Battle of Ascension

Chapter 201: Blazing Cloud Battalion

Chapter 201: Blazing Cloud Battalion

The second day of the war in Elingdon Plain, 7 AM. This morning, it was the first army under the lead of Vanguard Battalion which was in charge to clash with the sixth wave of the beast horde.

Yes, it was the sixth wave. Last night, Blazing Cloud Battalion was defending the border wall against three waves of beast horde which shocked the whole camp, with no casualties at that.

Randy didn't expect the Blazing Cloud Battalion was this strong. Even though he didn't how strong each soldier in Blazing Cloud Battalion, but from this event, somehow, he guessed each soldier in Blazing Cloud Battalion was about the same as him? or even higher? He didn't know what the level of the soldier in Blazing Cloud Battalion, but fought for ten hours non-stop, it was a bit unbelievable.

He too could do the same, but he had Chaos Dragon Bloodline and had a monstrous stat. Then what about the Blazing Cloud Battalion?

'Don't tell me each soldier of the Blazing Cloud Battalion is about the same as him?' Randy thought which was unbelievable for him.

Just as he thought about this, Shana's melodious voice interjected, "It doesn't mean they have the same grade bloodline as you, but it's their level. If they were 100 or even 200 levels higher than you? Isn't it would make the soldier in the Blazing Cloud Battalion have the same stat as you?"

Randy didn't know if it was Shana's ability to read his mind, or not. But lately, she seemed to be able to read his mind. Even without him told her anything, she would clear the doubt in his mind.

But hearing the soldier in Blazing Cloud Battalion had 100 or 200 levels higher, it shocked him. Indeed, if what Shana said was right, then it each soldier would have the same stat as him, but it just hard to believe.

Even though he knew nothing about Ascension World; he regarded this world was the same as Earth. But after hearing Shana's words, he found a clue regarding Ascension World.

If What Shana said was right, then the first possibility was the Battle of Ascension started earlier than Earth. It would explain about the soldier's level which was 100 or 200 levels higher than him.

The second possibility seemed absurd, but he could not but guessed toward this way. The fact Ascension World higher world or maybe the Ascension World was the destination from the Battle of Ascension.

But he was more inclined to the first possibility as the second possibility was his absurd thought.

'If only I can use Detection skill on them,' Thought Randy as he curious behind the strength of the soldier in Blazing Cloud Battalion.

If he could use Detection skill, then he would know if what Shana said was right or not. He tried to use Detection skill but failed.

"Nah Uncle, you can use Detection skill on them if your Detection skill evolves to Master Detection, but the information given by the skill is limited to a level only," Shana's voice interjected again.

"Shana, you can read my mind?" Randy blurted out.

This was already the nth times. He was sure Shana could read his mind now. But Shana only smiled at him, refusing to answer.

'Ugh!? It looks like she really can read my mind,'

Just as he was feeling frustrated about Shana which could read his mind, a horn sounded in the whole camp, indicating the switch between the Blazing Cloud Battalion and the first army.

Afterward, the gate opened and Blazing Cloud Battalion came back to the camp. Each of the soldier of the Blazing Cloud Battalion was wearing a heavy crimson armor with cloud image on their shield and back. That cloud was the emblem of the Crimson Cloud Kingdom.

Randy curious about the mighty Blazing Cloud Battalion, he came over to check. Each soldier of Blazing Cloud Battalion excluded wild and bloodthirsty aura which the soldier in Vanguard Battalion didn't have. Even the serious Rosikh was looking at the Blazing Cloud Kingdom with adoration and admiration.

Randy looked at the Blazing Cloud Battalion with curious before hearing an annoyed voice from his back.

"Hey, you peasant! step aside! you are blocking me!"

Randy turned his head and found it was his vice-captain. Ronmald Slavitore Ardon, the oldest son of the head family of Ardon Family. His father was Viscount, one of Major General in the first army, but he was not the Major General of the Vanguard Battalion, but the Major General of the border army.

Apparently, he was idolizing the Blazing Cloud Kingdom too, but Randy blocked his sight because he was shorter than Randy. The 1.83 meters Randy, blocked the 1.7 meters Ronmald to see the return of Blazing Cloud Kingdom.

Randy annoyed by this shitty noble attitude, but he reminded himself to be patient for his mission. Even though Viscount was rather low, but still, he was a noble from the Crimson Cloud Kingdom. If he thrashed this Ronmald, he would attract the unwanted trouble.

'I hope, I won't get teleport back directly after I complete my mission so I can thrash this shitty noble,'

"Oh, it's vice-captain," Randy faked his smile while nodding his head before giving a way for Roanmald.

Looking at the submissive Randy, Ronmald also could not find fault at him anymore. He ignored Randy and step forward to look at this idol.

Randy came over because he curious about the mighty Blazing Cloud Battalion, after seeing it and the nuisance from the vice-captain, Randy went back to his camp.

Randy began equipping himself, he even didn't forget to wear the black cloak with the smiling emoji on it.

Even though it was lame, nevertheless Happy Guild was his guild, and he was the leader. Also, now he felt less repulsive for wearing this black cloak.

Just as he finished, he heard another horn. It was the sign for the first army gathered. Randy immediately ran straight to where the Vanguard Battalion gathered.

On the way there, many people looked at him with an odd gaze. Randy joined the Rosikh's squad while his fellow earthlings arrived earlier than him. After the Vanguard Battalion assembled, they moved toward the Elingdon Plain.

Across them, another beast horde already gathered there. After looking the beast horde, the cheerful princess became excited again. But today, not only the princess but Randy was also getting excited.

'But it's a pity the beasts in beast horde are different, I can't get any title from killing them,'

He noticed that yesterday, the beasts in beast horde were different. There was a wolf, cow, bison, deer, ape, a big cat, even a giant mouse, and more. But that was it, he got nothing except EXP from killing them.

As for the carcasses were taken by the scavenger. Scavenger was another division in Crimson Cloud Kingdom's army, their duty was to take the beast carcasses, and collected the corpse of Crimson Cloud Kingdom's army.

Soon, the ground vibrate as the beast horde rushed forward.


Without waiting for the General's order, Crimson Princess charged forward which shocked them. Even Randy stunned for a while before giving a chase after the Crimson Princess.

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