Battle of Ascension

Chapter 229: It's Time to Hunt

Chapter 229: It's Time to Hunt

With one slice, Randy cut Orphi's head. After that, he dug Orphi's heart out and poured the Blood Essence into the special vial. After pouring the blood essence, Crimson Princess' melodious voice entered his ears.

"Hey, Private Guard, let's move out from here. Why would you take the blood essence now? Just take care the spoil later, we need to move out here fast,"

Even though Crimson Princess was urging him, Randy was not in a hurry. After finishing put the blood essences into the special vial, he stored the special and Orphi's dead body to his Storage System.

"Why are you in a hurry?" Randy approached Crimson Princess.

"Tsk," Crimson Princess clicked her tongue, "What an inexperienced Private Guard. You used your roar skill, there will be more Mythical Grade Beast coming here, so it's better we quickly go from here if we don't want to get surrounded by Mythical Grade Beast,"

Crimson Princess lectured Randy, "Except, you can deal with more than 10 Mythical Grade Beasts at once, then we only need to wait here, and you face them face to face while I and Mumu will ambush them one by one,"

It was a good plan if Randy could face ten Mythical Grade Beasts at once, but after battling against Orphi earlier, he was aware it was just a suicide if he fought against ten Mythical Grade Beast at once.

As for putting the Crimson Princess as a bait, it was out of the question. He would not dare to put this princess as bait. First, she was his mission subject. He needed to get the unknown reward and complete the trial.

Second, she was a princess after all. If something bad happened to her, he would get the Crimson Cloud Kingdom. The King of the Crimson Cloud Kingdom, King Andreas was the strongest fighter, Crimson Princess Audrey's father.

The strongest fighter meant, King Andreas was stronger than the two Grand Generals and Queen Cecilia. Randy already witnessed the might of the two Grand Generals and Queen Cecilia and Randy concluded, he, the self-proclaimed strongest fighter in East City was far weaker compared to the three figures earlier.

So, putting the princess as the bait was the last thing he would do.

"All right, let's go, we will regroup with my friends," Even though he didn't know what happened to the other three of his fellow earthlings, but he could guess they would have a hard time in dealing the Mythical Grade Beast based on the Lamia's strength he faced earlier.

"But I will take my spoil first," Earlier, he killed two Nagas, and he left the dead body in the first place where he met Crimson Princess after hearing the urge from Audrey one of the Mythical Grade Beast wanted to run away.

The Mythical Grade Beast was a precious resource for him, for his guild. With the Mythical Grade Beast bloodline, it would enhance his guild's strength tremendously. So he won't leave any bloodline became wasted in the wilderness.

"I already take it in my Storage System, don't worry about it," Crimson Princess seemed annoyed by Randy who was so caring about the spoil.

"It was just a Mythical Grade Beast, what so precious about it?" Audrey mumbled.

After that, the two moved away from there. Sure enough, just after the two left, there were many silhouettes came over. There were 13 beastmen came over.

"Do you hear it? It's a Dragon Roar," A beastmen with four white feather wings and a hawk head. There were 6 of the beast with a hawk's head while the other seven beastmen had an ox's head.

"I don't expect there is a human with dragon bloodline. If I can get his heart, I'm sure I will reach the Legendary Realm," one beastmen with an ox's head said in an excited voice.

"Can you guys be more serious? The serpent team is in charge in this area has been wiped out. There are five beasts with Mythical Realm, but looks like they all die," one with the hawk's head, who was like a leader from the hawk team pointed their current problem.

"They are just a bunch of a weakling to get wiped out by a mere human," The beastmen with an ox's head scorned the serpent beastmen.

"Yes, why would we care about the weakling one? We better look for the human with that dragon bloodline. Who found that human will get the heart while the rest will share the blood," Another beastmen with an ox's head offered a plan to the others.

"Good idea. If we look at how the human could wipe out the serpent, most likely they are more than one human as they could kill five beastmen. We can't underestimate the human force, moreover, he has Dragon Bloodline,"

"We better split up in four groups and look for that human. If you found the human, don't forget to call the rest, don't act cocky to face the human forces with only three or four,"

"The distribution is like what he proposed, agree?" The beast with an ox's head which appeared to be the leader of the beastmen with an ox's head spoke up.

The leader of the beastmen with a hawk's head looked that the beast with an ox's head and his subordinate had an excited look on their face when they talked about the human with dragon bloodline.

He could only agree and follow the plan. After that, they split up into four groups. Three groups compromised 3 beastmen and one group compromised 4 beastmen with an ox's head. They split up into four directions, south, east, west, and north.

"The dragon hunting begin!"

Meanwhile, in a certain place, there were two humans grouped. One with black armor and one with crimson armor.

The person in black armor was digging out a heart from one beastmen with snake lower body while the other was watching the situation the surrounding. These two people were Crimson Princess and Randy.

After a while, Randy finished and stored two special vials to his Storage System. While Randy was taking care of the blood essence, Crimson Princess said in an excited tone, "I have a grand plan to hunt those bastards,"

"So what's the plan?" Randy asked the Crimson Princess. From the current Crimson Princess look and her excited behavior, Randy could read from her excited face had not planned to retreat or regroup with his fellow earthlings, instead, she wanted to hunt more Mythical Grade Beast.

"Of course, we will hunt those Mythical Grade Beasts. But we have to change our move, we will move secretly, and kill those beasts one by one," Crimson Princess revealed her "grand plan" which made Randy's speechless.

What the Crimson Princess told him could not be considered a plan at all. It was all the same, but they change their conspicuous move to moving secretly.

Even though she had not said it, he would move this way if he was alone. But if he could regroup with Evan, Limera, and David, then it was not a problem for them to meet 8 or even 10 Mythical Grade Beast.

"You move with your Shadow Elemental Power. When you found a group of Mythical Grade Beast, then you get back here, and the three of us will ambush them," The more Crimson Princess spoke, the more excited she became.

"But I can't hide in the shadow yet," Randy shook his head. He knew well what Crimson Princess' means, but he could not do so. He could only use Shadow Elemental Power to move within shadow in 20 meters area, but to hide in the shadow, it was still impossible for him.

"Your Shadow Elemental Power was still in Essence Realm?" Crimson Princess turned disappointed after hearing Randy could not hide in the shadow yet, but soon her face changed into confusion.

"That's not right, didn't you get 2 million Ancient Dark Energy Cores? How come your Shadow Elemental Power only at Essence Realm?"

"I haven't used the last million Ancient Dark Energy Cores. You are urging me in the morning, how can I have time to consume the energy core," This Crimson Princess really could make him left speechless.

It was clear she gave him the energy cores this morning, also this morning she was urging him to wake up and join the war.

"Then consume it now! I will keep in watch for you,"

Even though Crimson Princess didn't order him to; he would consume the Dark Energy Core. If what the Crimson Princess told him was right, then if he was alone he could ambush the Mythical Grade Beast one by one.

Currently, his Shadow Elemental Power was in level 8 and he needed 25600 Ancient Dark Energy Cores to reach level 9 and 51200 Dark Energy Cores to reach level 10.

Looking at the Energy Core which he absorbed, Randy realized how important these Energy Cores, especially for the people on Earth and his Guild. Even though he still didn't know how to get the Elemental Seed, but the energy core needed to enhance the Elemental Power was enormous.

'I shall get more energy core, and bring it back,' Randy thought silently as he consumed the million Dark Energy Core.

After 10 minutes, Randy consumed 102400 Dark Energy Cores and his Shadow Elemental Power evolved.

Level 1 (0/100%) [Innate Dark Core (Shadow)]

But Randy didn't stop, he kept consuming more Dark Energy Cores until his Shadow Elemental Power until level 3.

"It's time to hunt,"

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