Battle of Ascension

Chapter 151: What? Twelve?

Chapter 151: What? Twelve?

Randy came out after stripped the wolf's hide and cut its belly to clean out the inside wolf. He already gave the sword but none of the girls could use the sword. So, he did the odd job while the girls preparing the ingredient for cooking the wolf's meat.

Zhen Yi also tagged along with him. While waiting for Mika and the other finished cooking, Randy called Udin and Gusti. Earlier, when he got to there, there were many Garuda's members were getting injured. He was not sure if there Garuda's member which dead.

Randy and Zhen Yi headed toward Happy Guild's headquarters which besides the Happy Restaurant. He already sent a message to Udin and within a few seconds, he got the reply.

Udin said he and Garuda were on the third floor Happy Guild's headquarters.

Arriving on the third floor, Randy saw Udin, Gusti, and Garuda's member gathered there. The atmosphere was gloomy. There was no sound which usually the atmosphere was carefree and cheerful, now quiet.

Garuda's members lowered their head, looking down. There were trace sorrow and sad on Udin and Gusti's expression.

Randy's heart grew cold as he looking at the situation. He could not help but guess the worst case. There was a member of Garuda died in the fight.

'One or two? Or maybe more than three?'

Randy's thought wondered as he walked closer. Zhen Yi followed behind him, she also noticed the gloomy aura which filled on the third floor.

"Boss!" "Boss!"

Udin and Gusti noticed Randy and Zhen Yi were coming. They stood immediately greeted him. The Garuda's members also stood as they heard Udin and Gusti called the boss.

Even though they stood, they still lowered their head, didn't dare to look at Randy directly.

Randy actually wanted to ask Udin and Gusti directly as he met them. But Looking at the gloomy Garuda's members, he canceled it.

Randy let out a heavy sigh and pointed his finger to the top. He didn't want to discuss here, less the Garuda's member became even more gloomy and depressed. He was not sure if there were Garuda's members though.

Udin and Gusti followed Randy to the upstairs while the Garuda's members kept standing on the third floor.

Randy didn't stop on the fourth floor and went straight to the fifth floor.

On the fifth floor, the private office for the guild leader of Happy Guild. This was the first time for Randy to enter his private office. There were an exquisite wooden table and a chair behind the table in the middle of the end of the room.

Three meters from the exquisite table, there was two couches and a small table between the two couches. Randy immediately took a seat at the couch on the right, likewise for Zhen Yi as she sat beside Randy.

After Randy sat on the couch, Udin and Gusti were still standing with their head lowered, looking down. Randy made a simple hand gesture, letting both to sit. But both were shaking their head.

"Boss, I'm sorry!" "Boss, I'm sorry!"

Udin and Gusti said simultaneously instead of sitting.

"All right, sit first then we talk," Randy just accepted what their sorry. He knew how stubborn both were.

Afterward, both sit in the opposite of Randy. Just as both took a seat, Udin said, "Boss, we"

But Randy cut off his words and said, "All right, talk it later. The most important thing is about Garuda. Are there casualties in Garuda's members?"

Randy immediately asked this. He knew what Udin wanted to tell him. Udin wanted to tell him why they were hunting in Bogor Territory and told him how they met the Territory King. But what in Randy's mind was not about it but about Garuda's members.

Zhen Yi only gave the healing potion to one of Garuda's members to heal the injured Garuda's members. So she didn't know if there were casualties or not.

"There are twelve" Before Udin finished his words, Randy shocked and instantly rose from the coach.

"What? Twelve?" Even though he already prepared for the worst, but he didn't think the casualties were more than he guessed.

Afterward, Randy slumped on the couch as guilt and sorrow attacked him after the initial shock.

Even though he didn't have a deep tie between him and Garuda's members but still

Looking at the stress and the sorrow in Randy's expression, it made Udin and Gusti lowered their head even more and didn't dare to look at Randy's eyes directly as they felt even more gloomy.

Between the four, only Zhen Yi who kept her calm. She was even more speechless by what Randy's thought. She guessed that Randy thought the twelve were the people who died, but she didn't think so.

Even though she didn't treat the Garuda's member directly. But she counted the Garuda's member who was getting heavy injured was less than twenty. Also, when she arrived he already handed the rare healing potion.

She was sure even though there were Garuda's members which died, the number was not over than five people.

"Continue!" Zhen Yi's voice rang inside the room. She was sure the twelve were not Garuda's members died.

Udin and Gusti lifted their head up, looking at Zhen Yi before turned to Randy. Randy waved his hand, indicating for them to continue.

Even though he could a human with his hand, but hearing that there were twelve people died from his guild member was still hard to accept for him. But eventually, he should face it with his head up and bear the responsibility as the guild leader.

"There are twelve people become disabled because of the wolf's attack. Now, they are in"

Again, even before Udin finished his words, Randy rose from his seat and gripped Udin's shoulders.

"Disabled? Not" died? He realized that his words were inappropriate to say it out, and he didn't finish it.

Zhen Yi annoyed by Randy and could not help but rebuke him, "Can you just sit down and listen to his words until finish?"

Randy didn't mind his wife's words. Hearing it was disabled and not died, the weight on his heart and shoulders relieved. Finally, he could relax. He slumped to the couch again and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

"Yeah, twelve people are disabled, Primeval Nether Wolf tore their feet or hands. Now, they are in their own house. Also, there are fourteen people recuperated as they got heavy injured. At least needs a day to recover as Lady Boss already gave the rare grade healing potion,"

Udin finally finished his word. After that, he kept looking at Randy's reaction, but he felt weird. Randy looked like didn't feel depressed at the disabled Garuda's members which made his heart tightened.

Instead of depressed or at least put a show that he was feeling bad for the disabled Garuda's members, Randy was relaxing as it was good news for him that twelve disabled.

'Is it because of the morning incident?'

Udin believed Randy's character was not bad, but now

"It's good that no one died," Randy rubbed his chest as he relieved that no one died. As why he put no concern to the twelve disabled was because it was easy to solve for him.

"All right, here twelve million. You take the twelve to the Potion Shop at East City and buy the Regeneration Potion for them," Without hesitation, Randy took out twelve million gold note and gave it to Udin.

Regeneration Potion was a potion that could regenerate the lost limb or the lost part of the human body as long as the person still alive. Also, to buy the Regeneration Potion there was a certain rule that must be followed before could buy the potion.

If they wanted to buy the Regeneration Potion, they must bring the people there and drank the potion in the spot. Randy wanted to buy the potion in bulk just in case, but the manager said he could not and told him the rule to buy the Regeneration Potion.

That was why he asked Udin and Gusti to bring the twelve to the Potion Shop.

Udin and Gusti dumbfounded as Randy gave them twelve million with ease. Even though both now Randy was rich, but both didn't expect Randy just gave the twelve million without hesitation despite Garuda's members became spies for other guilds.

That was why from the start Udin and Gusti felt gloomy, likewise the other Garuda's members. Both were afraid if Randy didn't want to take out the twelve million after the morning incident.

But now, the Boss didn't even put any condition or said he was borrowing it to them. he was simply given the twelve million with no condition.

Twelve million was not a small number even for a big guild like Dragon Dynasty and Eternal Shogunate. But the Boss

Udin and Gusti's thought ran a wild, Randy urged both with a calm tone, "Why are you in a daze? Go take the gold note and buy the potion!"

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