Battle of Ascension

Chapter 42: [Darkness]

Chapter 42: [Darkness]

The next day, as usual, Randy and Zhen Yi set out at 5 pm to continued the training. The same as usual, Randy always got beaten black and blue though he could dodge before the spear shaft hit him.

Afterward, as usual, after got beaten black and blue, he was hunting the Demon Kolor Ijo in the outer perimeter of the ruined city. Yesterday he was hunting from the outer perimeter east gate to the north gate, so today he would hunt from the north gate to the west gate.

This was his activity for three days, training with Zhen Yi, hunting the Demon Kolor Ijo. The second day he hunting from the west gate to the south gate, the third day he hunting from the south gate to the east gate, the first gate he entered when he came to this the ruined city. Of course, he only hunting on the outer perimeter of the ruined city, he didn't dare to go deeper afraid that he would be surrounded by tons of the green monster, though he didn't know how many the number of the Demon Kolor Ijo.

He also managed to level up to Level 14 after hunting those green monsters in three days continuously and he cleared the monsters on the outer perimeter of the ruined city.

He exited the ruined city through the east gate then he looked to the sky. The sky getting darker while the sun ready to set, he walked to the Jakarta city. Furthermore, today was the auction started at 8 pm, the auction held by the East Auction House also auction for the Legendary weapon.

He got the VIP card from Isa so he could attend the auction for free. Even though he only has a few Gold but he could join the fun for free, also he wanted to see the scene of auction what looked like.

Arrived at the Monument, where the teleportation site was he could Zhen Yi already waiting for him there. She wore her helmet but Randy still could be recognized though she wore the helmet.

They walked together to the teleportation site, arrived at the East city they straight to home. Actually Randy wanted to take his new weapon at the blacksmith from the white-haired old man, he said to take the weapon after a week and now already one week.

He was so eager, wanted to take his new weapon.

"You could take it later when you leave for an auction," Zhen Yi said.

So, he and Zhen Yi straight went home. As usual, arrived home, he took a bath, followed by dinner with his parents. At 7.30 pm, he and Zhen Yi ready to leave to the East Auction House.

"Mom, Dad, you guys wanted to go to auction? I could take two people with me, maybe I could discuss with the auction house side to add one people more," Randy asked his parents if they wanted to join the auction or not.

They shook their head, indicating they didn't want. Actually, Wisen intended to join with his son and daughter-in-law but Almira glared at him. Wisen understood what Almira meant by one glance, "Let them have fun don't be the third wheel or you will sleep outside!" so Wisen shook his head when his son invited him.

Afterward, Zhen Yi and Randy departed toward East Auction house, they departed together and wore their equipment except for the helmet. Almira and Wisen looked at them with a strange gaze, "why would they wore their equipment?" this was what in their mind while looking at Randy and Zhen Yi departed.

Of course, they stopped at East Blacksmith first before they going to go to the East Auction House.

Arrived at the blacksmith, they were greeted by a muscular man with a rough voice.

"Welcome to East Blacksmith, how can I help you?"

"I wanted to take my weapon," Randy replied with a friendly smile.

"Who was make your weapon? the name of the blacksmith and the type of the weapon?" The man replied with his rough voice, he answered with a serious tone like they were talk something important. Different from the attendant he ever met.

"My weapon is a sword and I don't know the name of the blacksmith but I know his appearance, he is a white-haired old man and ..." Just he wanted to tell the appearance of the white-haired old man, the muscular man cut off his words.

"Oh, so you are the people that of my master waiting for. All right follow me," Said the muscular man expressionless.

The muscular bring them to the room where he met the white-haired old man a week ago.

"Oh, you came," After said that the white-haired old man threw a sword to Randy hand.

Randy caught the sword. The sword has a length of about 1.7 meters almost the same as his, the black-colored handle about 30 cm long and the color sheath was black, pitch black. He pulled out the sword from the sheath and the information about the sword appeared on his eyes.



Grade: Legendary

Increasing Attack by 45%

Equip Effect:

~Shatter Slash: Shattered opponent's equipment/beast or monster skin, trigger chance 5%. Requirement: Only work bellow Legendary grade equipment.

~Critical Strike: Increasing attack by 50%, trigger chance 5%.

~Fire Affinity: Enhanced fire attack by 30%.


Randy stunned, he just held the sword in his hand without moving. This was much better than the Azurewrath Saber he put at the auction house. Seeing Randy in a daze, Zhen Yi immediately took the sword from Randy hand.

The same result as Randy, she also stunned following by shocked expression on her face that her eyes almost popped out after checked the information on the sword.

The white-haired old man smiled with satisfaction when he saw the shocked Randy and Zhen Yi, he also felt proud, this is the best weapon ever he made after decades became a blacksmith.

"Here your bone," He threw [Bone of Chaos Dragon] to Randy,"I took 20 cm and used 1 m for your weapon and sheath,"

Randy nodded his head, he was satisfied with the weapon so he didn't have any complaint to the white-haired old man about the bone and how much he used. He looked the weapon that in Zhen Yi hand. Black-colored sword, pitch black yet there was light emanated from the sword, the design like katana, a Japanese sword. The sword width about 5 cm, different from what he requested but it didn't matter for him.

"Old man what does Fire Affinity mean?" Randy asked the old man, he didn't understand about the last equip effect.

"Find out yourself," A white-haired old man replied casually.

"Ugh, this old man make the weapon but doesn't explain about the weapon, so irresponsible," Randy said in his heart.

"Hey old man, could you make another weapon for me? this times is a spear, I will use this bone as material and payment like before," Randy requested to the white-haired old man because he wanted to make a weapon for Zhen Yi.

"Alright, I could make you another weapon, but you should provide the material and also just call me Old Man Bai," Old Man Bai readily agreed to what Randy requested.

"Deal. When I get the material, I will come over," Randy waved his hand and pulled Zhen Yi hand to went outside.

Meanwhile, Zhen Yi didn't hear what they just said, she just admiring the weapon in her hand in a dazed state. She awoke from her dazed state after her hand pulled by Randy. She gave back the sword to Randy. He inserted the weapon to the sheath and put on his waist, but the weapon to long for him to put on his waist so he just held the weapon on his left hand and held Zhen Yi hand with his right hand, walking toward the auction house.

Looking at Randy which walked while holding his sword in his hand with a proud expression, Zhen Yi smiled before she shook her head and said,"Just put your sword to System Storage already,"

Randy didn't listen to Zhen Yi, kept hold his sword on his hand and replied smugly,"No,"

They walked hand in hand toward East Auction House. Arrived at auction, they were greeted by Isa. He enthusiastically greeted them,"Welcome to the East Auction. Follow me, I will deliver you to your room,"

But just they walked for a few seconds, Zhen Yi stopped her footsteps, staring at four people in the front of them, one woman and three men. He also stopped and looked toward Zhen Yi looking.

"Your friend? acquaintance?" Randy asked Zhen Yi curiously.

"One friend and maybe the other three will become our enemy," Zhen Yi replied with a deep tone.

"Enemy?" A few moments later he knew why, because on their armor there was an emblem Golden Dragon, of course, the eastern dragon not the western dragon. It was an emblem for Dragon Dynasty guild.

Meanwhile, Isa didn't realize that Randy and Zhen Yi stopped, he kept walking toward the second floor while talking non-stop.

The woman turned her head back, she also looked at them, no, she didn't look at him she just looked at Zhen Yi. She smiled brightly after she noticed Zhen Yi and immediately rushed toward them.

She hugged Zhen Yi and said emotionally,"Woah, I missed you so much. I thought something happened to you,"

The three-man also followed the woman walked toward them. two of them put on an expressionless face and one always smiling.

"You should join our guild so we can contact each other, it's a privilege for the guild member. Tang Ren also here, he can invite you to join our guild," The woman continued,"You wanted to look for the auction too? you already have the ticket? If you don't have the ticket, you can join us together in a private room. Let's go," She pulled Zhen Yi hand.

But Zhen Yi didn't move when the woman pulled her. Actually, the woman already noticed that something strange with Zhen Yi when she hugged her, that was why she wanted to invite Zhen Yi to her private room. She looked back at Zhen Yi with a puzzled face.

Zhen Yi shook her head and said in a cold tone,"No, I have a private room, my husband has the VIP card for the private room,"

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