who called him to the kitchen was her and now she regarded him as a disturber.

He went out of the kitchen. Just he opened the door, he saw her mother-in-law, Sun Xiu. Looked like she wanted to enter the kitchen to help his mother.

"M-Mama," Randy called out awkwardly. He still didn't get used to calling her mama.

Sun Xiu nodded her head before she asked, "Is your mom already started cooking?"

"N-Not yet. She still preparing the ingredients," Randy answered.

Sun Xiu nodded her head and entered the kitchen.

Outside he saw his father and Zhen Yi sat at the square table for 6 people. He approached them and sat beside his wife.

They waited for 1 hour before the dinner served at the table. Randy complained because the cook was too long and also speechless after he saw their dinner. The dinner was like a roasted rabbit he made for his lunch when hunting. he was curious about 'Thunder Olive Bombe' but the result disappointed him.

Maybe the only difference was this roasted rabbit smeared by olive oil first before roasting. But when he ate it, he was shocked. Because the inside rabbit meat there was vegetables and an egg mixed the vegetables. He thought it was a just normal roasted rabbit, but inside the rabbit meat was a surprise.

He satisfied with the dinner. He didn't expect that the recipe from the auction house could make a tasty food like this.

Today, he was so tired so when finished the dinner he quickly wanted to sleep.

"Mom where is my room? I want to sleep now, I am very tired today," Randy asked his mother.

"In your new building," Almira pointed to the opposite the building, "There is only two room in this restaurant. One for your mother-in-law and one is my room. I already arranged the room for you on the third floor, you can check it your self. This the key,"

Randy took the key from his mother and walked to the opposite the building.

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