Battle of Ascension

Chapter 180: 17th Day - Skeleton Army

Chapter 180: 17th Day - Skeleton Army

After stepping into Malang Territory, Randy set up his tent. He neither continue the journey nor he would hunt in the night. He checked the map and estimated he would reach where the Ascension Chest's located was, tomorrow.

After setting up his tent and planted the repellent sphere. He was scouting ahead about five miles area, preparing what he would face tomorrow. But to his surprise, he didn't find any beast or monster in the five miles square area which was odd.

He asked Shana, but she knew nothing about it, she also puzzled why there was no beast in the five miles area.

Malang Territory was like a jungle, trees everywhere. But the trees in the Malang territory differed from the trees in other territories. All tree was black in color, from the leaves, branches, trunk, and the root.

The tree was about five to ten meters high. He was wondering the inhabitant in Malang Territory was the tree monster, but it was not. The tree was a normal tree as he already used Detection on it and the tree name was Black Wood. There was no special use.

Because of the Black Wood, Malang Territory was gloomy but not eerie as it was different from Bandung Territory.

After wandering for an hour, there was no clue as for why there was no beast or monster here. After that, he decided to go back for dinner and tossed back his thought about that.

He ate his dinner before going to sleep. Even though he wanted to hunt, he could not as there was no beast or monster could be hunted.

'If there's no beast or monster here, then it would be good for me as tomorrow, and my journey tomorrow will be smooth,'

It was what Randy thought before sleeping. He would take the positive one and tossed back what puzzled him.

The next morning, he woke up at seven. He packed up his futon before going out of the tent. Just as he came out of the tent, he was stupefied with the scene outside the mist of repellent sphere.

He was being surrounded by skeleton? But what surprised him was not this, but these skeletons were lining up, surrounding the mist with a spear in its hand.

Over a hundred or maybe thousand skeletons were lining up like an army and surround the repellent sphere's mist. Maybe it was because of his repellent sphere which prevented this skeleton.

As the skeleton could not come in, Randy used this chance to use his Detection skill. Yet it was another surprise to him as the level skeleton was low.


[White Skeleton] (Soldier)

Grade: Uncommon Undead

Level: 72


'This is a bit weird. Last night, I scouted around five miles area but found nothing, but in the morning these skeletons surrounded me. Also, these skeletons level is too low compared to the beast in beforehand territory,'

"Shana, what's this? How come there are many skeletons here? Also, isn't this skeleton's level is too low?" Randy asked Shana while taking out a Silver Wolf for his breakfast.

Because of the repellent sphere, the skeleton could not get into the mist. With that, he prepared his breakfast under the watch of the skeleton.

Based on what he knew, the Uncommon grade monster or beast had low intelligence. So, there must be a higher level monster which commanded this Uncommon White Skeleton to besieged his mist.

"Hmm, maybe this is an undead army. The undead army which is formed by a high level and high-grade undead. I'm not sure too," Shana looked carefully at the skeleton which surrounded them.

"But based on how these skeletons neatly line up. I'm sure, about eighty percent, this is an undead army,"

Randy roasted the whole wolf while listening to Shana's explanation, "Is it the Territory King? The one who is leading this army?"

"Yup, it's indeed Territory King, but The leader of this skeleton army is far much smarter, higher in grade and level compared to the Territory King you killed before. At least the leader is at Emperor Grade, the same the Territory King of Semarang Territory which chased after you a few days ago," At first she told him in an earnest expression, but later, she giggled after saying he was chased by the Territory King of Semarang Territory.

"But the Territory King of the Semarang Territory doesn't build its army," Randy ignored her giggle and asked the main point.

The Territory King of Semarang Territory was Emperor Grade Elemental, but it didn't have its own army like what Shana said. If it had its own army, maybe he would die for sure in the Semarang Territory.

Hearing Randy's words, Shana shook her head, and explained with a serious expression like a teacher, "Even though that is an Emperor Grade Elemental, it's just only an elemental. Elemental has no intelligence, except the Legendary Grade Elemental or above,"

If Shana said this was the skeleton army, then there must be a leader among them. So, it made sense why these White Skeleton surrounded him despite he had a repellent sphere. It was because there was an order from the leader.

Even so, there was no need for him to worry as the skeleton was the low-level one. He savored the wolf while listening to Shana.

"Basically, it's the same as the human. Beast and monster build their own force to conquer the territory after territory to evolve become stronger by using available resources in each territory,"

"Also, just know when you used Detection skill on the skeleton, there is a soldier beside its name right? It's a rank in the army. Look there!" Shana pointed her tiny finger toward ten blue skeletons which were just arrived.

Randy also noticed the blue skeleton. Besides the color, the different blue and white skeleton were the blue skeletons was wearing armor while the white skeleton was not.

It was only armor for its upper body though. Also, the weapon the blue skeleton used was different, it used a saber which hung on its waist and there was a black buckler on its left hand. Not only that, the blue skeleton was feet higher than the white skeleton.

"Try to use the Detection skill on it!" Said Shana as she looked at the blue skeleton.

Randy did what Shana said, he used Detection skill on the blue skeleton.


[Blue Skeleton] (Captain)

Grade: Rare Undead

Level: 92


"That captain is the rank of the skeleton in army and captain is leading a hundred of the normal soldier, White Skeleton. Above captain, it was Skeleton General, and it's leading ten Blue Skeleton and a thousand White Skeletons. The last is Skeleton Commander, it's leading a battalion of the skeleton army"

Shana explained about the skeleton army with a great detail while he was eating his breakfast.

Besides the army, there were Skeleton Knight, Skeleton Assassin, and the Skeleton Rider. Shana explained thoroughly with a great detail about the rank of Skeleton Knight, Assassin, and Rider.

The Skeleton Rider had the same system as the Skeleton Army, but it was only limited to general. There was no commander in Skeleton Ride.

As for the Skeleton Knight and Skeleton Assassin, they were divided by four ranks. Copper, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The copper rank was the weakest while the gold rank was the strongest.

Also, Shana reminded him that there was a possibility the Gold Rank Skeleton Knight and Skeleton Assassin were King Grade Undead, so Shana told him to not underestimate this Skeleton Army.

After Shana finished her explanation, Randy already finished his breakfast.

"So this army purpose is to conquer the territory?" Based on what Shana told him then later his guild would wage a war with this skeleton army sooner or later.

"Yup, but this is not the scariest thing of this army. The scariest thing is their leader, the Emperor Grade Undead or above. If the leader is smart enough, he will subdue the Territory King in each territory with its army and use it to face your race, human," Shana explained with a solemn expression.

"Eh!? They are only targeting human?" Randy stupefied by Shana's words.

Shana shook her head, "Of course not, they also fight each other between their own kind or other armies. But it's rare to happen, so the only obstacle to conquer the territory is your race,"

Randy nodded his head, "I will ignore this skeleton, for now, my purpose to get the Ascension Chest as soon as possible,"

"Don't underestimate them, uncle, there must Skeleton Assassin behind this army. You should be careful," Shana reminded Randy again.

"All right!" After that Randy took out the repellent sphere. The mist dispersed and the White Skeleton army advanced toward him.

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