Battle of Ascension

Chapter 197: Bloodline Awakening (1)

Chapter 197: Bloodline Awakening (1)

The first clash between the Crimson Cloud Kingdom and Underworld Faction lasted for five hours before finally ended with Crimson Cloud Kingdom's army left in the Elingdon Plain.

Countless beast carcasses scattered on the ground, blood splattered, and the brown barren land of Elingdon Plain changed into red blood land as the beast blood painted over the barren land.

Crimson Cloud Kingdom's army crushed over Underworld Faction's beast horde. a hundred and twenty hundred thousands army crushed over million horde beast.

Meanwhile, at the very front of the Vanguard Battalion. There were two people gasped for breath, a woman with crimson armor and a man with black armor were panting heavily. These two were madman within the Vanguard Battalion, Audrey Dominica Lynch and Randy Christian, a princess and her private guard.

Audrey stood up while holding onto her spear to support her while Randy stood still despite panting heavily.

"Not bad. Now, you are fitting to become This Princess' private guard. Follow me! I won't treat you unjustly," Audrey patted Randy's right shoulder with her left hand while her right hand held onto her spear; it was like she would fall any moment if she released the grip.

Hearing Audrey's words, Randy rolled his eyes at her as he took out another Stamina Potion before chugging it down in one gulp.

Looking at Randy which was drinking the Stamina Potion, Audrey could not help but ask him, "Hey, give me one too! You are my private guard, so what is yours, it's mine too!"

Randy left speechless by Audrey's remark, but he didn't get angry, instead, he made an evil smile, "Then, it's mean my pant is your pants too? Then, it's mean my body is yours too?"

Before even Audrey answered, Randy brought his head closer to Audrey before whispering to here, "Then, it's mean"

After whispering something to her, Randy tossed a Stamina Potion to her, leaving the blushed princess rooted there before going back to his squad.

"Hmph, I was just praising him a little, and he dared to take advantage of me? Hmph, I will "torture" him later," Audrey snorted at Randy's back before drinking the Stamina Potion.

Meanwhile, after the war ended, the Vanguard Battalion was grouping back to count the casualty, but to his surprise, there was no casualty on Crimson Cloud Kingdom's army. Despite facing over a million beasts, the worst case was a heavy injured which had been healed with Healing Potion.

'That's why that girl didn't have any worry in the slightest,'

Randy came into a sudden realization as he looked at the neatly lining up Vanguard Battalion and unknown battalion behind him.

'But this is good news for me, at least the trial mission is not that hard,'

With the current power of Crimson Cloud Kingdom, he was sure there would be no problem with the Crimson Princess' safety. At least it was what he thought until a beast horde appeared again at the same place.

But the beast horde only stopped across them, about 50 miles away from the border wall. He thought there would be another clash, but the General ordered them to enter the border gate which surprised him again.

Soon, he understood what the General meant was; it was to let them take a rest while another 200.000 troops were replacing them. The force stationed in the north was about 300.000 troops, which was the most troops compared in other borders because the north border was often war as the most forces in the north were hostile to the Crimson Cloud Kingdom.

Anyway, the mischievous princess told him Underworld Faction consisted of one human kingdom, two beast kingdoms, one demon empire, and a monster kingdom.

"But even though they are in the same faction, it doesn't mean they have a good relation. Even it can be said they are guarding each other rather than united as one. They created Underworld Faction is just to guard their back each other and expand their territory,"

"After creating the Underworld Faction, human kingdom expanded to the east, devil kingdom to the north, demon empire to the west, and the two beast kingdoms are expanded to the south, to the Crimson Cloud Kingdom,"

Rosikh added more detail after Audrey finished her words.

"Basically, they are making a treaty to not attack each other and expand their territory despite not having a good relationship. With this, they can focus the army to expand without need to fear attack from behind,"

After the first clash in the afternoon, the General ordered them to get rest and get ready at night. Rosikh told them there would be more beast horde later, at least five to ten waves of beast horde would come later.

Because the order was to rest, so Randy, Evan, David, Limera, and Rosikh were resting in one camp, even Audrey joined them in one camp with the reason her private guard was here.

But because of her, they got a bigger and luxurious camp as the Crimson Princess with them. So, the five no need to stuff themselves with a small camp which was barely enough for five people.

Hearing there would another wave of beast horde coming, Randy puzzled. If there would be another five to ten waves of beast horde, instead of dividing the force in five or ten waves, why didn't they attack the Crimson Cloud Kingdom at once?

If the over ten million beasts were attacking at once, even it was only Common and Uncommon grade, the chance of breaking the Crimson Cloud Kingdom's army defense was higher rather than dividing into five or ten waves.

Randy asked Rosikh and Audrey but Rosikh only gave him a calm and collected look while Audrey was smiling brightly at him, giving him no answer.

Just as he wanted to ask more, he heard Shana's melodious voice, "Uncle, rather than worrying about the Crimson Cloud Kingdom, you shall worry for yourself. You already passed level 100, there will be a Bloodline Awakening, and the pain you will receive in awakening is much greater than integrating bloodline,"

Randy fell silent after hearing the sudden information. Indeed, the war earlier gave him a lot of EXP. He leveled up for six levels, now he was in level 103, but he knew nothing about the Bloodline Awakening as his damn AI told nothing about this.

Seeming to be able to read Randy's mind, Shana pouted, "It's not that I don't want to tell you early, but I can't. Actually, I will tell you when you reach level 99, but you are in the war, will you listen to me if I told you back then?"

Randy stumped, indeed, if she told him that in the war, he would ignore her.

The other five noticed Randy fell into a daze, the five looked at Randy with a curious, wondering what happened to Randy.

"Nah, it's okay. I will move into my camp," Randy waved his hand before coming out from the princess' luxurious camp.

When he was outside, he could hear Audrey's voice was complaining about him about not being responsible as a private guard.

Randy planted his own tent right beside the princess' camp, his camp was safe, also his camp was soundproof which let him with ease. Entering his camp, he asked Shana, "Elaborate me more about the Bloodline Awakening,"

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