Battle of Ascension

Chapter 205: Boosting Morale

Chapter 205: Boosting Morale

The third day of the war, 9 am. The First Army prepared to clash against the fourteenth wave of the beast horde. Randy noticed there was an uneasiness from the soldier's face while Randy was not clueless about this.

Randy could guess what they were worrying. First, yesterday, after the Second Army suffered big casualties, over ten thousand.

Second, the strangeness of the beast horde. It said the Crimson Cloud Kingdom already war against the beast kingdom for a century, the biggest war was forty years ago with the Crimson Cloud Kingdom's army as the winner.

The long-lasted war between the two beast kingdoms and Crimson Cloud King made the lush Elingdon Plain became barren land, people from the Crimson Cloud Kingdom called it the abandoned land.

But in the last century, the two beast kingdoms of Underworld Faction never sent over ten waves of the beast horde. It recorded ten waves of the beast horde was the most. Usually, after the ten waves, the beast kingdom would send the main army to launch an attack.

Also, those ten waves of the beast horde launched in the war forty years ago, the biggest war between Underworld Faction and the Crimson Cloud Kingdom. Even though the Crimson Cloud Kingdom won at that time, but they were paying a hefty price for that.

From 200.000 soldiers in Blazing Cloud Battalion, three-quarter of it died in the battle. Only left with 50.000 soldiers. Not only that but from other battalions also lost much more than the Blazing Cloud Battalion.

The total casualties in that war on the Crimson Cloud Kingdom were about a million soldiers. Comparing the history and the current war, uneasiness appeared inside them.

The biggest war in the history, the beast kingdom sent ten waves of beast horde. But now the beast kingdom sent over ten waves and this morning was the fourteenth wave of the beast horde arrived. From here on, the soldier realized that the current war would become even bigger than the war forty years ago.

Even though they were fearless and proud to go war for their own kingdom, nevertheless, they would also grow restless after knowing what was waiting for them.

But different from what Randy thought. The news another wave of beast horde made him simply delighted. Even though he felt pity for the people and the soldiers in the Crimson Cloud Kingdom, nevertheless it was their own responsibility to protect their own kingdom.


A horn sounded in the camp, indicating for the First Army to get ready. But this time, the sound of the horn was longer than the previous one. After the horn sounded, the Blazing Cloud Battalion was back to the camp.

Different from the Border Army which was growing restless, the soldiers in Blazing Cloud Battalion had the same atmosphere like yesterday, wild and bloodthirsty aura was still lingering around them.

It was the news of over ten waves of the beast horde was coming didn't affect soldiers in Blazing Cloud Battalion in the slightest.

"Indeed, the mighty Blazing Cloud Battalion," Randy muttered in a low voice as he looked the Blazing Cloud Battalion.

Even some soldiers in the Vanguard Battalion affected after hearing the news there was another wave was coming.

After the Blazing Cloud Battalion came back to the camp, it was the First Army turn. Just as Randy came out from the camp, he noticed 15 miles ahead of him, there were some towering figures in the beast horde.

'A bigger beast finally came out,'

Not only Randy noticed this, but the soldiers also noticed the big beast in the beast horde. The big beast presence made the soldiers grew more uneasy.

"One, two, three twenty-one," Randy counted the big beast in the beast horde in a low voice.

'I will take care that big beast first then,' Thought Randy as he looked at the restless and nervousness in his comrades' eyes.

Even though he was not the Crimson Cloud Kingdom people, but the Crimson Cloud Kingdom's fate intertwined with his mission. So giving them some help them and boosted their morale by killing those big beasts already the biggest help he could give.

Just as he thought was wandering around, suddenly there was a roar originated from General Nicholas.


The soldiers stunned, likewise Randy. The roar had the same effect with his Dragon Roar, but the roar was different with Dragon Roar. It was not Dragon Roar, but he didn't know what beast roar it was.

Just as he guessed in his mind what beast roar it was, the answer came from General Nicholas mouth.

"Good, finally you guys calm down," General Nicholas chuckled as he scanned the First Army, he had a friendly smile plastered on his face.

"The roar just now is my skill, it's called Lion Roar," General Nicholas declared, he had still his friendly smile, "So don't worry about the clash later, I will protect each, my soldier, my people, I will do my utmost for this war to protect my men,"

Even though General's voice was not loud, but his voice echoed into whole soldiers, not only Vanguard Battalion, his voice echoed to the Border Army as well.

But his face changed 180 degrees after he said those words. He changed into stern and solemn look before saying his speech, "I, Nicholas Belmont Augustus, but become a soldier to protect my kingdom! I become a soldier to protect my home! To protect my family! To protect my closest! To protect my beloved one!"

"I don't know what your purpose become a soldier, but I am here to protect the land behind this wall, but I wear this armor to protect the people behind this wall, but I raise my spear to protect the kids behind this wall," With his solemn look, General Nicholas raised his spear toward the huge steel wall behind the First Army. From his voice, General Nicholas showed the grandeur of a General.

"So what your purpose here? Is it to protect your land?--- Is it to protect your closest?--- Is it to protect your child?--- Is it to gain an honor?--- Is it to gain money?" General Nicholas aimed his halberd from the Border Army in the left plank to the Vanguard Battalion in the middle then lastly he pointed his halberd to the Border Army in the right flank.

"Whatever your purpose is, but we have the same duty! It's killing those lowly beasts! Keep them away from this wall!" General Nicholas said in the deafening roar as he aimed his halberd toward the beast horde behind him, "Don't Fret! Don't get scared! Don't put an unnecessary worry into your heart! Don't waver!"

"If YOU! The soldiers, which is supposed to protect the people behind this wall collapsed before even the war started. Then what about your purpose come here? Then what happen about your wife and child which is behind this wall? Do you want them to get dismembered by those lowly beasts?" General Nicholas aimed his halberd toward the huge steel wall again before pointed his halberd back to the beast horde.

Hearing the long speech from the General of Vanguard Battalion, the soldiers fell silent. But the atmosphere changed. Earlier, the restless and uneasy looked apparent on their face, but now the restless and uneasy change into confidence and firm look.

Earlier, the soldiers' eyes were listless and full of worry, but after hearing General Nicholas's words, the listless and worry eyes changed into full of spirit.

Randy noticed this abrupt change, but not only him. General Nicholas also noticed the changed atmosphere.

General Nicholas scanned every soldier before raising his halberd upward, "If you are with me, THEN LIFT YOUR HEAD UP ALONG WITH YOUR WEAPON AND LETS WE SMASH THOSE BEASTS!"

After General Nicholas finished his words, Randy looked at his fellow earthlings who were beside him before saying in a low voice, "Lets we help these crimson people and kill those huge beasts. Even though they are hateful, but if they are collapsed in this war, we are gonna have a hard time to finish our mission,"

The tree tilted their heads before nodding to Randy, agreeing what he proposed. But suddenly Crimson Princess joined in and said in displeasure, "Hey! What do you mean by saying crimson people is hateful?"

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